Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Darkness No More!


"Heal yourself with the light of the sun
and the rays of the moon."
Maria Sabina

When the pain seeps down into our bones, it is tempting to find a quick fix.  Food, exercise, and sleep can be automatic responses. We choose to emotionally 'run' to create barriers, real or imagined, to avoid accountability. The suffering may lessen, but it lingers under the skin, just waiting to unexpectedly surface again. 

Pain can be marginally eased by journaling, therapy, or confiding in a trusted friend.  Forming a corrective behavioral plan can nudge us into action. But, until we face what is presented before us, the suffering remains. When our focus shifts from what we can no longer do, to what may be  possible, fear begins to subside.

As we utilize prayer, mantras, or other spiritual modalities, the healing process begins. We are reminded of our oneness with all that is sacred.  Dance, drum, and sing, calling to the spirits. Stand in the grass reaching for sun beams to warm the heart.  Follow the moonbeams until you are in darkness no more!

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