Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Unique, Not Normal


"We need to become increasingly willing to experience 
our vulnerable feelings as well as our strength."
Shakti Gawain

In times of loneliness, you may ask your lovely self why you cannot be like normal people living a normal life.  The answer is you were never meant to be them and you really don't know what issues they are facing.  You are intended to be authentic and original.

There are times you have emptied your human self of false images and decreased negative attachments only to feel even more singular and alone.  It is important to remember that we need this space openly cleansed prior to filling it up again.

Trust that the Universe has a greater plan for you, using your strengths. Be that seed pushing up through the dirt reaching for the sun. Grow, my friend. Become the amazing human you have always been meant to be.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The Duo of Resistance and Acceptance

"The mental suffering you create is always some form of non-acceptance, 
some form of unconscious resistance to what is. The intensity of the suffering 
depends on the degree of resistance to the present moment."
Eckhart Tolle 

Sensitivities run high as we anticipate or ruminate over holiday seasons.  Even if time shared together is highly rewarding, we may experience disruption in the blend of diverse opinions. We may take things too personally or disallow respect for others. 

We are entitled to our feelings; but, seldom can we singularly change attitudes or perceptions. Too often, we are simply reacting to the choices of others based on how it makes us feel. What is the underlying reason for our judgment?

Without body, mind and spirit alignment, we become easy prey for disillusionment and critical judgment.  Attempt to accept choices before they infringe upon physical health. Choose to  be less defensive and more open to a higher level of interpretation.  


Monday, November 28, 2022

Creases and Etchings

"We live beneath many layers.  Some are for
our protection, and some are for our control."
Russell Eric Dobda

As unique souls, we have a core that we can build upon, decorate, and dismantle.  There is a need to be aligned and then a focus to remain balanced.  The key, of course, is to be aware of when it is time to add or subtract.

We out grow original intentions, change pathways, and seek the unknown, while struggling to remain upright and steadfast.  There must be a strength to weather strong winds, deflect hurling waves, and temper the hot sun.

Our true beauty is reflected in our hard earned creases and etchings on our soul.  Strength is reflected in how we carry our words, perceptions, and dreams.  As our layers thicken with knowledge, we stretch towards the sky, reaching for the illumination of the stars sprinkled across the sky. 


Sunday, November 27, 2022

Magic In The Soul

"Traveling through life with curiosity rather than 
judgement is how one finds the magic in each moment."
Erin Chatters 

When we are weighted down with emotional or physical pain, higher perspectives can be elusive.  If we can avoid zeroing in on particulars and step back to broaden the view, we may be able to move through challenge without losing our spiritual viewpoints.

At the on set of unsettling circumstances, we can benefit by being curious as to what is actually triggering our reaction.  We may be falling into childhood insecurities, experiencing loss of control, projecting judgement or struggling with the unknown.

Choose to take a deep breath. Gather the confidence needed to trust in the commitment of the Universe to guide, assist, and love us. In spite of lingering shadows, if we open our hearts, we begin to see the light holding magic for our souls. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Triggering Connection

"If you feel isolated, then reach out
and do one random act of kindness."
Steve Nobel 

We may find it too challenging to put our escalating emotions into words.  Our fear of being judged may prevent us from opening a door that could let light in.  The thought of giving voice to our fears can be overwhelming in itself.

We can create a phrase like "I'm not doing very well," as a signal of distress to those who care and support us. This can offer ease without the necessity of deep explanation. There are times conversations can lead to increased drama; whereas, a friend's hug can simply uplift. 

To get out of our inner turmoils, we can extend a helping hand.  Whether we do it behind the scenes or with lavish flair, action pulls us forward.  Simplicity, such as returning someone else's shopping cart can trigger connection to lift our spirits dramatically higher.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Deep Water Current

"We are called to hold our hearts or those we love
as we navigate the next wave."
 Mitch Davidowitz

Perhaps, we are experiencing a backlash from the holidays. One minute we are floating in peace and calm, and then we are broadsided by an unexpected wave. The current takes hold and pulls us down into our history of sorrow.

Remember, that at one time, we felt a connection with each person we connect with during the holidays.  Viewing each other as both human and spiritual, we can proceed through the churning waters and not be submerged in negative currents.

If we can find a way to reach the surface together, there can be a kindness shared without attachments or expectations.  When we allow love to float in peace and calm, our energies no longer churn deep waters.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Perception

"The world exists as you perceive it."

Feel the ground beneath you, allowing light energy to push upwards through your body.  Experience the warm feeling as your circulation aligns.  As you pull loving light down from above, notice how it releases darkness, so that you can see with new eyes.

