Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Year's Eve with Lovely Trees

"A candle escorts me into the New Year.
The flame may flicker, but the fire is eternal!"

New Year's Eve has been celebrated in numerous ways throughout my life, and the flashbacks have been  accompanied by a wide range of emotions.  Earlier years of parties only the young adult could withstand transferred into hosting parties for the sake of private control.  Eventually, quiet dinner parties with candle lit tables, mood music, and thoughtful discussions prevailed.  The tempo decreased even more to my favorite selection of book, candle, and fire.  

There were so many fears I once carried, which never came to life.  Then unsuspected losses that had never been anticipated altered my way of living.  Growing beyond my expectations, discovering professional endurance and personal strength, my spirit was continuously uplifted by the endless  compassion from sisters of my heart.

New Year's Eve .... Will I find the courage to rally to completion of who I was meant to be?  Will my voice be heard and my heart understood?   I will continue to write until I can hold this pen no more ... and then I shall wrap my lovely self in my quilt and thoughtfully look through the window at my lovely trees.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Passing Moment

"Reach out and help others.  If you have the power to make someone happy, 
do it.  Be a vessel, be a change, be the difference or be the inspiration. 
Shine our light as an example.  The world needs more of that."
Germany Kent

If we should happen to discover a part of our lovely selves we really do not like, we have the power to change it.  The first step is just being aware of the behavior or pattern running through relationships.  Be curious as to how long this action has been impacting our natural responses.  What event triggered this need or who whom did we learn it from?

Our behaviors are so automatic, we often are not aware of the bashing we give ourselves or the criticisms we extend to others.  Just a stream of unwanted words that damage our own esteem and break the hearts of others.

Be accountable for how our actions and our conversations.  During gatherings, be respectful to all people.  If we are stuck in a conversation with a person with a different belief system, try to determine at least one aspect one could accept .... like pretty eyes or straight teeth.  Seriously, this is better than being rude!  Our judgment is a reflection upon ourselves.  Be nice, even for just a passing moment.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

The World Needs Your Light to Shine


"Don't be afraid to shine.
The world needs your light."
Timi Nadela

There are some individuals who can enter a room and illuminate everyone in it.  They are like a flame to the moth, as individuals will immediately take flight to the person's presence.  There is an undefinable quality about this person who lifts the spirit in each person's heart.  The best part is that they very likely are unaware of the magical light they spread.

I am not talking about a movie star, although it could be, or a highly recognized official, although this could be true as well. The attractiveness does not stem from facial quality or letters listed behind a name.  The core of this individual  is the genuine light of God shining through, using this person as a vessel to unexpectedly pour out love and light.

As an energy worker, my inner light is in abundance.  I can glance around and notice someone who looks heavy trodden.  I will quietly extend light to them, hoping they will feel the warmth and be uplifted.  The truth is subconsciously, the person will accept the gift of light or decline it.  The outcome does not matter to me nor do I have control.  My responsibility is to extend light onto others and let it go where it needs to go.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Unless They Are On Fire

"If you find the need to blow out someone else's candle
do it for good reason.  Not because you want yours
to shine brighter."
Bonnie Zackson Koury

There is absolutely no reason to blow out someone else's candle, unless they are on fire.  We each have a flame to kindle and it more than likely is different one from each other.  The thrust is to band our individual flames together to shine so brightly, no longer will anyone be afraid of the dark.

Since childhood, the song about "This Little Light of Mine" has been my guide through numerous shadows.  I have grown up believing that a simple candle best reflects the tenderness and steadfastness of God's love.  My home has been lit by candles throughout the year day or night.

The Catholic Church glorified candles on a larger display than my Lutheran religion, but both carried me to connect the presence of the sacred with the presence of light reflection.  My faith in glowing light became compounded with trainings in light energy.   We are all "ONE" light moving in spite of the darkness around us.  Together, our flames will light the way.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Can You Tell You Are A Little Different?


"The most fascinating people, those who made a mark on this Earth,
who changed history and culture are always those who were a 
little different."
Eileen Anglin

Over the years, there has been a noticeable shift from hounding our children about perfection of a singular idea and encouraging them to explore and expand.  Years ago, parents had tunnel vision about what their precious babies would do once grown up, whether they liked it or not.

Reflections of my father's generation remain with me.  We were talking about his career and I had asked if he 'liked' it.  He looked at me like I was ignorant and exclaimed, "You don't like your work.  You are thankful for a job and you just do it!"

