Saturday, September 30, 2017

Face The World

"Writing is an act of connection, but it connects 
the writer first to the self and second to the world."
Julia Cameron

Judgment is so prolific in our world, it is no wonder we fear to express ourselves.  We don't want to embarrass our friends or bring harshness down upon our head.  We keep our opinions swallowed, but sometimes they are backed up into our throat.

Self-censorship is important, but for the right reason.  We endeavor not to upset our elders or we don't want our children repeating what they hear at home or we choose our audience with care.  Speaking is an act of connection.  At times, we need to allow our words to float out of our mouth into fresh air just to hear the sound of what we believe.  

Our inner voice is valuable and it is sometimes wise to protect it.  When we cannot express our words out loud and they are getting jumbled in our head, writing is a beautiful option.  The written word allows us self-respect and value.  It is a means to honor the self until we are ready to face the world.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Empowerment Through Daily Choices

"Our power lies in our small daily choices,
one after the other,
to create eternal ripples of a life well lived."
Mollie Marti

Words spin through the air throughout our day.  Our mind captures conversations whether they apply to us or not.  If we do not allow information to simply flow through us, our minds will become stuffed with unnecessary debris.

If we maintain clarity and pause to appreciate wisdom, we will be more apt to contribute to more meaningful conversation.  With intention, our lives take on a deeper meaning with less distraction.  Our words will be spoken with more confidence secured in our sense of worth.

Equal to others, but different in nature, we begin to listen to the clear words of others without having to follow or obey.  We allow each person to speak their unique language without feeling threatened as we have built our personal power through the individual choices we have made consistently.  Empowered, we are able to flow through life gently reflecting ripples of a life well lived.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Legacy When You Are Gone ...

"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone,
but the things you do for others remain as a legacy."
Kalu Ndukwe Kalu

When my Reiki Master enters my thoughts, my heart fills with a warm light.  Although he has been deceased for several years, his essence remains.  The same is true for my high school home room teacher.  He has transitioned, but his spoken words continue to guide me.  I cannot help but wonder if those important to me, now deceased, know when I think of them. 

In prayer, we are beckoning to a spirit who is not alive.  The spirit, we believe, hears us and may respond.  At times we may be aware of the presence of a deceased loved one as though he or she were amongst us.  When I recall those who have left this earthly plain, I'd like for them to know that a part of them remains with me.

There are dear hearts who assisted me in my youth and as life guided me forward, I left them behind without a proper thank you.  I am disheartened to think they will never know of my appreciation for the goodness they so easily bestowed.  It is my creative hope that every single time I bring a loved one to mind, a small light will ignite wherever they are and they will know their legacy of kindness lives on.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Words into the Light

"You never have to change anything  you got up 
in the middle of the night to write."  
Saul Bellow

It is no secret many of us get up in the middle of the night to write.  For whatever reason, our eyes widely open and we are beckoned to jot down what is flowing through our mind.  If we do not pour it out on paper quickly, it may evaporate into thin air.  

In the morning we may not even remember the incident until we see the paper with the words sloppily recorded.  "Ah, yes," we say as we gently take our pen and begin again.  The train of thought returns and off we go on a lengthy tangent magically initiated during our sleep.

Writers realize the bliss of being in the flow with images unfolding from crevices deep in our soul.  We may hear intelligence coming from the rhythm of our beating heart or see visions beyond the dream state.  In the night darkness, we are called to deliver the messages in the originality it has been perceived.  From the darkness, the writers bring wisdom into the light.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Cycle is Complete

"Let others see their own greatness
when looking in your eyes."
Mollie Martie

Glancing across the room, I searched for an old friend.  It had been over 40 years since we last met and it had been very troubled times for both of us.  My desire to connect with her won out over the risk of exposing myself.    I reveled in the thought of just being with her one more time.

There she was: petite, curly hair, big blue eyes and radiant smile.  My heart warmed in recognition.  As I approached her, I wondered if she would remember me and how I might be received.  The puzzlement on her face was a great indicator that she did not recognize me.  

Her bright smile formed warm words, "Do I know you?"  I mentioned the married name I had given up so long ago and I watched her face change.  I believe she felt my energy and good intention as she pulled me towards her and we embraced.  All the disappointment and disillusionment fell far from us and we were united in friendship once again.  I will probably never see her again, but our cycle is  finally complete and all is well.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Understand Authenticity

"We are all different. Don't judge,
understand instead."
Roy T. Bennett

If I am confident in being me, flaws and all, I am able to be more open to others.  Individuals or groups threaten us when we are not secure in our sense of worth.  If we sincerely believe we have value, others will not be able to discredit us quite so easily.

Walking through life with awareness, we will catch glimpses of the unique qualities sometimes hidden within others.  We may engage in a conversation with a waiter in a small cafe and learn that he is a serious musician or a sales clerk an accomplished artist.  In a gas station a motorcyclist might strike up a conversation and we learn that he is an orthopedic surgeon.

