Monday, July 31, 2023

Sweet Jesus ...

"Every day people are staying away from the church
and going back to God."
Lenny Bruce

Jesus the Christ encouraged both men and women to prosper and grow. I don't remember reading about him telling women to be subservient nor men to be dominant control freaks. I thought he was encouraging us to be loving and kind as equals to one and other. He went out of his way to engage with all peoples without condemnation. 

There doesn't seem to be any documentation that Jesus the Christ insisted upon others to be a certain way, whether male or female. If anything, he encouraged each of us to heighten our authentic gifts and to return to our natural state of loving kindness. He encouraged both men and women to serve each other, not cast stones.

I don't remember Jesus the Christ taking money to build personal shrines and kicking the poor aside. His focus was clearly upon each individual, helping them to rise and shine, just as he did. God is not dead, but the image forced upon us is in question. Children of God are leaving patriarchal institutions to realign with a deeper spiritual connection.


Sunday, July 30, 2023

"Loud Voices, Bold Opinions, and Strong Feelings"

"When we are little girls, our families, teachers, and peers
insist that our loud voices, bold opinions, and strong feelings
are 'too much' and unladylike, so we learn not to trust our personalities."
Glennon Doyle

The story of Little Red Riding Hood encouraged me to wait for the hunter who would come to rescue me from the monster in the bed. There were several hunters who presumably saved me, but this only led me farther from my intended self. Ultimately, I was the only person who could create safe passage out of the darkness, but that would take years.

With praise, I salute parents who are now telling boys it is okay to be artsy or emotional, and girls to bravely follow curiosity. Adults are finally opening their eyes to become aware of predators their children self-report. Nurturing the wisdom children bring into this earthly existence will strengthen all of us.

As this newer generation thrives, less attention can be given to false body images, and beauty enhancements.  Restrictive legal or political judgments can now be challenged and bring freedom to govern our own bodies. Instead of pressure to attain false projections, energies can be invested in the unwrapping of the gifts within the soul.


Saturday, July 29, 2023


"The most satisfying thing in life is to have been able
to give a large part of one's self to others."
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Numerous situations are out of our control and we may be constricted by our ability to address presenting issues. We may not be lucrative enough to bail someone out or not know influential people to intervene. What we do have, however, are endless personal abilities to creatively reach out and assist.

Rather than remaining remorseful about what we cannot do, we can explore options of how we can respond.  We can donate  anonymously or physically engage. If our heart hurts for people suffering in other countries, we can choose to help locals who are also facing unfortunate decline. There are diverse community opportunities for volunteering. 

There is much to be said about the power of love, light, and prayer. Sitting quietly in a meditative state, we can visualize others, covering them with confidence, courage, and correction. This contribution has been noted to be extremely valuable. By offering what is available to us, we empower others, while strengthening ourselves as well.


Friday, July 28, 2023

Holy Shoes

"We often seek to receive the blessing of another
because somehow we feel that our own soul print
is incomplete, that our own story is not enough."
Marc Gafni

The way we live our lives is often a projection of who we think we should be, rather than how we truly are. Our soul print is shadowed during our search for identity in a material world. Our light gets dimmed and the intimate connection with self becomes hidden. This causes loneliness and fear of not being enough.

When we pull back the shroud of ego, we nurture our spirit with thoughts and deeds in alignment with life purpose. Our energy is used to broaden the scope of authentic connection, building upon our personal strengths and utilizing the gifts we have brought onto this earth plane. 

As we bring spiritual principles into daily living, our inner light beams, attracting support. Ego will continue to distract, but we now know these side trips are unfulfilling and fruitless. As we walk with others, we learn from them without the desire to be them. We have the right to be fully present, standing in our own holy shoes.


Thursday, July 27, 2023

Lucid Dreaming, Awaken in Your Dreams

"When an important relationship ends, people often find that 
they are left with unsolved issues that cause anxiety and 
possibly even strain later in relationships."
Stephen LaBerge

Lucid dreaming allows us to bring closure to unresolved relationships. The words we have left unspoken can be finally released. In dreamtime, we are able to settle conflicts that we are unable to address in our waking hours. Our emotional balance can be stabilized and allow us to appropriately face current challenges.