Just recently a parent of an excellent athlete mentioned his son discovering his natural talent for music, and how the family was encouraging him.  I flashed back to my youth and remembered being told to steer away from both music and art as they would never support a family.  Individually, we must pursue or at least experience our own individuality.  All parts of our lovely selves are supported by our unique experiences.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Prevent Slip into Pitfall

"When there is darkness around you,
shine your light even brighter."
Jeanette Coron

We are tender spirits, and when we have the first sense of emotional darkness creeping in, we tend to withdraw.  In reality, we can make this dip into darkness much shorter by kicking our light up a notch rather than shutting down.

We are powerful if we choose to side step an emotional tantrum by placing our lovely selves in time out.  Take just a few minutes to stabilize our breathing, identify what just blindsided us, and put it into the present moment.

We cannot alter the past nor do we have control over our future, but we do have choice as to how we want to react.  The long version is to crumble into the darkness and chastise our previous behavior.  The short version is stay in the moment realizing that back then we may have chosen poorly, but today we have more resources to avoid our pitfalls.  Commit to shinning our light brighter and carry on.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Spirit of Christmas

"Christmas is not a time or a season but a state of mind.  To
cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is 
to have the real spirit of Christmas."
Calvin Coolidge

What one word would you choose to describe Christmas?  Would you need one word for the sacred aspect, another for the social, and one other for the family reflection?  Curious, would you choose from childhood or adulthood?  Is the association with your past or the present?  The word you pick, is it emotional, vibrational or colorful?  Do you laugh when you say it or do tears run down your face?

In addition to the descriptive word for Christmas, what emotional attachment do you have with the season?  Are there certain practices you have in December that are not recognized the rest of the year?  Do you anxiously await the holiday or do you anxiously await its passing?

To be fair, I will choose kindness for my one word in describing Christmas.  The depth of this word is rooted in every day of my life whether sacred or not.  Kindness extends as a hope throughout my existence.  Simple kindness is what I hope to bestow upon you and I so hope you will do the same.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A Private Christmas Eve

"Christmas Eve was a night of song wrapped itself about you
like a shawl.  But it warmed more than your body.  It warmed
your heart ... filled it, too, with melody that would last forever."
Beth Street Aldrich

Christmas Eve meant going to church for the candlelight service and then rushing home to pajamas, cookies and hot chocolate gathered by our tree.  One at a time, each child would get to open one package.  The rest would wait for in the morning.

I would watch my four children gathered together on the floor wrapped in quilts  with pillows.  There was laughing, teasing, and great respect given to the two younger ones who still happened to believe in Santa.  We were family then.  There was a bond holding us together that no one could take apart ... and other Christmas Fantasies swirling about.

There is an innocence that children bring to these times.  Perhaps it is simply a pause from the carelessness of every day life.  It might be the love that shines from the tender eyes as they glance from one to another.  It may be the unspoken word that beats within each heart.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Master Piece Ornaments in the Eyes of the Seeker

"It was the most beautiful but curious ornament I had ever seen.
I couldn't take my eyes off of it."
James Barbato

In years passed, I was not as likely to pay attention to the ornaments cradled in Christmas trees, as I am now.  It has become a new adventure for me to learn the stories behind a given ornament secured in a tree.  

The intricacy of the artist flows gracefully across one single piece. Yet there are some so unique that one becomes mesmerized by its simplicity.  Whether the base is fabric, tin, or a dainty piece of china does not seem to secure 'best of show' status.

To ask a host to share just one favorite ornament, one person might find this impossible as they all have faded in significance while others love so many in their possession, they cannot choose just one. The hostess that immediately grins and reaches through the branches to retrieve a keepsake shall win the recognition. There is always a wonderful story attached whether passed down through ancestors or made by the first child.  Their endearment towards this object creates a master piece beholden in the eye of the seeker.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Snow Angels Anyone?

"Snowflakes swirl down gently in the deep blue haze
beyond the window.  The outside world is a dream."
Vera Nazarian

Snowflakes are one of numerous things that remain magical for me.  There is something so delicate, precise, and creative about snow flakes gently falling from the sky.  When the snow falls hard it is such an experience to feel it layering on one's head or shoulders and face.  Trudging through the untouched snow brings our different aspects of ourselves.  

