Sunday, March 31, 2024

Ascension in Spring

"Spring adds new life and new joy to all that is."
Jessica Harrelson

Spring calls to us to come out of our hibernation with a willingness to release excess heaviness. It is time to come up out of the dark, reaching for more light.  There seems to be an awareness of no longer wanting to wait and a desire for new beginnings. We may even feel the nudging of the seeds we carefully planted months ago.

Contrary to the winter tones of black and white, spring escorts vibrant colors for all of us to see. Our minds may become pregnant with new thought, while our body stretches for active movement. Spiritually, we may request faith to escalate us from the worst case scenario to a new thriving life.

The grass turns green, buds pop out, and even the breeze is more fragrant. The shift in season calls to us to be outdoors which connects us with all things. As we are comforted by the essence of Spring, we find it to be easier to communicate with spirit guides, those who have passed, and especially with our most inner thoughts.


Saturday, March 30, 2024

Early Sorrow

"The suppression of early sorrow is not limited 
to overt trauma or abuse."
Gabor Mate

Experiences as a human are very diverse and what happens as dysfunction in one case scenario, may be quite different in another. The common thread seems to be not having someone to talk to or a safe place for release. The lack of security leads to feeling vulnerable. The disconnect heightens over time, not in one isolated instance.

To add to dysfunction, we tend to minimize our experiences by comparison to others. The level of pain suffered aught not be diminished by someone else's background. In some situations, we incorrectly use a double standard, having compassion for acquaintances, but none for ourselves. We may lower the bar for others, then raise it for ourselves.

We need to step through the falsehood of thinking we were the cause of inappropriate events and recognize the impact of unavailable people, healing can begin. Understanding that no matter how large or small, negative events impact our development. These situations are heightened when we have no one to turn to or no safe place to go.


Friday, March 29, 2024

Strength and New Vision

"You've seen my descent gradually, right? Now wait
and see my rising suddenly!"
Joseph Jacson K.

Life brings people challenges and we have the choice to react peacefully and learn or experience irritably and fall. There is no avoiding the darkness. If we hold hope for meaning while searching for the light, we carry a torch not only for ourselves but for others as well. Choices do not singularly impact just one person involved.

Minimizing the shame and the blame, we wander in the dark in search of wisdom and healing. It may seem that the pain is never ending, until life shifts, streaming light right in. As we gather strength and new vision, possibilities become opportunities and we become radiant once again.

The Biblical telling of Good Friday demonstrates this very thing. The worst possible thing happens, creating rage and despair, but it is followed by the example of life after life which embeds greater understanding and aspirations. With time, we can not only survive, but thrive in a new way of living. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Movable Parts

"Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing
is as painful as staying stuck where you do not belong."
N. R. Narayana Murthy

Holidays tend to provoke a self-assessment of how we will present to our families. Will we don an old costume, sliding back into out grown roles or will we wear attire that reflects creative movement forward. Perhaps we adjust our dialogues to slide back into safe conversations or try new genres to side step the past.

Change is inevitable, and we may no longer be who our family wants us to be. They may want the security of old roles with everyone in his or her designated place. Evaluate the audience determining how much to reveal. Remain confident in personal progress, but do not agree to sit in front of the firing squad. 

Building pressure can be released by getting on the floor and playing with a child, petting the family pet, or gazing out the window in hopes of seeing a bird. Breathe and resist being frozen in place. If we discover the space to be intolerable, perhaps it is time, with grace, to leave where we no longer belong.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Hissy FIt!

"When we recognize that our suffering is based on images
instead of current reality, then living happily in the 
present moment becomes possible right away."
Thich Nhat Hahn

It is no wonder we desperately seek peace outside of our lovely selves. We have our higher self attempting to guide us, our ego misdirecting us, and our inner child pitching a hissy fit! Chaos within leaves very little room for clarity. Our higher self adjusts to be silent, and our ego minimized, but the inner child ... we must take her hand and heal her.

It is not easy to discover this inner being as she has been buried beneath trauma, disillusionment, and endless repression. An invitation needs to be extended to her, informing her that it is not only safe, but imperative for her to come out and play. As we reintroduce ourselves, a childlike freedom escorts us forward.

Apologies need to be offered to this little one, and with heightened listening, we begin to understand her compounded dysfunction created by our own personal detachment. Welcoming this child fully into our lives, we experience a sense of completion with creative flair and unlimited energy. Hold her, hug her, and welcome her back. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Hell No!