Focus on the loving kindness stored in your heart.  Let it shine outwards to touch the spirits of others, whether present or absent.  Be not distracted by what is missing, but overjoyed by the abundance you have.

Push through any darkness.  Have a thankful heart, whether that escorts you outside with nature, gathers you around a festive table or bundles you in front of a warm fire.  Light a candle in celebration of a Thanksgiving you lovingly perceive.


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Can You See Me, Now?


"Letting go of that which you were, 
to become who you are here to be next."
Lee Harris

Avoid the temptation to regress into a role you once played, but no longer fits.  Gather what you have learned throughout the year about value and worthiness.  Hold in your mind an image of your loving soul, resonating in the presence of all others.

No one can make you feel shame unless you allow it.  Mistakes of your past were opportunities for you to change. If you feel as though the people you call family, truly do not see you, do not for one second question who you are. 

It is up to you to honor and respect changes you have chosen for your life.  The only person you  need to impress is you!  You have dismantled your past, so create new memories.  You want to be accepted as you are, so let others be accepted as they are as well.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Emotional Push-Ups

"Scars fade with time.  The ones that never go
away, well, they build character, maturity, caution."
Erin McCarthy

Emotional push-ups are helpful with the forthcoming holidays.  No matter how thankful we may be, there remains the need for flexible boundaries.  We need to be strong enough to raise or lower defenses however the occasion unfolds.

No need for a chip on the shoulder and certainly adjust expectations so that we do not take another fall.  Simply be open with the intention to extend love equally. Bitterly remembering the past, curbs creative measurement for possibility.

As we cross a thresh-hold or welcome guests, hold the heart open as a reflection of the self.  Do not listen too closely and try not to stare.  Let there be gratitude for the lessons learned through challenges and healing.  Be the peace and kindness we long to see.


Monday, November 21, 2022

Open The Door

"While it is important to look directly while
speaking, it is essential to open the door
to your heart."
Mitch Davidowitz

Eye contact heightens a conversation, as they say, eyes are the doorway to the soul.  If we are closed off while sharing, our vibration is lowered and not nearly as engaging.  When we speak from the heart, the frequency is definitely elevated.

We must not fear the reaction to what we communicate.  Either it will be embraced or rejected, which aught not alter our personal truth.  The words we speak reverberate deeply within, solidifying our very core while stirring a reaction in the listener.

As we open the door to our heart as we speak, a multi-dimensional communique is offered. Our simple words turn into a deeper language, accompanied by the body, mind and soul.  Our words empower us and hopefully inspire others, but we must remain open to the words and thoughts of others. 


Sunday, November 20, 2022

"What About Me?"

"There are all kinds of fear:  anxiety about survival,
fear of pain and violence, and also fear of 
rejection, separation, and loneliness."
Pamela Kribbe

There are those who are worried about obtaining security and those who are concerned about losing freedom.  Many are facing failing health with concerns about medical expenses and personal pain.  As chaos increases there is worry about physical safety. At the core of it  all, resides the question of 'what about me' ...

Life continuously presents challenges which can trigger fear.  And although we cannot entirely eliminate fear, we can minimize it by looking at the basic emotions beneath it. There is a need to balance our anxiety by choosing positive thoughts, supported by supportive actions. 

When we maintain an appreciation for the self, we care less about what others think, and remember we will never please everyone.  As we experience separation, we can choose to use the space for renewal and restoration. If we choose to communicate with friends, nature, or spiritual connections, we reduce the sense of being alone.  We have the ability to adjust. 


Saturday, November 19, 2022

Inspiration Utilized

  • "Obstacles are those frightful things you see
    when you take your eyes off your goal."
    Henry Ford

    • Inspiration heightens our life experience if we utilize it through our actions, thoughts, and focus. Whether it comes in dream form, reading material, guides or mentors, hardly matters.  It is the message that is of great importance.  

    Whether lofty or grounded, information can only be vital if we retain it and apply it to our circumstances.  If the insight is merely fleeting, we will not advance as intended.  If we dismiss our intuition as faulty, we fall behind in advancement.

    Too often, we pick up a favorite book or excerpt from a journal and rediscover a creative communication that had been heart felt.  We find ourselves saying, "Oh my gosh, I forgot all about that!"  Just consider, if the inspiration had been utilized at that time, how much further we could have been today.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Reflecting the Inner Self


"This is your time to move through the reels
of illusion and claim moments of being aligned
to inner truth, the sacred truth of self."
Christine Day

There is a sacred component within the human experience that is present at all times.  We are called to overcome whelms of self-doubt which lead us away from our inner knowings.  Second guessing our personal intuition, leads us astray. Go within and access what is applicable to our situation, expectations, and destiny.