For me, the most beautiful scene is when the trees are covered with snow, the sun is shining, and one male dressed in its bright red suit perches on a tree. He boastfully signs his cardinal song. The contrast against the blue sky solidifies the beauty of this winter scene.   It stabilizes me, allows me to feel there indeed is a natural order to the world.

The longing to lay down in the snow to make just one more  snow angel is overwhelming.  The snow laughingly calls to me and the warmth of the sun warms me to the idea.  Memories of swishing my arms to form majestic wings with my legs in unison beg me to revisit the task.  So I willingly plop down on my back, laughing loudly and securely holding my mitten upon my phone ...  911!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Sacred Connection Joyfully Strengthened

"It came to him that he didn't like holidays ...
They bore down on you.  Each one always
ended up feeling like an exam ..."
Lily King

The highest suicide rate occurs during the holidays.  These statistics at first surprised me.  When expanding thoughts of not only myself but neighbors, communities, and other countries, the picture of isolation was broadly displayed with both bold and harsh colors.

It seems easier now to draw the distinction between the haves and the have nots.  The neighborhood divide,  one gets used to;  but the national clash of cultures accented by violence can be overwhelming.
My question used to be, "How can we fix this?" but then I realized perhaps leaders of countries did not want to stabilize for the good of all people.

Within the celebrations of the holidays, there is a great deal of competitiveness and materialism; the atmosphere is filled with tension and stress; and the heart swells with sorrows as memories of Christmas Past stream through our thoughts.  Anymore, I find more peace wrapped in my quilt with hot chocolate in hand, the flames dancing in the fireplace, a lighted candle and my journal for personal reflection.  I tend to  experience the meaning of Christmas better in this stillness and my sacred connection is joyfully strengthened.  

Friday, December 20, 2019

The God of Great Excess

"The Christmas tree, twinkling with lights, had a mountain
of gifts piled up beneath it, like offerings to the great god of excess."
Tess Gerritsen

Young parents were discussing ways this year  to minimize Santa Claus and all of his gifts.  Their intention was not to exclude Old Kris Kringle, but to have things in better proportion.  An attempt could be made to  create more sacred moments in life by bringing excess to the poor and underprivileged.   

In the midst of the conversation, one mother said, "I feel like I am deliberately lying to my child and that doesn't feel good and I wonder how it will feel when I have to admit to him that I have been deliberately lying for years.  As you can imagine, one needs to question what examples we are setting and how we are building trust.

It seems Christmas begins small but grows with the family.  Family members branch out and create a bigger Christmas than they had ever had.  As wealth spreads, grand parents cannot necessarily afford the prices of expected gifts.  Where lies our focus? What is our true intention?  Which values are we reflecting?   How many offerings are we making to the great god of excess?

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Keepsake Ignoring Family Rules

"When purchasing gifts becomes the focal point of the season,
we lose focus on what's truly important."
Joshua Fields Milburn

Family traditions change over the years edited by the age of the elders or the stages of the children.  Sometimes it is a question of expense or the inconvenience while traveling. There are families who gift just the elders and those only children.  Drawing names works, but often times there is behind the scenes swapping of chosen names.

One family, years ago, decided twelve dollars would be more than enough for a decent gift.  As the years passed, the value of twelve dollars of course lessened, but the presents grew increasingly interesting and comical.

One family finally decided there would be no more gifts without exceptions.  A young woman in the mix was distraught as she knew this might be one of the last times the family would be able to gather.  So she purchased white gift cards and envelopes.  Inside each note was a personal memory she would treasure forever.  She simply penned the person's name on the envelope.  This simplicity touched all of the hearts of the family and created a keepsake for everyone.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Value of Jewelry or the Badge

"It's not how much we give, 
but how much love we put into giving."
Mother Theresa

The Christian Dior perfume re-gifted to you by a wealthy relative may not have the same depth in meaning as the gift from your elder neighbor who cross stitched a simple tea towel for your family.  Your favorite possession may have the least financial gain of any other item within the home.

Things are just things until we attach meaning to them or wrap them in strong memories.  What happens to be worthless to your sister may be priceless to you. "Fine, you take mom's jewelry, but I get Dad's badge!"  An equal trade for some.