Life is about admiring the differences between us, not judging them.  Wealth may appear in the health of family as abundance might be gathered in aspects of joy.  Duplicating the examples set by others often leave us unfulfilled and despondent.  We must find our own strength and build upon it, understanding that each of us are entitled to find an authentic way.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

False Words and Inconsistent Actions

"Speak only if it improves upon the silence."
Mahatma Gandhi

As a child, it seemed I knew nothing except the magic of the outside world.  I would eventually strive to learn a way to use knowledge to invite others into my life and to listen to the replies they would make.  I received more pleasure, however, in reading body language then comprehending words.

My time spent in libraries edged me towards the aesthetic fractions of life and I no longer sought out preferred people of the time.  I was fascinated by the inconsistent action between humans and the duality of life.

So it would seem what I knew and what others had to say were less important than our actions.  There  appeared to be more knowledge in solitude than in the spewing of falsehoods of man.  It was when I searched deeper down into the heart that I would be able to read the cramped, unspoken love words of wounded individuals.  In observing what was hidden, it became easier to understand.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Churn Words into Peaceful Praise

"I'm quietly sipping my coffee, sitting on the deck,
settled in to my little jungle of herbs and buzzing bees,
letting my thoughts wander, soaked in the warmth of the rising sun.
Breathing in and out the soft air
filling the moment with fluids of peace."
Anna Asche

In the busy times of life, I rarely created the time for self-renewal.  Time management organized my day and little thought was given to the abundance and blessings filtering in and out of child rearing years blended with dedication to career.

My sanctuary seemed to be my car and I would reflect as I drove back and forth.  The short distances allowed for thoughts of endurance and protection.  Hindsight clearly displays the built in guidance and security bestowed upon my family, in spite of my lack of thanksgiving.

Currently, I find my solitary time out in nature.  Sitting with my morning coffee I can greet the lazy cat, chase the aggravating squirrel away from the feeder, and watch the birds take flight into the sky.  I see images in the clouds and hear messages in the gentle breeze.  When the sun gives warmth to my soul, creativity begins to churn my words into peaceful praise.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Gather the Stars

"I accept from the universe all it wants to give to me
so I can gather the stars.
I can feel the light shine on me twinkling like a prism
of color falling on my head and shoulders
softly settling on my heart."
Sharron Maygar

It is vitally important to seek a job that allows us to use our talents and creative input.  It is important to choose a partner who respects our desires, and in return, we encourage our partner on his own search. Intimacy between us when nurtured and respected, elevates our view of the life we are living.

We plead with the Universe for material gifts or interventions for prosperity.  We extend numerous requests and seldom are still to receive the answers.  Perhaps the answers we receive are not what we want to hear, so we ignore the information and restate the question.

Our lives are far greater enhanced when we are silent, patiently awaiting blessings from above.  Divine Spirit continuously offers us options that could lead us to bliss, but we simply are not paying attention.  We ignore what could shift our lives and falsely assume we are undeserving.  All we need is to look up to the stars and breathe in the light that will color our hearts anew.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Gestures To Recognize Magnificence

"May I uplift others in the recognition 
of their magnificence."
Danna Faulds

Curious how some people are pivotal in our lives, but they are unaware of the significance they play.  We have the tendency to see wonderful qualities in others before recognizing our own.  The people may even be nameless ... door man, bus driver, cleaning lady or receptionist we greet every day.  We do not possess factual evidence of their origin, but their kindness towards us is like a beacon of light.

What a difference it would make if we simply mentioned how much a person's brief appearance impacted us.  If we used our voice in the simplest of ways and merely said, "Thank you for what you do."  Can you imagine how that might be uplifting to a person who feels invisible to others? 

All of us yearn to be recognized.  With a simple eye contact or a brief hello, our actions can feel like a bath of appreciation.  We do not know the battles others are facing, so our extended hand may save the life of one other.  Recognition is a simple practice of being aware of the radiance surrounding us.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Release Shackles of Time

"There is always a simplicity
about the present moment."
Eckhart Tolle  

An individual moment can be gone in a flash or it can be extended into slow motion.  Time can stretch beyond our awareness or it can collapse without a second notice.  For some, time is truly an illusion.

There is nothing more precious than the simplicity of an idle moment when all of our senses are drawn beyond time to experience the mysteries of the Universe.  One simple moment can open our hearts and minds to endless questions which seemingly disappear when we slide back into time.

