Monday, July 24, 2023

Tandem of Ebb and Flow

"Passion is the bridge that takes you from pain to change."
Frida Kahlo

This is a picture of myself that I choose to hold prominent in my mind, as it is a reflection of how I process. After years of floundering in deep waters, I learned that a higher perspective was beneficial and expedient. Standing on the bridge does not erase the chaos below, but it provides room for accountability.

From a higher perspective, I can stop blaming others and become aware of the part I play. There is no question of right or wrong, but rather an unveiling as to what is meant to be learned. My previous pattern was to build walls which failed to offer new growth, healing, and completion.

No longer cramped in the straight jacket of my mind, I am able to stand upon the bridge with the freedom to look up for spiritual wisdom, or down into flowing emotions. I can glance behind me to say goodbye while setting my intention forward into parts unknown. In a way, from the height of the bridge, I can create a tandem of ebb and flow.


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