The Universe continuously bombards us with messages, but we sadly choose to listen to sources who could not possibly offer us the personal insight lingering within us.  We turn down the volume of our inner voice, and ignore the pregnant silences abundantly awaiting our attention.

Imagine the world around us as a canvas painted with wild and spontaneous colors. Gently layer over the chaos with hues that bring joy, healing, and connection.  Listen to the songs of the heart and allow the feet to dance. Claim this essence, step through illusions, and paint the world with the beauty of the soul.


Thursday, November 17, 2022

Unspoken Messages

"Sometimes others are trying to tell you something without words, 
whether they are human, spirit or animal and you simply do not notice 
because you are focused on the objective world."
Suzanne Giesemann

Faced with challenge, feeling confused, and not knowing which way to turn, we seek insight whether through nature or prayer. We may revisit a book written by an admired spiritual leader or sit in meditation, hoping for direction for corrective healing.

There is an important step that follows asking for help, and that is to pay attention for the answer. This shifts us to the importance of non-verbal clues and non-physical impressions. . Our openness to receive an answer is imperative for full measures of guidance.

Valuable insights are too often overlooked if we are rigidly focused on a projected outcome. If we are closed to abstract impressions, our assumptions may be lack luster and false. Watch interactions between strangers, listen to the silence in nature, and be diligent in feeling what surfaces within the heart. Multiple nuances whisk around us at all times.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Ascending with Imperfection


"And when you make a mistake, start over.
Because only then will you be in love with life."
Pope Francis 

Growing up in the city, fire escapes created a visual imprint. As an apartment dweller,  I climbed stairs to rise to a higher level.  There I would rest, breathing in the view and assessing the stars.  

Eventually, inner fire singed my comfort zone, and I would ascend yet again. With each flight, I grew more aware of the necessity to create happiness, as life was never going to be perfect.   I allowed tears to cleanse my perspectives and continued to gaze upwards.

Pain of climbing, never reaching the top, taught me patience with what unfolded and tolerance for uncertainty.  New beginnings in spite of the unknown, helped me to love life just as it was ... imperfect levels of ascension. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Spin with Courage

"Choosing to heal and to be free of lifetimes of 
suffering takes courage and involves trusting
your innate wisdom, intuition and others."
Valerie Kashouty Sargent 

Trauma offers us an opportunity to heighten and trust intuition, ancient wisdom, and input from trusted mentors.  To simply respond with same behaviors is destructive.  There needs to be a pause, to open our body, mind, and heart to new ways of navigating while listening to our soul.

Become aware of how you feel and what circumstances bring a sense of empowerment. Begin to include affirmations or daily guidance to increase positive thoughts.  Develop a stronger connection with nature to step out of cloistered atmospheres.  

Life moves up and down a spiral, not linear.  We experience, master or stumble, as we gyrate in a circular pattern. We hopefully discard discord and begin to view life through healthier scenarios, creating and stimulating vibrational change. 


Monday, November 14, 2022

Choice on the Path

"It's about your power to choose moment
to moment, to open to the flow of 
Universal Unconditional Love."
Sheila Reynolds

We are walking down the path of life which continuously offers us gifts. If we are traveling at an aggressive pace, we will squash the seeds waiting to sprout and bloom. When we move forward gently aware and diversely open, we begin to choose blessings rather than fear.

When we no longer define love as singularly romantic, love joyfully surrounds us.   We begin to have a bounce in our step, leading us into a higher level of creativity.  Our curiosity expands and we no longer feel quite so alone.

Following the path, we are often greeted by others offering compassion and insight. As we gain the sense of unconditional love, there is an expansion of our awareness. Our passion then streams through illuminating the beauty of remaining on the path and in the flow.


Sunday, November 13, 2022



"Practice non-attachment so that you may walk 
and move lightly through this ascending world."
Steve Noble

When we are hoodwinked into believing the outcome of our endeavors must please others, we are placing barriers between our true nature and fulfillment. We crimp our energy by siphoning it rather than allowing it to flow.  

Once we identify our gift, the way we want to extend it into the world, and our intention for betterment, we need to side step ego, social pressures, and imposed criticism.  When we release attachment from the expectations of others, our vibrations are free to increase!

