Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Owning Both Spiritual and Human

"When we become so abstract in our experience that the physical realm
becomes secondary, we dangerously dismiss and detach from our earth,
our ecosystems, our fellow humans, ourselves."  Sarah Smarsh 

We are drawn to spiritual realms to explore intimacy with the Divine; however, it is necessary for our daily lives to create a balance with enriched human experiences.   If we become withdrawn spiritually, we are escaping the reason for being present on earth ... to embrace the human experience.

The bliss offered to us through deep meditation allows us to temporarily escape the stresses of our reality.  Through serious contemplation or specific prayer, we are lifted from our immediate situation.  The spiritual realm is not meant to be an encompassing escape from daily life.

Ideally, we will discover and implement our spiritual beliefs into our human activities.  As we interact with the daily grind, we will strive to display spiritual behavior and conversations.  To be spiritual allows us to bring compassion and respect into a diverse world of humans, all created by the Divine Spirit, Universe, or Source we deem as our God.

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