"Aging is not lost youth, but a new stage 
of opportunity and strength."
Betty Friedan

My age has never meant anything to me and I never had elders in my life to portray what aging looked like. Turning twenty-one is the only milestone, age wise, that I remember as life simply unfolded afterwards. I clearly remember what year I was born, but rarely remember exactly how 'old' I am today.

This morning, I will attend a Pilates class at the YMCA followed by a coffee clutch with newly acquired friends. Then I will watch the Illini game with an incredible human being, Jim.  Lastly, I will attend a Drum Circle at Unity with my regular Drum Circle friends, and of course, Jim.

Oh my gosh! I am so glad I am not 'old', sitting around isolated and weeping without companionship. I refuse to wear the polyester nylon blend suggested for elders. Give me my Birkenstocks and all things hippie!  I will continue to loiter in the library and walk at least 3 miles with Jim at the park. As for me aging, hell no! 

Monday, March 25, 2024

Created For A Reason


"Can you find a place within you that allows for the
possibility that each soul is whole?"
Gregg Braden

There is importance in choosing what is best for me especially when I share the rewards with others. Whether my gain is financial or emotional, the ability to use in common what I have gained creates harmony. Without forcing or encapsulating knowledge, diversity will prevail. The avenue is opened equally for all to come forward and share.

As I learn to embrace my own anger and limitations, I am in a heightened position to understand the negative qualities of others. If I spend as much time engaging with my own limitations, I will learn a tolerance for the shortcomings of others. Perspective must not be hampered by personal wounds, as it needs to be open and clear.

Prior to deciphering the imperfections of others, look into the mirror and with new eyes truly see the 'self'.  Notice the flaws and imperfections while seeing how they all contribute to life lessons and the dynamics of personality. Each of us have been created for a reason and by discovering our individual cadence, we are more likely to move forward.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Back To Normalcy

"Every grievance you hold hides a little more of the light of the world
from your eyes until the darkness becomes overwhelming."
Donna Goddard

Our inner thoughts project the coloring of what we hold true. If we choose to look through the eyes of love, our strength and ability to connect strengthens. Viewing life through cloaks of fear, our inner darkness triggers dis-ease. When we learn to perpetually align our body, mind and spirit, healing becomes apparent.

Each human being has the ability to impact his or her health. We have choice as to how to eat, think and present. When these actions are aligned, we are powerful human beings. However, when we have chosen to numb ourselves from the reality of life, we will falter, falling into darkness and isolation. 

Life happens and how we react is imperative to maintaining health. If we view life as happening to us, we fall into negative mindsets eating away at our power.  If we can manage to face reality with the question of  'what am I to learn', momentum towards empowerment increases. No matter how distraught, find and follow the light back to normalcy. 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Sitting With The Unknown

Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward.
If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down."
Roy T. Bennett

When things are falling apart, there is an opportunity for learning to appear. The most important element is the ability to sit with the unknown. Even when we do not know if we are going to fall on our face or rise to new heights, there is a need to simply be still. We don't know if the story is going to end or if it is time to begin anew.

We find ourselves in the midst of a hopeless cycle if we believe that we can live in endless pleasure and avoid pain or suffering. By being present and still, we can observe what is truthfully happening and adjust accordingly. It is by our ability to see the truth of the matter that we discover ways to cope and to heal.

Facing crisis, we can choose to discover what didn't work so we can make better choices in the future. When a barrier is thrown in front of us, presenting as a terrible thing, hindsight will usually show it was redirecting us to a better scenario. Let go of what is no longer working and with delight seek what will propel life us forward with curiosity and joy.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Suitable Pulse


"The fusion of yin and yang opens a whole 
new potential of manifestation. It is 
blending knowing and doing."
Chris Griscom

As the yin and the yang energy merge, the question and the answer find themselves. Upon initiating action, the higher self provides direction which guides us in new and more fulfilling ways. It is through a willingness to open and blend energies that transformation begins to take place.

As our masculine and feminine energies come together, we experience the result of combining inspiration with productivity. As we remind ourselves that we are not just one thing such as masculine or feminine, we expand our perceptions of who we can truly be. Our experience heightens with exhilaration and possibility.