Instead of distractions by outside expectations, we are able to follow our heart's desire, gaining momentum as we proceed. The power within us enters a partnership with our ascending world.  A connection is heightened with all there is. 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Inner Sanctuary


"That is your power - your ability to provide
a sanctuary, to let life nestle in your giant heart."
Jeff Foster 

Life provides a cycle for us to learn and transcend.  It is through the spinning of loose threads and knotted entanglements, that the tapestry of life is created.  When we proceed mindfully, we are inspired to develop shapes, hues, and designs that bring us comfort and joy.

When we are comfortable in our own heart, we attract others to both challenge and enhance our spiraling journey.  If we remain flexible, we are able to twirl and spin without fear.  As we remember that all situations offer purpose, we can be diligently aware. 

What we hold in our heart impacts our thoughts, actions, and participations.  If there is joy and appreciation while we wait for life to unfold, our perspectives influence not only our own journey, but the pathways of others.  

Friday, November 11, 2022

Words, Not Weapons

"Peace cannot be achieved through violence,
it can only be attained through understanding."
Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Veteran's Day stirs emotions deep seated in my soul.  I mourn the loss of friends killed in combat and cringe at stories of those suffering both emotional and  physical challenges without appropriate care and support.  

Violence of any kind hurts my heart whether administered to the earth, animals, or humans. I am continuously prompted to be present for those who suffer under the oppression of others.  Professionally, I was dedicated to understanding violent acts towards children.

My intention is to explore diversity and to be open to differing points of view.  I believe that using compassion and empathy, resolution can materialize.  In truly seeing whoever stands before us, by not feeling threatened, and open to cultural alignment, peaceful means can be established.

QUESTION:  How can there be world peace when we cannot establish an element of acceptance within our selves, our families, communities, country? We must begin!


Thursday, November 10, 2022

Just a Blink Away


"This is your power ... your ability to provide
sanctuary, to let life nestle in your giant heart."
Jeff Foster 

The vacation we long for can be experienced at hand when we enhance our ability to imagine. The mini retreat we never find time for can exist if we utilize creative visualization.  The perfect sanctuary we long for resides within our dream safely registered in our heart.

The ability to create a sanctuary does not require a person to be a wisdom keeper, guru or established artist.  Gently close the eyes and bring to mind what generates comfort.  Is it walking on the beach, strolling in the secluded woods or standing on a mountain top? 

Bring to mind the element of safety, relaxing into the projected sanctuary and simply 'be' while removed from the busy-ness of life.  Let silence or preferred music calm the soul.  This space is available instantly.  Just gently close the eyes ...

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Horizons Expand

"Some strive to make themselves great. Others help others 
see and find their own greatness. It's the latter who really 
enrich the world we live in."
Rasheed Ogunlaru

If we believe life is a race, we will be obsessed with competition and winning.  We will be self-focused, leaving others in our 'dust'.  If we believe life is a journey, we will be curious and inclusive.  It would seem that when we cease to be exclusive, our horizons expand! 

It is important to be able to offer our best to the world.  If we attempt to excel on our own, we may be successful, but not as compassionate and diverse, When we allow others to engage, we begin to nurture collectively and diversely. 

When we choose to climb a ladder, stepping upon others as we proceed, we can arrive at the top, but for how long?  Often, resentment, jealousy, and anger becomes retaliated. The results are different if we clasp hands with others along the way, allowing others to become a part of our journey celebrating a reflective outcome.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Energetic Shifts


"The magnetic core is transmitting through a different 
energetic ratio, working through an entirely different 
multidimensional framework system."
Christine Day 

Energetic shifts create a sense of unknowing and uncertainty.  Disruption and change  impacts our experience and we notice the collective impact as well. We shift our thoughts from a personal vibrational change to what is occurring on a global level.  

It is helpful to understand planetary alignment, but it is not necessary to adjust our reaction to twists and turns. This is a time when we are being called to recognize the sacredness within and link it to our surrounding community.

Flexibility may be the key to moving forward, enhancing a spiritual presence in our own lives that ripples out into our surrounding environment.  Do not cling to what is familiar, and be not discouraged by this shift in balance. Prepare to reinvent patterns.


Monday, November 7, 2022

No Requirements

"We do ourselves most good
by doing for others."
Horace Mann

This man was riding his bicycle  at a STEAM PUNK FESTIVAL, joyfully interacting with visitors from near and far.  He didn't have a magic wand nor did he possess special captivating powers.  He simply used his positive energy to bring happy smiles to others.

When we focus on what we have, we are less likely to slip through the cracks of darkness and fear. As we hone our skill through hands on experience or enhance our relationships by being present, goodness floods our soul.