The point is not so much about the item being extended as it is the tenderness, memories, attachment accompanying the gift.  When the gift is swaddled in our own love and extended as a gesture of sharing a piece of our inner self it gains importance.  When we transfer our reverence with the object, it truly continues to be a treasure.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Find The Spark and Attract Others

"Those who serve others will be served."
Lailah Gifty Akita

A few months back, I came across a new term Shadow Philanthropist.  My heart was uplifted when I discovered numerous people from around the world are silently giving large amounts of money for specific projects to help the needy ... who are everywhere.  The financial amount is not the highlight. The gesture of human kindness serving others in every imaginable capacity by anonymous people is catching on across the world.

I had been so discouraged by the overwhelming need of others, I was captivated by the shared stories relating to "Do unto others ...".  Painters, musicians, private corporations were discovering unique ways they could give to others from the base of their own comfort zone.  Bon Jovi discovered his capability in opening a restaurant to serve those without food.

There was a small family owned business wanting to serve, but felt they did not have the overhead to take enormous strides.  So one of the factory workers asked, "We know what we cannot do, but what can we do?"  Everyone submitted ideas and by afternoon the business as a whole, not just the owner, had established a part time nurse office, after school building project  to benefit the homeless, and  a bottled water center to be available 24/7.  It is a start, a beginning and a mighty fine example.  1.  What do I have   2.  How can I serve   3.  Just do it!

Monday, December 16, 2019

Protective Measures for Energy

"If we do not have personal boundaries,
our energy can be exceedingly impacted, 
if we do not make protective measures."
Denise Linn

As we find ourselves subjected to numerous people during the holiday, our energy system weakens,  we are then vulnerable to broad patterns of energies, illnesses, and emotions.  When we are run down functioning on the last wisps of personal energy, it is very easy to pick up emotional drudge from our own families.

Dedicate a space to check in with your lovely self.  Imaginatively, swirl golden  light all round your body from top to bottom.  Now project the golden light out towards those around you and extend it even further out into your community.  Be mindful of being in a light cocoon as you meet and greet people all day long.

If we return to home depleted, we can ask ourselves what is truly bothering us or is it just debris clinging to us from our day.  Take a shower if you can or bath to wash away the day and start anew.  If time doesn't allow, slowly wash your hands and face in soapy warm water allowing the sensation of cleanliness to flow through us.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Enhanced by Turn On

"Being creative is not a hobbie,
it's a way of life!"
Andre Ellison 

As a youngster, everyone knew not to be drawn into the fields of music, poetry, or art.  The most common response was, "You will never make any money and you will live in poverty."  So guidance counselors, prompted by parents, shuffled young students into safer fields hoping for higher results.

There is something about the behavior of people which draws me to observe them.  Without a predicted outcome, I patiently wait for the gift I would receive.  The caught behavior may have been disgusting like spitting on the side walk, or uplifting watching the person bend to help a child.  Consistently, however, there was  a connection that would snap like energy between us. Those experiences assisted me in seeing beyond the life directly in front of me.

My imagination has been the back drop to my life which would propel me through the hardest of times. Similar to an accomplished pianist who is accompanied all day by their love for music ... humming a song; practicing a melody in their head; or tapping a rhythm on the steering wheel; a creative person is actively imagining between sessions with their craft.  There is no switch to turn our gifts on or off.  They are meant to be used, strengthened, and applied to all areas of life.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Embrace Throbbing Vital Signs

"Time and distance
 Both illusion of the mind
No beginnings, no ends."
Alex Z. Moores

In life, we are moved as pawns across the board.  We try to remember the correct progression to successfully  arrive on the other side, but there are too many altering moments where one movement works  one time, but defeats us in the next.  The thoughts preserved in our hearts may not graduate with time, but the memories will awaken the original emotion

Even that which we repress can unexpectedly surface delivering pain and suffering as though we were trapped in that past moment.  We can rationalize, deceive ourselves or rearrange the facts of our history in hopes of finally placing our emotions to rest.

There is a gift, however, in receiving a memory from deep in the past.  It may trigger an authentic feeling we have not experienced in years.  Perhaps, it is joy or exhilaration for something outside of our lovely selves.   If we can step outside of time and distance, allowing our hearts to expand in the present moment,  we are given the opportunity once again to embrace throbbing vital signs of our life.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Silence and the Purity of Authentic Thought

"Traveling alone is a learning process;
some people travel for leisure,
I travel to run into myself!"
C. JoyBell C.

When my lovely daughter graduated from college, my journey to be with her stretched from an under two hour drive to a lengthy six hour drive, now turned eight.  There were hours to explore my choices, behaviors, and the depths of silence waiting for the purity of authentic thought.  