As our doing and our being become aligned, our perception of limitations shifts.  Wisdom is the result of experience which spurs us even further establishing a pulse suitable for purposeful living. The progression is to create a goal and engage in a plan which results  in the manifestation of powerful living. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Spunk and Fire

"Fashion has to reflect who you are, what you feel
at the moment, and where you're going."
Pharrell Williams 

Women and men, both, use clothing as an expression of their male or female orientation. As the choosing may be unconscious, the reflection is a cue as to what and how one is feeling. How we dress is also an expression of our energy. It also can be used as a disguise, to hide our most inner fears.

Our attire need not be flashy or brilliantly colored. There are ways we can dress that are striking or uniquely creative. A woman my choose to wear slightly masculine clothes with the intention to appear decisive, and powerful. When comfortable in personal feminine identity, one may choose soft and gentle fabric with striking colors.

It is interesting to browse through old photos taking notice of how we are dressed on differing occasions. No matter our age, we have the right to dress comfortably with a defining addition of expression. Be it a piece of jewelry, scarf or feisty shoe, have fun sending the subtle message of personal spunk and fire.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Mourning ...

"The song of the dove speaks to all who hear it. Its mournful
tones stir the emotions, the  internal waters."
Ted Andrews

While walking in the park, I asked my significant other if he knew what a Mourning Dove was as it is one of my most favorite birds. I proceeded to tell him that I had not seen one in a very long time, and missed hearing the haunting tones. These doves are a beautiful taupe color, mate for life, have two offspring yearly and return to the same nest every spring. 

The next day we were at the dinner table when movement caught my eye outside of the window. I slowly approached the window and discovered a Mourning Dove sitting on the ledge staring at me. (We were up on the 12th floor, hardly a place for it to be.) Joy filled my heart, as I knew it was there for me.

Another day passed and while sitting on the couch, we wondered about the odd sound we were hearing. Again to the window, and there was a Mourning Dove singing its mournful song. It is known to invoke new waters of life, creating new birth as one releases the past and embraces the future. This was synchronistic confirmation and yes, I cried.


Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Climb When The Gate Is Closed!

"If the stable gate is closed, climb the fence."
Julie Krone

Life knocks us down, but eventually we find the desire to get back up, seeking shelter and wisdom. Then there are times we steady the course and reach the gate to our freedom, only to find it bolted. This is when we gather our strength even if we feel all is lost, and hurdle the barrier seeking what it is we need.

As we begin yet again, we know we must start anew, planting seeds in more fertile ground. Gently we water and cultivate, providing light from our hearts. Our thoughts and words are used in a positive tone, setting an example for others, but primarily for our lovely selves. We carefully place one foot in front of the other. 

It takes time and usually longer than what we anticipated, but as the Divine unfolds the plan awaiting us, our feet begin to run. The wind blows, sweeping our sorrows to the side while the sun bathes us in brilliant new awareness. Finally, we are set free to be fully connected with the earth, moon and stars.


Monday, March 18, 2024

Circumventing Stress

"Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way,
ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a
pioneer of the future."
Deepak Chopra

Stress can show up as an immediate physical knee jerk reaction or an emotional response. We are called to be defensive or deflective in action. Although stress can keep us alert, it can also cause a chronic deficit to our daily lives. It is necessary to learn appropriate measures to handle whatever causes discord smoothly and efficiently.

Stress can impact both our mental and physical health. We can become anxious or depressed leading to isolation and poor eating habits impacting body, mind and soul.  When unattended we can become resistant to intervention and experience the sense of loss of control in our own lives. The lack of belonging can be circumvented.

Stress cannot be avoided, but it can be faced with competence. When we maintain a sense of  competency, and authentic self-esteem, the likelihood of decline is narrowed. The declaration of life purpose, the commitment to relationships, and connection with healthy resources, prepare us for taking stress in stride.


Sunday, March 17, 2024

Saint Patrick, I'm Confused ...

"Never iron a four leaf clover.
You don't want to press your luck."
Southern Living

St. Timothy's Roman Catholic Grade School was riddled with Irish families. I grew up hearing the praises of St. Patrick and how he eliminated snakes from Ireland. It wasn't until I was much older that I accidentally came across historical facts that projected an entirely different 'saint' and revealed exaggerated storytelling.

To begin with, St. Patrick was never canonized and he was not Irish. He did not introduce christianity to Ireland, as there were already a few. Most Irish practiced a nature based pagan religion centered around oral tradition and myth. St. Patrick adapted Irish traditional rituals into his lessons of christianity to be more easily accepted.