Once I deliberately removed my watch and I was amazed how deceptive time can be.  The change was so noticeable, I quit wearing my watch completely.  I became less stressed, more invested in the job at hand, and found myself to be happier with the shackles of time released.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A Bridge Between the Wounded and Radiant

"Where the cheerful children of unwritten poems,
play all around, you will find me there."
Khadija Rupa

As a small child, it seemed to me that on the left were children filled with sunshine and laughter, constantly at play.  On the right, were children who were slow moving, sulking, and hidden in their own shadows.  I seemed to be the bridge in the middle extending one hand into the darkness to reach a wounded soul and pull him/her over the bridge and into the light.

I can recall in kindergarten sending blessings to crying children ignored by distracted care takers.  When a child was slapped across the face or yanked by the arm, I too felt their pain.  I prayed for them to be safe during the day and to feel some small sense of security from a new light surrounding them..  

It is not much different as an adult.  I still feel like a bridge connecting the wounded with the radiant.  I desire for the darkness to lift just a mite for those hurting could glimpse the far away light to have hope rekindled in their hard, hard heart.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Make Life Lighter!

"A daily dose of daydreaming heals the heart,
soothes the soul, and strengthens the imagination."
Richelle E. Goodrich

Sleep labs have studied the impact dreams have upon the body.  The body reacts in numerous ways to a variety of situations.  If we dream we are an athlete and see ourselves running a 5k our body doesn't know we are not actually moving.  When we dream of a terrible thing, even though it is imaginary, the body clenches with fear.  

The same is true if we imagine we are on top of a mountain, breathing fresh air in and stress out.  The body relaxes assuming we are indeed up on the mountain.  Faced with a least favorite chore, we can visualize ourselves singing, happily doing the deed and completing the task in record time.  Our body reacts to our thoughts.

It is therefore important to us to carve out time for meditation, daydreaming or visualization.  It will lift our moods and elevate our life experience.  We attract what we think, so why not focus on the good and let it draw more goodness into our life.  Try it, you just might love it!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Innocence Perpetuated

"The loss of innocence is inevitable, but the death of innocence disturbs
the natural order.  The death of innocence causes an imbalance and initiates
an internal war that manifests differently in each individual."
B.G. Bowers

When disharmony manifests in the world, I do not want to internalize it.  I do not what to ignorantly turn the other way either, but I seldom see a direct action that can be useful.  Frustrated, my emotions turn to anger and I try not to hate the hater.  I endeavor to return to an innocence of believing in the goodness in man and the greater plan of Divine Spirit.  
I have the tendency to withdraw until I can feel balanced again. I do not view this as a cowering action nor one of defeat.  It is a self-imposed time out so I can regulate my breathing and come to my senses rather than acting out of emotions.  It is a way to stabilize myself.  It is a chosen way to protect my innocent reaction from erosion.  

Man has made this mess and we must learn to return to our innocent ways of working for the best interest of all peoples.  It is through connecting we can all expand and contribute in a positive way.  When we honor the goodness in each other, our world will be healed of the wounds we created.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Bendable Light

"She was bendable light:
she shone around every corner of my day."
Jerry Spinelli

There are sisters of my heart that are like stars, always shining through darkness.  I am not certain how they do this, but I believe it is their faith.  No, not a 'Pollyanna' with a simple smile and lots of gestures.  These starlight creatures glow with depth and endurance.

The women in my life have the ability to adjust compassion to genuinely address every wicked twist and quirky turn of life.  Never is there  judgment nor forced resolution to dilemma.  They encourage me to find resolutions aligning with my own heart and suggest patience waiting for things to unfold.  They remind me of other times when I held on to my own faith as their lights brightly shined.

Faith is not a church nor a religion for me.  It is something:  acceptance, confidence, hope, and truth in Universal Light.  I believe in a spiritual realm that is too large to be called a God or a Goddess.  I choose to symbolize all Masters, Teachers, Saints, Angels, and Heavenly Hosts as Light.  Faith is in this light who bends around the corners of the world and radiates from the hearts of my dear sisters.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Little Regard Towards Restraint

"My feelings are too loud for words 
and too shy for the world."  
Dejan Stojanovic

We are introduced to words at an early age.  We begin speaking words our parents say without having any idea of what they mean...thus the aghast look of strangers.  We are then taught words and how to both spell and pronounce them.  Words are like a gift to the soul.

Our world expands and we use our written and oral communication in a more interesting way.  We become aware of the emotion tied to some words eons old and discarded vocabularies no longer fit for our modern world.

Unexpectedly, our voice decides to release what we feel.  At first our words may be too bold for a scenario or too personal for the gathering.  We begin to master what we will feel safe in sharing and what will continue to be held close to our heart.  At long last, our words link with our feelings, and with pen in hand, our voice can pour our visions and dreams onto an empty page with little regard towards restraint.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Lost and Found

"The paralyzing fear of being lost is fed solely 
by the irrational fear that we will never be found."
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Growing up, I always found a window to look out of when I was feeling lost.  As a child it was the back door window showing the empty stairwell.  At the academy it was the stained glass window of the chapel that I would mentally venture into an unseen world.  In college the steeple window allowed me to watch the flowing Mississippi River, trusting I would one day learn to flow.

