Saturday, March 16, 2024

Reach Out!

"With all your heart, reach out to your divine dreams." 
Lailah Gifty Akita

True, you may not be able to control very much about your day, but you can control how you respond to it. If you look to your surroundings, perhaps there is very little support, but you can pull your lovely self inward enjoying peace inside. While media bombards, you can choose what you actually allow into your heart consciousness.

When you are aware of the noise of life, you can begin to filter out the harsh elements, replacing them with calm. The phrase about 'turning the other cheek' can also be applied to turning your eyes and ears in alternate emotional directions. There is enormous choice as to how you can personally adapt to outside sources.

You simply tell your fine self stories about how your dreams are too lofty, too time consuming or too out of reach. Once you prioritize desires, investing your energy into supporting rather than denying, the Universe begins to support you through synchronicities and magical unfoldings. With all of your heart, engage with your dreams!

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