The sun was a powerful Irish symbol that St. Patrick super imposed upon the cross which is now known as the Celtic Cross. Part of the Irish way of life was spinning exciting tales. It is no surprise that tales of St. Patrick's life were highly exaggerated and falsified. Today, highly practiced traditions were not from Ireland, but created in America. 


Saturday, March 16, 2024

Reach Out!

"With all your heart, reach out to your divine dreams." 
Lailah Gifty Akita

True, you may not be able to control very much about your day, but you can control how you respond to it. If you look to your surroundings, perhaps there is very little support, but you can pull your lovely self inward enjoying peace inside. While media bombards, you can choose what you actually allow into your heart consciousness.

When you are aware of the noise of life, you can begin to filter out the harsh elements, replacing them with calm. The phrase about 'turning the other cheek' can also be applied to turning your eyes and ears in alternate emotional directions. There is enormous choice as to how you can personally adapt to outside sources.

You simply tell your fine self stories about how your dreams are too lofty, too time consuming or too out of reach. Once you prioritize desires, investing your energy into supporting rather than denying, the Universe begins to support you through synchronicities and magical unfoldings. With all of your heart, engage with your dreams!

Friday, March 15, 2024

Magic In Diversity


"We need to give each other space so that we may both give
and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness,
dignity, joy, healing and inclusion."
Max de Pree

We barely know ourselves, yet assume capability of diagnosing others. Even knowing someone on the surface, there is a need to delve deeper and learn to understand the communication within his or her silence. One listens with the heart for what is not being spoken, so that a soul connection can be made.

We can no longer embrace just a simple viewing without giving consideration to differing layers. We may be similar, but multiple experiences create extraordinary versions of interpretation. When in our zone, vibrations intensify and unexplainable recognition and connection begin to throb, not dependent upon conformity. 

Inclusion breeds security, allowing a closeness not dependent upon words, but silent communication. Soul to soul, one experiences a magical closeness in hugs, eye to eye observations, and silent walks. Through these unique exchanges, we experience the magic of life by respecting diversity.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

In Unison

"She remembered who she was and the game changed."
Lalah Delia

As we embrace our spirituality and commitment to making human life sacred, we find ourselves challenged to face what surfaces. In between the swirls of our spiral, there are distractions and disturbances. It is during these times that we must forgive, no longer judge, and have compassion for those who are spinning out of alignment.

Our focus needs to be about integration, beckoning others to come out into the light no longer remaining hidden in the dark. It is vitally important to remember that we, too, learn through every interaction. As a human, we are called to master our challenges and lift others up along the way.

We are here to help and heal ourselves and others. Life is about joining together not dividing and isolating. No one is better than one other, as we all have individual strengths. By joining our expertise, we can travel the spiral of life in unison. Our lives become congruent through synchronicity and individual respect for diversity. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


"Only when we know our own darkness well
can we be present with the darkness of others."
Pema Chodron

It is impossible to avoid our own darkness as it is where we learn our lessons. Life will unfold more easily, however, if we regard our experiences with compassion rather than judgment. It is advantageous for us to utilize empathy for our own situations, just as readily as we would offer it to others.

It is helpful to step back and visualize how far we have come. Offering kindness to the self for perseverance, and praise for accomplishments, anxiety lessens. As healing energy begins to flow, we can become less harsh not only with the self, but with others as well. Compassion becomes prevalent allowing emotional connection.

Compassion for the self also teaches us how to hold space for others. As we listen to the stories of others, we may even begin to understand our own sagas from a differing view. Although our revelations may differ, we learn from each other. If we remain in our own darkness, we are less likely to be present in the darkness of others.


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

"What If It All Works Out?"

"What if it all works out?"
Steffani LeFevour

There is entirely too much time spent speculating in fear. We consistently dwell on things going wrong, rather than investing in thoughts of positive outcome. Dealing with the unknown, there is equal chance for results to go either way. If we truly attract outcomes through our own energy, we really need to shift our focus from fear to faith. 

When we experience life as being heavy and troublesome, we may want to assess our thoughts and expectations.  If we tell ourselves our plans are doomed, we begin to lose power and the lack of incentive taints results. We have the ability to choose between collapsing into failure or hoping for favorable results.

Just for today as situations arise, try to ask your lovely self, "What if it all works out?" Immediately, one feels spirits rise with anticipation for affirmative action. Repeating this question as the day unfolds, visions begin to take shape regarding possibilities. We experience a positive momentum carrying us forward, closer to our heart's desire.