The lucid dreamer finds freedom in finally being able to express anger, disappointment, or a last goodbye. It is an opportunity to voice personal truth which enables us to move forward. The action in the dream state can bring a satisfying ending that might never occur in any other way. It can be an otherwise impossible intimate goodbye. 

In addition to resolving problems, lucid dreaming allows imaginative space to experience what might be classified as unfeasible dreams.  Whether our physical restrictions are based upon age or disabilities, the lucid dreamer can fly or dance or participate in fantasies. Regular dreamscapes can be unpleasant; whereas, lucid dreaming is rewarding.

***LUCID DREAMING by Stephen LaBerge 
A Concise Guide to Awakening in
Your Dreams and in Your Life



Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Rigid Patriarch or Wise Elder


"A true leader facilitates and does not dictate."
Heidi Rose Robbins

Look behind the name of your leader to discover levels of integrity, and motivation. Does this person you have chosen to follow reflect a 'we' or an 'I'? It is important to notice if one is facilitating or dictating. All peoples need to be included,  not just a chosen group. Joining together aught to be the goal, not increased division.

A person of power is effective when blending intelligence with human kindness. Have you chosen a rigid patriarch or a wise elder?  You may not share equal interpretations, but can your voice be heard without judgment? Do you sense a balance of intelligence and love? It is important for you to be inspired and challenged by a leader.

Even when you are aligned with a group of individuals, each voice needs to be heard to create an element of diversity. If you are not being stimulated, introduce new topics or evaluate the importance of this gathering. When you discover this experience is no longer expanding personal growth, it may be time to seek new connections. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Authentic Game Plan

"The wisest and most motivating choices are the ones
aligned with that which you identify as your purpose,
your core self, and your highest values."
Darren Hardy

When we enter a store, arena, or park, we have an expectation, a timeline, and a desire,  Why is it then that we do not use this same mindset with life personally or professionally? Everything cannot be left to fate. The Universe patiently awaits for us to discover our authentic game plan for fulfilling purpose.

As life unfolds, we are offered new phases. In each segment, we can alter our direction, allowing the self to creatively narrow focus or expand into loftiness. In order to do so, we must be paying attention to what makes us feel alive and purposeful. Who are we living our lives for and to what end are we diverting desire?

If we take time to understand our shifting personas, it is imperative to align with the change. If we do not pay attention with corrective action, we find ourselves wandering aimlessly with a stagnant mind set. Let us hold our lovely selves accountable. Pause, taking a deep dive into the depths of the soul and proceed with loving alignment.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Tandem of Ebb and Flow

"Passion is the bridge that takes you from pain to change."
Frida Kahlo

This is a picture of myself that I choose to hold prominent in my mind, as it is a reflection of how I process. After years of floundering in deep waters, I learned that a higher perspective was beneficial and expedient. Standing on the bridge does not erase the chaos below, but it provides room for accountability.

From a higher perspective, I can stop blaming others and become aware of the part I play. There is no question of right or wrong, but rather an unveiling as to what is meant to be learned. My previous pattern was to build walls which failed to offer new growth, healing, and completion.

No longer cramped in the straight jacket of my mind, I am able to stand upon the bridge with the freedom to look up for spiritual wisdom, or down into flowing emotions. I can glance behind me to say goodbye while setting my intention forward into parts unknown. In a way, from the height of the bridge, I can create a tandem of ebb and flow.


Sunday, July 23, 2023

Rays of Sunshine


Keep your face always toward the sunshine
and shadows will fall behind you."
Walt Witman

Close your sad eyes and face the sun. Let it warm your lovely face, and stir goodness in your heart. Allow the rays to fill you with encouragement and strengthen the connection with all things unseen. The power of the sun courses through you, stimulating hope and healing. A true sense of well being now floats through you.

Open your beautiful eyes, viewing how the sun touches upon all things, spreading the desire for unfolding. You breathe in the fullness of the sunshine and notice how like a flower, your body is responding, stretching towards the light. Your spirit is connecting with surrounding vibrations and you begin to feel less alone.

And when it is time for you to turn and walk back towards where you started, you can feel the sun radiating against your back. The warmth brings a smile to your face, realizing that the sun never really sets. It glows in your mind, readily available to brighten even the darkest of your days.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Challenge of Constriction and Expansion

"Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind."
Christian Schole

When we are faced with puzzlement, we may rub our brow to release chaotic thoughts. There may even be the sense of fear gathering in our minds which may loiter in our forehead. It is interesting that this same area contains the Third Eye which is rooted in psychological and philosophical enhancement.

