Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Nudges Align


"Freedom comes when we surrender our small will 
to the greater will of Infinite Intelligence."
Steven Noble

I push my body forward, trying to walk respectfully along the trail.  I am aware of the leaves crunching beneath my feet and the nut crazy squirrels prancing across my path.  I am hoping these distractions will pull my mind aside, allowing insight to flow.

It is one thing to be walking in silence and quite another to find stillness in thoughts, but as I endeavor to establish a connection with Spirit, channels begin to open. I am well passed the roadblocks of questioning sanity, fantasy and disillusion.  

This morning communion in nature with the Divine sets my tone and intention for personal and spiritual fulfillment.  No longer do I scribble a daily routine or creative agenda.  I hold my human self open for nudges aligning me to greater purpose. 

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