Monday, March 11, 2024

Loose Threads and Frayed Edges

"The mind is like a richly woven tapestry in which the colors
are distilled from the experiences of the senses, and the 
design drawn from the convolutions of the intellect."
Carson McCullers

Outside resources stimulate and expand our thinking, but our inner sources need to be cultivated as well. Our bodies hold ailments worthy of exploring, while the mind stores complex thoughts and the spirit contributes wisdom to link everything together. Wholeness is available to those who are willing to explore the tapestry of his or her life.

Creativity offers avenues to greater understanding. There is need to express our inner workings in order to see them from a differing perspective. Whether we paint, write, dance or sing, there is a release of our repressed emotions. The connectedness of our parts become apparent providing new perspectives.

When we step outside of ourselves, glancing back, our life presents as a tapestry. The smallest parts and jagged edges smoothly snuggle in for alignment. No longer do we focus on the loose threads or frayed edges. We begin to view our life with appreciation for all things coming together with delightful shades and hues.


Sunday, March 10, 2024

The Dark Night of the Soul

The Dark Night of the Soul is when your world has become
incredibly painful and you find yourself just trying 
to hang on in survival mode."
Shelley Young

The Dark Night of the Soul brought me to my knees, erasing my belief system and altering the direction of my life. It was during this frightening time that a spiritual guide came into my life.  Dark Knight was his name and he was clothed in a hooded robe never revealing his face. I had never felt more protected by anyone in my entire life.

Dark Knight walked by my side daily for two years, continuously pointing out my Divine nature and how I was being called to address the world in a new way. I waffled between fear of being crazy and illuminated by a new purpose in life. He enhanced my Reiki practice, quality of life, and ability to comprehend the energies of others.

The Dark Night triggers surrender, allows spiritual intervention, and directs passage for your soul to achieve intended goals. With trust, one faces crisis, but also synchronicity that opens life for Divine intervention.  Dark Knight eventually left in search of others, but I continue to reach out to him and instantly experience his presence.


Saturday, March 9, 2024

Dumping Stuff

"Only those who look with the eyes of children
can lose themselves in the object of their wonder."
Eberhard Arnold

For many of us, it has taken years to accept that we are worthy of communicating directly with the Divine. Within that time, we also discovered that our fears, weaknesses, and desperate need for help could be placed in the hands of God. Ultimately, we finally learn to engage with life with Divine guidance by our side.

We may beg for understanding, healing, and direction, but often leave it abruptly at that. We fail to watch for answers and neglect to hear spiritual communication. We dump our 'stuff' and then move on. Divine Spirit must often times sigh at our inability to hold the self accountable and capable of positive discovery.

If we have forgotten how to look through the eyes of the innocent, ready for enchantment and magical correction, take a seat at a park bench near a playground. Simply watch the endearing trust of a child and notice his or her spontaneous joy. This too can be ours if we simply remember that we are still children of the Divine. 

Friday, March 8, 2024

Between Here and There


"You will fear the darkness only to the extent that
you yourself are not providing light."
Marianne Williamson

Just small measures ahead do I stand from darkness. It is right here, hovering, and wanting its way. In my heart, I do know that I am never slinking back, and yet I fear the hot breath bearing down upon me in its own way. No longer will it define me, but I must learn the balance between this darkness and my light.

I am always traveling, seemingly never to arrive. I carry my inner light to shine upon darkened places for it is there that I best understand. I know where I have been and at what cost I survived, and balance the need between here and there. Carefully, I make artistic strokes across the page, but in time all colors fade.

There are times I feel so deeply lost, then magically beckoned by light towards a healing path. Who are these spirits appearing as radiance so that I may find my way? I find pure joy in their presence and remain deeply grateful for the kindling of my flame.  For it is when I contain this light that I will find my way.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Not About Gender

"The feminine is not about gender, it's about a way
of being that is nurturing, caring, and intuitive."
Lisa Lister

The feminine side, shared by both men and women, calls for us to return to realms of creativity, and rewarding intuition while dismissing destructive patterns and debilitating fears. Releasing concerns of being too sensitive and the struggle for expression, we experience a return of power.

It is when we finally acknowledge the feminine side that we begin to lead more fulfilling lives. We become aware of the feminine speaking to us through dreams, daily living, and the collective consciousness. When ignored or repressed, feminine energy can turn negative creating turmoil. When fully aligned with the masculine, we reach our potential.