Imagine how expectations would appear differently, if we filtered our thoughts through this sixth chakra. We could replace the constriction of fear with expansive insights. There is no reason to reserve the use of the Third Eye for body work or meditation. Our human experience could shift considerably by routinely accessing the Brow Chakra.

If we indeed create our own reality, why does it lack freedom? How is it that a broad spectrum of color, depth, and possibility await us, but we follow a narrow path? By choosing to tap into the Third Eye on a regular basis, we begin to shift vision, heighten energy, and realize dreams. 


Friday, July 21, 2023


"Reciprocity is the practice of exchanging
high consciousness energy with other 
humans as well as elements."
Peggy Black

Heightened spiritual awareness is not to be saved for meditative practices. What we gather from higher consciousness, ideally, is brought back into ordinary waking hours. Whether we are cooking, bathing, or creating, we can scan what is before us with the same powerful light we experience in sacred moments.

If we are out in nature, our inner energy stirs as we admire the peaceful setting.  However, we can also project our higher consciousness into the surroundings as a gesture of gratitude. When we are in conversation with someone, why not bathe them with loving kindness? Simply let light flow from our eyes.

Rather than allowing ego to fill our thoughts with judgment and criticism, we can focus a heightened sense of energy surrounding us. Instead of formulating defensive projections, we can open our hearts to what is being said or occurring as neither right nor wrong. The higher consciousness elevates the human experience to be experienced as sacred.


Thursday, July 20, 2023

Unfolding Opportunties

"Imagine what it's like to be supported, as if the arms
of the universe are encircling your whole being."
Sheila Reynolds

Our path may run parallel with others, but often times, it dips into solitary ravines. In the quietude, we rely on meditations and visualizations. We recall words of mentors who deeply move us. Glancing back, we view the confidence and determination that escorted us to an unexpected higher ground.

There is wisdom in recognizing the incoming vibrations readily available to us. Energy flows as we wander on a foot trail or quietly sit by a stream. Creativity stimulates connection with the unseen through touch, taste, and smell.  Our stamina increases through our actions, and just as importantly, through our willingness to open and receive.

Like the moon, we wax and wane, often covered by unsuspecting clouds. The stars shine brightly reminding us we are not really alone. Pause each time synchronicity presents itself, and be willing to ponder the unknown. The universe wraps around us, offering opportunities ready to unfold.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Darkness No More!


"Heal yourself with the light of the sun
and the rays of the moon."
Maria Sabina

When the pain seeps down into our bones, it is tempting to find a quick fix.  Food, exercise, and sleep can be automatic responses. We choose to emotionally 'run' to create barriers, real or imagined, to avoid accountability. The suffering may lessen, but it lingers under the skin, just waiting to unexpectedly surface again. 

Pain can be marginally eased by journaling, therapy, or confiding in a trusted friend.  Forming a corrective behavioral plan can nudge us into action. But, until we face what is presented before us, the suffering remains. When our focus shifts from what we can no longer do, to what may be  possible, fear begins to subside.

As we utilize prayer, mantras, or other spiritual modalities, the healing process begins. We are reminded of our oneness with all that is sacred.  Dance, drum, and sing, calling to the spirits. Stand in the grass reaching for sun beams to warm the heart.  Follow the moonbeams until you are in darkness no more!

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Collage of Four

"The best feeling in the world is knowing your presence and absence 
both mean something to someone."
 Rick Catanzariti

When we allow our mind to expand without singular expectations, opportunities intensify. Without restriction to a particular outcome, wonderment appears. Colors take on  glimmering hues, sounds become melodious and actions prepare an open doorway for the unimaginable. 

I have raised my four children in this way, ushering them through unseen doorways. Fueling their individuality, diverse characters arose impacting the world by utilizing  their assets and applying lessons from challenges. They taught me to expand the definition of love, and to hold tightly to the invisible threads binding us together.

These unique spirits come together creating a collage that I will hold sacred forever. Gently, I cherish their faces etched upon my heart. Today is my youngest son's birthday, and I celebrate his endless creative skills, dedication to his family, passion for nature, and his intentional offerings of peace.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Energy Fuels Solution

"May you ignite your power to make choices
that align with your soul."
Tanya Markul

We may be faced with situations appearing to be impossible to resolve. Overwhelm decidedly distracts us from our personal power. With a deep breath, we can begin to balance our energy and access what needs to be in order to fuel the soul. Courage begins to run through our veins, as we begin to seek creative pathways.