In all seasons the roads were beautiful.  In time I had selected my safest places to stop and a few shops for diversion when bored.  I knew the route by heart, and always felt as though I were being  pulled into my daughter's presence which continued to be a spiritual rest in a sacred haven.

The drive home often began with tears, but soon nature would pull my eyes  to watch the beauty and precision of the sky bound birds. The gracefulness of the deer stroked a natural sense of energy within me.  Watching the sky led to my understanding of the language hidden in the midst of the clouds.  The gentle movement in the sky reflected the necessity for me to gently change.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Engage or Not to Engage ...


"Be the one who nurtures and builds.  Be the one
who has an understanding and a forgiving heart
one who looks for the best in people. Leave people
better than you found them."
Marvin J. Ashton

When I sit surrounded by people I don't know very well, my imagination tends to seek an image as to who they are trying not to be.  Words are thrown out into conversation whether or not they are applicable to the subject at hand.  It is as though no one is listening, just spewing words.

Interjections clash against each other breaking the flow of conversation.  I begin to wonder if they are playing a game with each one given an individual subject and they can reflect only about their given topic.  These random words evaporate as know one present grasps them.

Bantering unnecessary words about makes me curious if any one is actually listening?  There does not even seem to be spaces between responses.  I no longer choose to be this way. I will not cast beautiful words into a jumbled arena.  I would rather stop listening all together, to stop trying to be a flickering light in the midst of a collective dark splatter.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

When Authenticity Appears

"When an actor reaches down into his emotional well and pulls up a deeply
personal response, the audience can sense something special is going on.
They may not know what they're seeing, but they recognize it as authentic."
Martin Sheen

Eager to meet a friend for coffee or a quiet dinner, we make a mental note of things we'd like to share or pass on to our friend.  Often times, the conversation is not as important as simply being in the presence of a loved one.  It is the connection that draws us back together.

From the beginning, we may sense the emotional atmosphere is a little off, but our time with our friend continues to unfold.  Then we may catch a glimpse of tears in the eyes that seem to almost be pleading for us to hear which is not yet spoken.  Then there it is ... a catch in the voice revealing what was previously hidden.  Our heart pours love towards our friend so they may feel seen and heard.

When we allow our lovely selves to become vulnerable, to use our authentic words without fear of judgment, a variety of emotions escape ... fear, sorrow, or regret.  We are somewhat healed by the depths of listening of our friend, by their hugs, and by the gesture of reaching for our hand while waiting for it all to come out of a wounded heart. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Permission to Burn the Page

"What writing brings to a life is clarity and tenderness.  
Writing, we witness ourselves.  Writing gives us a place 
to say what we need to say, but also to hear what we need to hear."  
Julia Cameron

When we sink into  emotional battles, we would prefer not to expose our drama to others.  Going to a therapist and beginning from the beginning may feel overwhelming.  Trusting a friend triggers fear of exposure ... failure, guilt, abuse ... so tightly we hold the negativity inside.

In difficult times we need a safe place to express what we are feeling.  It is vitally important to release  emotions,  to hear our words, and to witness what we truly have to say.    Often, we hesitate to utter a word as we know we are acting out our anger, or if we give more thought we might see things differently, or fear facing the truth.

We can make the choice to release our inner pain onto paper.  We do not need a fancy journal nor is it a necessity to write in complete sentences with perfect punctuation. Write it out, every last drop of hurt.  Look at the page and let the words sink in.  We can alter and clarify what we have placed outside of our lovely selves.  And if need be, burn the page.

Monday, December 9, 2019

This Little Light of Mine ...

"Nothing can dim the light that shines within."
Maya Angelou

"This Little Light of Mine," was a wonderful Sunday School song I memorized and never forgot.  I loved the idea and believed I really did have a whisper of light within.  At this young and tender age, I also knew there were times my little flame could light up the world; but, there were equal times it was barely a flicker threatening to simply be snuffed out.

Whether we meet strangers or best friends, we can easily get a sense of their flame.  We can see a spark in their eyes or feel radiance coming from within the heart. There are also exceptional moments when God actually is speaking to us through that light surrounding us in love.

All year around, I try to have at least one candle near me to remind me to my fragile flame.  As  my eyes gently scan the flame, I am warmly reminded that God is present with me and that I am not alone.  When I was still working, I used a tea light every morn to strengthen my wick and heart.  It would be a symbol for love and connection.  And then those dark nights, the tiny tea light would  flicker by my bed sending a message that all would be right in my world. 

