Sunday, July 9, 2023

Visionary Sacred Space

"Silence is the great teacher, and to learn its lessons you must
pay attention to it. There is no substitute for the creative inspiration,
knowledge, and stability that comes from knowing 
how to contact your core of inner silence."
Deepak Chopra

Early on, we may think it is utterly impossible to quiet the mind. The monkey chatter seems to increase as we attempt to be still in our thoughts. We falsely tell ourselves that we must isolate the self. If we are diligent, however, we discover that our personal haven can be a vision within our relaxed and creative mind.

In early stages, we may imagine a cave or spa as our escape. As we become more advanced, we discover that silence is a state of mind, not a particular space. With a blink of the eye, we are transported to our visionary sacred place, immediately diving into wisdom, guidance, and healing. The time once used for preparation is no longer required.

When we slip into our silent space with honor and respect, we can address problems and challenges. It is within the stillness that clarity surfaces and stability increases. Opening spaces, creativity prompts us into directions we had no thought to go. In this state of silence, our communication with the Divine thrives, propelling us into the direction of flow. 

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