We may not like what presents itself, but it needs to be dealt with prior to it becoming overblown. The presenting resolutions may not be ideal, but we can choose one closest to our intentions. The importance is to proceed by taking careful action to propel life forward rather than being engulfed in drama, criticism, and judgment.

When we are faced with daunting scenarios, we remember that we have survived numerous situations with confidence, ending in renewal. When we resist shutting down, all of our energy streams into creative solution. Feeding our spirit enables us to live fully and freely, heal emotions and enhance expectations.  


Sunday, July 16, 2023

Fish Out Of Water

"He resolved to be the fish who found purpose and meaning
despite the unnatural environment."
Jesikah Sundin

My morning ritual began with flipping on the previously prepped coffee pot, and then feeding my Beta fish, creatively named "Fin". I was stunned to see him lying outside of his bowl, perfectly still. Immediately, I grabbed him noticing how dry he was and slid him gently back into his bowl. Excruciating seconds later, he began to swim.

Deciphering dreams has been a long time passion of mine. So, I began to realize this waking dream reflected my current sense of stagnant withdrawal. I was swimming in circles, trapped in a mental container that was stifling me. It was time to swim upstream, to plant fresh seeds, and to anticipate new birth. 

As a private person, I  am quietly drawn to multi-sided individuals, intriguing cultures, and the illusion of time and space.  I thrive with deep relationships as my heightened sensitivities are drawn into unseen spiritual space. Beyond the chaos, that is where I will be, enhancing  the essence of me.



Saturday, July 15, 2023

Edited Glimpses and Fueled Priorities

"Never compare your inside to someone else's outside."
James Grippando 

We increase our knowledge by observing others, but rarely do we see his or her 'behind the scenes' challenges. We are allowed edited glimpses. Turning inward, we address authentic measures which assists in the transition into higher levels of comprehension. With a greater sense of self, one can be deliberate in searching for the next advancing step.

When we evaluate others in relation to our selves as a measuring tool, we shift our energy into a lower vibration. Competition can threaten and devalue our sense of worthiness. Judgment detracts from where we are meant to be. Celebrate the journey of others by all means, but fueling our own body, mind, and spirit is priority.

Become resilient in cleaning out the inner space of the self. Be honest about what no longer serves and release attachment. Do not hover in a mindset of loss, but rather choose to embrace the unknown with childlike wonderment. Allow the self to become an explorer, expecting great things with a heightened sense of confidence. 


Friday, July 14, 2023

Intimacy of Connection

"To be intimate with yourself is to know your uniqueness;
to be intimate with another is to share your uniqueness."
Marc Gafni

We have spent years hiding parts of our lovely selves that didn't quite fit in. Aspects that seemed too much or not quite enough. Ironically, these unusual elements of our inner self are what makes us significant in our contribution to the diversity of life itself. There is beauty in our soul awaiting to make a creative contribution.

Dedicated inner exploration is required to fully see and understand how we are different. Then once recognized, we can creatively expand and grow our essence. Understanding the depth of the self, we have a plethora of options as to how we want to present to the outer world. We begin to respect the gifts we have to offer and how they align with others.

If we examine people or places that attract us, we begin to see we are pulled in by their uniqueness. When we understand the complexity of our self, we become curious about the intricacies of others. We yearn to communicate on a soul level, excluding judgment, criticism, and narrow minded thinking. The intimacy of soul connection opens realms!


Thursday, July 13, 2023


"Selfishness then is a stage in our evolution that is the
process of being transcended at a collective level."
Richard Rudd

Selfishness is reportedly on the decline, but this might be the result of individuals finally finding his or her voice. Perhaps, we now have mustered the courage to look into the eyes of those who oppress us and say, "Enough!" Strengthening our core value accelerates our progress to confidently move forward.

We now have access to successful stories reflecting the resurrection of the human spirit.  Information is shared about the courage to step back from narcisstic and/or selfish individuals. As our power resurfaces, we recognize the ability to respect the self and create methods to attract healthier scenarios. 