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Intention, Not Attention

"Leadership is about telling a compelling story.
Make sure your story is more fact than fiction."
Darrell Haemer

Leadership requires the ability to illustrate productive movement that enhances the student. Sharing our experience to illustrate a point is an easier way to teach than using a text book with hard facts.  Students relate better and remember longer a personal story.

Shared stories should illustrate facts each student will be able to use.  The facts will be remembered as they are laced through the illustration.  If the leader takes off on a tangent, the entire point of the conversation may be lost.

While educating through personal story, be certain to highlight the important parts as they unfold.  Be prepared to have the ending to summarize or reflect the point to be made.  The educator can then turn to those being taught, and ask for feed back about how they might have done things differently or what other outcomes could have materialized.  Stories about personal experiences do not require additional fiction.  Share with intention not for attention.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Imperfection within Success

"Women need to support one another by being honest 
about the compromises we make and by speaking openly  about 
the help we require from our partners and other support systems."
Tiffany Dufu

In our own darkness, we view others in a bright light of perfection.  We create stories of how easy it is for them, as we struggle along the way.  If we are uncertain or needing additional help, we set ourselves up for lesser than performance by nor asking for assistance.

No matter what we endeavor to accomplish as our purpose, success is not perfect.  There have been circumstances impairing us and repercussions in our private family lives.  Our passion drives us through our troubling times, but there is blood, sweat, and tears.

Communication is vital in our support systems.  We can find comfort by being honest and voicing  how difficult it is for us. When mentors disclose all of the compromises they have made to get where they are, we can quit pressuring our selves for rigid performance.  We can gain knowledge by being truthful and by listening to truth tellers.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Freedom in Truth

"We live in a culture of secrecy, where hiding and lying
are accepted and natural, even though we don't like it."
Penney Peirce

As we come to love ourselves without judgment, it becomes easier to live our life without hiding behind half truths or full blown lies.  If we do not use this as a life practice, we will not have faith that  our friends, communities, groups or organizations are honestly forthcoming.

As individuals, we carry unnecessary stress by attempting to hide our imperfections.  Unfortunately, in order to disguise the truth we falsify additional information.  Thus the ball of stress winds tighter and larger.

It is freeing to be able to use all of our energy focusing on presenting who we truthfully have grown to become.  To express our truth without hesitancy, is freeing in itself.  Truth telling offers a higher level of communication creating a security in listening to diverse truths of others.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Landscapes Not Meant for Others

"But there are also the landscapes we bear 
with us in absentia, those places that live on in memory 
long after they have withdrawn in actuality."
Robert Macfarlane

All of us have our own inner gallery of pictures. They may have joyous memories or be horrible landmarks, but they are crisp in detail within the frames of our mind.  We can deliberately visit these internal halls of reflection, but sometimes we just find ourselves delicately placed there.

Stacking rocks on Maui;  Boulder Junction, Wisconsin, sitting on a huge boulder; Sedona, Arizona vortexes; Portaging in Canada; 'The Rocks" in Chicago; Cliffs in Acapulco, Mexico; Diversity in St Thomas; New Orleans jazz; San Francisco trolleys; Seattle open markets ... all creating a personal album with my memories. 

These landscapes in our mind bring us comfort and a sense of belonging to a different time and space.  We can gently close our eyes and silently be transported to relive these scenes which stir emotions which might expand or contract dependent upon our state of mind.  They are a part of our history that is held dear to cherish alone, and not so much with others.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

When the Ice Melts ...

"The heart  can get really cold if all
you've known is winter."
Benjamin Alire Saenz

To read social histories of clients growing up within the social system, it is easily understood how early one produces a cold heart.  As life unfolds with more situations of devastation, a frozen barrier of ice developed over the cold heart.  This in turn forms a numbness in the body, a disconnect in communication and a rage emotionally.

Exploring the environment of non-verbal children, one realizes how an innocent child who does not know the language of anger nor the meaning of pain, simply absorbs negative vibrations into his or her understanding of the world.

The greatest deficit is believing dysfunction occurs only among the poor.  Wealthy or financially secure families experience the same emotional makeup when family members experience unbalanced  emotional stability.  The existing hope is to unconditionally love the children until the ice melts.