Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Sparkler of Inner Strength

"The life of the nation is secure only while the 
nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous."
Frederick Douglass

At one time, the Fourth of July filled my heart with happiness and festivities. It was a joyful time to let freedom ring. Today, I am unable to rejoice. My head is filled with political controversy; wars killing the innocent; sex trafficking; detained immigrants; and school shootings. I am curious as to why the American veil is not being pulled back for resolve.

Over the years, I have learned that as an individual, I am quite limited in addressing global change. Determination resumes, however, when I hold myself accountable for what I can do. There are tools available to all of us to reduce the sense of chaos and restore our natural ability to respect, honor, and thrive, not at the cost of others.

Visualization is a way to hold positive images of people working together, healing the earth, and restoring peace. Through energy work, light can be sent to anyone suffering from any chaotic injustice. Heartfelt prayers activates the soul which then reverberates out into the world. A sparkler is now representative to me of the power of inner strength.

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