Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Collage of Four

"The best feeling in the world is knowing your presence and absence 
both mean something to someone."
 Rick Catanzariti

When we allow our mind to expand without singular expectations, opportunities intensify. Without restriction to a particular outcome, wonderment appears. Colors take on  glimmering hues, sounds become melodious and actions prepare an open doorway for the unimaginable. 

I have raised my four children in this way, ushering them through unseen doorways. Fueling their individuality, diverse characters arose impacting the world by utilizing  their assets and applying lessons from challenges. They taught me to expand the definition of love, and to hold tightly to the invisible threads binding us together.

These unique spirits come together creating a collage that I will hold sacred forever. Gently, I cherish their faces etched upon my heart. Today is my youngest son's birthday, and I celebrate his endless creative skills, dedication to his family, passion for nature, and his intentional offerings of peace.

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