Monday, July 31, 2023

Sweet Jesus ...

"Every day people are staying away from the church
and going back to God."
Lenny Bruce

Jesus the Christ encouraged both men and women to prosper and grow. I don't remember reading about him telling women to be subservient nor men to be dominant control freaks. I thought he was encouraging us to be loving and kind as equals to one and other. He went out of his way to engage with all peoples without condemnation. 

There doesn't seem to be any documentation that Jesus the Christ insisted upon others to be a certain way, whether male or female. If anything, he encouraged each of us to heighten our authentic gifts and to return to our natural state of loving kindness. He encouraged both men and women to serve each other, not cast stones.

I don't remember Jesus the Christ taking money to build personal shrines and kicking the poor aside. His focus was clearly upon each individual, helping them to rise and shine, just as he did. God is not dead, but the image forced upon us is in question. Children of God are leaving patriarchal institutions to realign with a deeper spiritual connection.


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