When we begin to use our feminine power we are able to be gentle and expressive through a variety of ways. We relax into new ways of interacting without the need for negating or controlling. As we embrace a delicate approach our spirits become uplifted which then colors our world in more peaceful array. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

This Totem of Mine

"It is done unto you as you believe."
Jesus Christ

The hawk has been an articulate messenger in my life. For years, it has brought me back in focus through intervention in my thoughts and actions. Spontaneously flying right before me on an interstate or perched directly outside of my window, the hawk has repeatedly brought unexpected and accurate wisdom and corrective direction. 

This totem of mine, consistently reminds me that life presents information which is left to my interpretation. The hawk has insisted through its presence that messages are two fold. They can be applied to my inner sensitivities or unravel the complexities surrounding me. Solid facts shift according to my interpretations.

When life becomes overwhelming and I find myself perplexed and unhappy, a hawk appears to remind me of the strength found in the connection between the body, mind and spirit. Without trust, I perceive life happening to me. Not holding the self accountable, I lack control. Sitting with the hawk, I open to the lesson with new eyes and vision.


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Redundant Claim

"Settling at last
accounts of the soul;
this for the trash,
that paid in full."
Leonard Cohen

Sifting through sins of the past and sorting out what is over due, one begins to find a healthier balance in his or her life. Finally putting guilt and regret to rest, one can take a fresh breath to mend broken boundaries. Determining what is genuinely important with tasks at hand, we can clear the page with personal discretion. 

Energy becomes crisp and potent when not being distracted by what is no longer important to our well being. Sifting through debris, we reclaim parts of our lovely selves needing to be nurtured and respected. A greater sense of who we are brightens the way, leading us out of the heaviness of wasteful thinking.

Redundant perhaps, the claim of walking in the light, but as we allow the self to be free, the pathways open radiant and alluring. Stay the course while feeling the warmth of hearts felt true, unburdened by self-imposed restrictions. Freedom flows through our existence with new purpose and heightened desire.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Tainted Listening

"We don't hear what someone said;
we imagine what they mean."
Byron Katie

As words are spoken, we attach meaning to each one based upon our own personal experiences. So from the beginning, we may be headed in the wrong direction. Emotionally, we fill in the blanks that appear in pauses during the conversation. We also slant the conversation towards what we mostly want to hear.

It is no wonder misunderstandings occur, even when we are deliberately trying to be simply present. In our determination to understand what is being shared, we may hang on to each word rather than going with the flow of the conversation. We prioritize phrases or take them out of context which leads us farther astray.

Preconceived ideas easily taint the truth being revealed. A difficult scenario may be described and in our eagerness to identify, we choose to relate based upon our own experience rather than on what is being described. Even though we do these things out of eagerness to please, it is a faulty and detrimental approach.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

You Be You, and I'll Be Me!

You be you, and
I'll be me! 

Time and energy is falsely spent in duplicating the image and behaviors of someone else. There definitely is value in viewing outside of ourselves without the motivation of replacing our authentic identity. We learn through each other, but we must remain specific to our own skills feeding our own purpose in life. 

Life  is more interesting when diversity is present. Differences between people can make us better human beings. When a false image is  projected, it is similar to giving someone a futile erroneous map. When we show our lovely selves, receiving lesser than appreciation, it is notification to seek healthier environments.

To thrive, we must know ourselves, discover diverse resources, and continuously invest is who we are yearning to be. There is no need to prostitute the self for the acceptance, love, or advancement. We do our best when we endeavor to discover people, places, and things that reflect and enhance our unique individuality.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Thunder and Lightning

"Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, 
but it is lightning that does the work."
Mark Twain

There are challenges in life, forcing us to experience dark harshness so that we can truly know peace. Years may be filled with struggle offering us opportunities to stretch and grow. But even at that, time is spent decluttering wounds of the heart. Rumbling thunder will either cower us or force us to discover the resurrection found in light.

Thunder and lightning work together forming a template. They never truly go away, but we do learn a cadence to fluctuate between the two. Thunder triggers our hidden and buried trauma while lightning empowers our ability to hope. They are the yin and the yang projecting us closer to our true identity.

When we encounter those who seem to 'have it all together', we tend to overlook the endured vibrations of darkness they have fought to dwell in light. Lightning empowers us, and becomes an instrument of peace. Becoming a source of light, allows us to lighten pathways and instill hope in others.