Numerous systems are available to guide our thoughts, actions, and expectations.  Whether we establish a relationship with a professional or reach out to a revered friend, the trusted presence assists us with our healing. Standing up for ourselves is not easy, but it offers measures to create and sustain the life we long to live.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Vibrational Frequency

"When you rise, your landscape changes. How it feels to see the world, 
how it feels to see the  self from a higher vibration,  is markedly 
different from what you can imagine."
Paul Selig

As we build a stronger connection with the Divine, we begin to grasp the significance of our life purpose wrapped in the soul's journey. Judgment and criticism is replaced with awareness and compassion, both to ourselves and others. Our vibration accelerates, awakening our potential to reach sacred unions impacting the life we live.

As we embrace our spiritual capabilities, we begin to initiate changes in ourselves, relationships, and actions. Moving forward with a humble mindset, love becomes our motivator, not success nor power. The essence of the Divine grows stronger as we experience it working through us to touch the lives of others.

While we learn to intensify our love for all things, understanding of how deeply Spirit loves us lifts elements of fear and strengthens trust. The presence of spirit guides accompanies our endeavors to make a loving difference which raises the frequencies on this earth. Accepting to be a portal for Divine Spirit, brings us into alignment for goodness to unfold.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Obliterate Loneliness

"One of the most important things you can do on this earth
is to let people know they are not alone."
Shannon L. Alder

Some of us may have very rare occasions to be alone while others may be caught in seclusion. In either scenario, our interpretation is pivotal. How we react to a situation has more impact than the experience itself.  As a confidant looking into the emotional makeup of a friend, it is often beneficial to recognize wherever he or she happens to be.

There is a massive difference between being alone and being lonely.  There can be bliss in silence and inspiration within quietude. Perception as to how we use the space alone drives our contentment. On the other hand, loneliness is an emotion that triggers unease, insecurity or fear.

It is not abnormal to experience loneliness. How we respond to this feeling controls the outcome. When we are lonely, acknowledge it and then reach out to supportive friends or seek stimulation from favorite public haunts. Transition into an uplifting space where light can shine, obliterating this sense of loneliness! 

Monday, July 10, 2023

Your Move

"At the end of this day, the world will either be a 
more or less kind, compassionate, and loving
place because of your presence."
John Pavlovitz

Darkness settles in and the moon slowly slips across the sky. Each star brilliantly shines representing particles of goodness revealed throughout the day. The owl in this stillness challenges with a bold "Who," stimulating recall of the beautiful humans in this world. Be curious of the part personally played.

Gifts line up, whether grand gestures or small tokens, gracing this unfolding day. Will they be stored and wasted or will they be extended to others in the very same way? How was thanks given? Maybe the head was nodded, a warm embrace, or embarrassed, steps quickly walked away.

The world is laced with untethered moments to be filled with compassion; to meet judgment with neutrality; and to give clearance for grief and sorrow. While surveying missed opportunities, hearts can be unlatched allowing love to flow. Intentionally become all that is wished to be seen in a peaceful world.


Sunday, July 9, 2023

Visionary Sacred Space

"Silence is the great teacher, and to learn its lessons you must
pay attention to it. There is no substitute for the creative inspiration,
knowledge, and stability that comes from knowing 
how to contact your core of inner silence."
Deepak Chopra

Early on, we may think it is utterly impossible to quiet the mind. The monkey chatter seems to increase as we attempt to be still in our thoughts. We falsely tell ourselves that we must isolate the self. If we are diligent, however, we discover that our personal haven can be a vision within our relaxed and creative mind.

In early stages, we may imagine a cave or spa as our escape. As we become more advanced, we discover that silence is a state of mind, not a particular space. With a blink of the eye, we are transported to our visionary sacred place, immediately diving into wisdom, guidance, and healing. The time once used for preparation is no longer required.

When we slip into our silent space with honor and respect, we can address problems and challenges. It is within the stillness that clarity surfaces and stability increases. Opening spaces, creativity prompts us into directions we had no thought to go. In this state of silence, our communication with the Divine thrives, propelling us into the direction of flow. 

Saturday, July 8, 2023

How We Play It

"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know
that everything in life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no 
coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from."
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

At one time, we may have viewed our inner self as being in darkness, hiding family secrets and intentions gone wrong. It was a place we would sink into when depressed, discouraged, and lost. The sounds to be heard were not of comfort, and propelled us deeper into our own personal fears.