It is when we reach out to others, offering a smile or a supportive hug, that goodness spreads.  It does not require a university degree nor a life of misery.  When we are simply  aware with a willingness to reach out, our lives tend to soar. 


Sunday, November 6, 2022


"There is no such thing as a stranger,
only friends we have not yet met."
Will Rogers

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience, and from that basis, no one is a stranger.  To learn intended lessons, we do not necessarily recognize those who willingly came to earth with us in order to not reduce impact of experience. 

When we glance back across friendships over the years, there is a common thread woven into our relationships.  Often, we cannot find the words to grasp the unspoken bond running throughout these experiences.  

Significant people, not always generating a positive input, play a role in our human development.  They challenge us to become a higher version of our self and we are both called and blessed by the entanglement. 


Saturday, November 5, 2022

Response to Incident


"The appearance of things changes according
to the emotions; and thus we see magic and
beauty in them, while the magic and beauty
are really in ourselves."  Khalil Gibran

As you gaze at your surroundings, perceptions color what you see.  You may look out the window and if the sun is shining brightly you may feel empowered.  Looking, once again, out the same window on the same day,  you may feel sad or lonely.  It's not the view, it's you.

Disruption is inevitable, and on certain days, you may respond with laughter taking the situation in stride, while on other days, you may feel kicked to the ground.  It is not necessarily the incident, but how you choose to respond.

In the exact same scenario without any variables, how you see things or react can vary and be inconsistent with previous responses.  The only constant in life is change, providing you with numerous opportunities to see either beauty or pain. You get to choose.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Dismantling ...


"Three things to be grateful for:
the person you are becoming,
how far you have come,
what you already have."

There are numerous layers adding to our identity.  There is the past, the present and the future compiling and competing for a certain image.  It is ironic that we come into full realization when we dismantle our baggage, finding our core. 

Life is filled with construction, balancing events as carefully as we can.  Just when we think we are nearing stability, the walls can come tumbling down.  We learn to to realign using balance and new supplies.

Renovation calls upon us to discard what no longer fits together.  We are beckoned to design a new module, to clarify what difference we want to make and how to use Divine Spirit as our unseen architect. We have choices ... we are the project manager!

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Where Diversity Resides


"Do not fear the unknown. The unknown
is where the rest of you resides."
Dolores Cannon

Over the years, I began to realize that I was not just one thing.  I was composed of numerous parts and although each one may have been in direct conflict with one other, there remained the opportunity for alignment. 

I began to think of myself as a kaleidoscope, gently turning to see diversity through a single lens.  It was neither one or the other, pass or fail, nor right or wrong.  Releasing these restrictive thoughts, exploration soared.

Looking down at leaves dancing across my path, I notice that some are oak or maple or from the red burning bush.  Nature allows them their own identity with equal honor and respect.  Delve inside where diversity resides and greet aspects of the colorful unknown.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Nudges Align


"Freedom comes when we surrender our small will 
to the greater will of Infinite Intelligence."
Steven Noble

I push my body forward, trying to walk respectfully along the trail.  I am aware of the leaves crunching beneath my feet and the nut crazy squirrels prancing across my path.  I am hoping these distractions will pull my mind aside, allowing insight to flow.

It is one thing to be walking in silence and quite another to find stillness in thoughts, but as I endeavor to establish a connection with Spirit, channels begin to open. I am well passed the roadblocks of questioning sanity, fantasy and disillusion.  

This morning communion in nature with the Divine sets my tone and intention for personal and spiritual fulfillment.  No longer do I scribble a daily routine or creative agenda.  I hold my human self open for nudges aligning me to greater purpose. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Is That Really You?

"Each relationship and each person that comes into 
our lives is shining mirror, allowing us to see 
our life from a different angle."
Kaya Wittenburg

As a soul family gathers around, we too often forget to catch s glimpse of that part of our self being reflected back towards us.  Our deep relationships nurture us and as we respond with gratitude, but we overlook the opportunity of give inside.  The compassion we offer to others is seldom directed back towards our own being.

We admire the creativity we see in others, but minimize our own.  We praise the resilience of people faced with challenge, but disregard our due diligence applied throughout our own journey. As we seek the wisdom of others, we neglect to seek our own.

How is it we forget to see our lovely selves as we shift through life on what seems like a crushing wave instead of simple floating?  In transition, we are trapped in the darkness of fear, when we could prosper by pushing through the darkness.  Everything before us represents an aspect of who we are, giving us choice to recognize and respond while reaching towards the higher self.