With a heightened awareness of spirituality, we now can choose to view our inner core as being filled with buoyant light. We have cleansed our wounds, discarded misconceptions, and eliminated fear. We can turn our focus towards our soul consciousness, expanding it within and then out into our surroundings with love and tender care.

All of our straggling parts slowly take form, reflecting the greater picture. There is no right nor wrong, simply experience to shift our perceptions and shape our purpose. It is not so much the role we play, but how we play it. As we nurture ourselves within our inner silence, guidance abounds allowing us to craft our course. 


Friday, July 7, 2023

Not Failure!


"Understand that you are not failing by 
not knowing what you are doing."
Paul Selig

We may not always have an understanding of what is happening in our life, but we can choose to be patient while we wait for understanding.  We can turn inward to hear our heart's desires while paying attention to what surrounds us. Answers present themselves in numerous ways, not just through the spoken word. With positive expectation, move through  the unknown.

The world we live in is continuously changing, whether referring to air quality, storm patterns, politics, or relationships. The importance lies within our approach for navigating the constant shifts. There is a great need to be able to move through passages without having a specific map or a detailed destination. Our life is less tumultuous when we can peacefully ride out the storm.

When we are uncertain about the moment before us or the projection of our future, it is not time to shut down. It is imperative to open our mind to what may happen next ... in the positive. Remembering we are not separate from our source, we can ask for insight, guidance, and intervention. We can stretch into a higher level of understanding the self, amending our patterns and purpose.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Soul's Silent Calling

"Perhaps there is a soul hidden in everything an it can
always speak, without even making a sound to another soul."
Frances Hodgson Burnett

It is difficult to imagine life without a vibrant imagination. As a child we are fascinated by fire flies and imaginary friends. As an adult, we begin to question the source behind magic and remember loved ones appearing in our dreams. We grow older yet, wondering about the unspoken words we hear or the destination beyond death.

With awareness, we start noticing a greater depth to what has always appeared before us, and deeper symbolism embedded in nature, art, and unsolicited day dreams. What was once experienced as isolated incidents, now reflect a gentle pattern that carved us into a certain way. How is it we can sense a spirit in the wind, or in the sound of a wave?

Even as a speculation that all things matter, does it not increase the necessity of treating everything with respect and honor? And if all things have intent and purpose, will our carelessness squash a greater plan? Bit by bit are we aborting small efforts bent towards beauty and peace? Soul is a silent calling we really can hear.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The Maui Bamboo Forest

"You have to go through the darkness 
before you get to the light."
Haruki Murakami 

As I approached the Maui Bamboo Forest, I was struck by its gentle pull. My love for bamboo drew me into this pristine space, like visiting an intimate friend. There were no distractions, like birds or flowers, as I advanced into the darkening forest. I became comforted by wisps of air, gently stroking my face. 

Deeper into the bamboo, I seemed to be leaving my body behind, and I was guided by an unseen presence. My heart began to open to an energy that was nurturing and strengthening this spirit of mine. There were no words to be heard, but tender impressions heightened my understanding as though I were in a magical dream. 

Frequencies amplified, creating exuberant and inexhaustible light sensations. I understood with great clarity that I was to depart from the bamboo, prepared to spontaneously shine into the hearts of others. As I left the forest behind, I joyously embraced life with a dedicated mission to bring light to those yearning to see.


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Sparkler of Inner Strength

"The life of the nation is secure only while the 
nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous."
Frederick Douglass

At one time, the Fourth of July filled my heart with happiness and festivities. It was a joyful time to let freedom ring. Today, I am unable to rejoice. My head is filled with political controversy; wars killing the innocent; sex trafficking; detained immigrants; and school shootings. I am curious as to why the American veil is not being pulled back for resolve.

Over the years, I have learned that as an individual, I am quite limited in addressing global change. Determination resumes, however, when I hold myself accountable for what I can do. There are tools available to all of us to reduce the sense of chaos and restore our natural ability to respect, honor, and thrive, not at the cost of others.

Visualization is a way to hold positive images of people working together, healing the earth, and restoring peace. Through energy work, light can be sent to anyone suffering from any chaotic injustice. Heartfelt prayers activates the soul which then reverberates out into the world. A sparkler is now representative to me of the power of inner strength.