Eventually, I became aware that I felt lost most of the time.   I was accustomed to feeling this way and it was the fear of never being found that ate away at my heart.  I suppose those around me never realized how empty I was, how starving for this void to be filled.

The wisdom, however, is learning to fill that void all alone.  It is when we look inside of ourselves for acceptance, not outside.  When we are able to embrace our weaknesses, and still feel uplifted by our unique self, we begin to fill our hearts with love.  First we float, then we discover a resonating stream and we flow.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Heart Remains Open

"We are at our most powerful the moment
we no longer need to be powerful."
Eric Micha'el Leventhal

My mind has never yearned for physical power.  I am more reclusive, wishing from afar for the person or the situation to disappear.  Although I have felt physically threatened, I have never intended for a person to physically fear me.

It was with words that I felt powerful.  I was keen on the ability to cast words with fury or insult, stopping my foe instantly in his or her tracks.  There was a time I actually prided myself in producing a facial reflection of disgust altering an opponents approach.

In time, I learned to accept myself and love who Divine Spirit made me to be.  There was no need for control or competition as my focus was centered on healing the wounded parts of myself.  Creating self-respect and honoring all of my parts, I am more capable of embracing others just as they are ... uniquely rich in beauty. My heart remans open to love and respect others.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Nudged Forward Again

"No matter what it is that you are going through 
at this very moment, I encourage you 
to choose perseverance over discouragement."
Edmond Mbiaka

The best thing to do when discouraged is to pause and regroup.   Instead of making a forced decision, reconsider what is really at play.  Broaden perception and notice points that had been earlier overlooked.   No matter how impractical options may at first appear, think again. 

Discouragement is simply a sign of fatigue, and an indication the next step will bring us closer to a better outcome.  Regain courage by remembering how other obstacles have been overcome by enduring until the  path made itself clear.

Mistakes, when thought of as stepping stones instead of failure, curiously prompt forward movement.  The idea we envision becomes more brilliant as we gain access to more appropriate process.  Hang in there!  Don't give up ... reassess, redesign, re-source ... keep moving in place until nudged forward again!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Keep Moving Forward

"Embrace who you are and your divine purpose.
Identify the barriers in your life, and develop
discipline, courage and the strength to permanently
move beyond them, and keep moving forward."
Germany Kent 

September 11, 2001 triggers unique memories for all of us.  We can recall where we were, who were with us, who was missing, or what we feared.  Unprepared and ill equipped, the heart trembled.  In shock, people wandered around feeling displaced or clung to others for a sense of safety.

Although these terrorist attacks were horrendous by themselves, what quickly followed burdened the heart even more.  Mistakenly, I believed our society had moved closer to peace, even if just an increment.  The hellish gut reactions of many shattered my perceptions of living in a world of kindred spirits.

It is sixteen years later, and once again I am experiencing waves of racism, political discord, and religious rigidity ... no closer to peace. I remain disillusioned by the inconsistencies of love for mankind. Words of revenge, destruction, and violence jump off the tongues of those I dearly love.  Calm returns only as I connect with energy workers to shed light and love all  over the world.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

In the Moment

"We've all got both light and dark inside us.
What matters is the part we choose to act on."
J.K. Rowling

Light and darkness has its own power and exists within us.  We need to be aware of how both the light and the dark generates energy.  The stronger our awareness, the better we manage the alignment.

Physical strength or darkness has long been associated with male energy while creative emotions are linked to the light.  They are often thought of as contradictory and complementary, yet both reside within us.

We need physical energy for movement in life, to defend, and to communicate while creative energy allows us unique development, dreams, and vision.  If we do not maintain accountability of being in  balance, incidents can trigger us to unleash undesirable strength or distorted thought.  We have choice to thrive with respect for others or to gain by control over others.  The decision is ours to make and these actions will reflect who we truly are in the moment.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Cushioned by Words

"There may be no more important time for spiritual practice
than when life takes you out of your comfort zone."
Eckhart Tolle

It is easy to be a christian when sitting in church once a week thinking good thoughts for an hour or so.  It is more difficult to be a practicing christian when out side of the temple itself.  It seems the words of our age long prayers come tumbling out in monotony; whereas the heart of prayer may beat wildly along the bank of a river.

When we are living in our comfort zone, perhaps we do everything out of habit, being very mechanical like a robot.  When we are out of our comfort zone, we are forces to reach for new ways of practice and delivery.

Morning and evening prayers are beneficial, but when we stretch our spiritual words into the day long challenges, our life becomes more connected and meaningful.  It encourages us to respect the large and the small we pass every day without appreciating.  Open the heart and eyes to the unfamiliar surrounding us.  Live more fully cushioned by words of the Spirit.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Holy Flame of Love

"Hate cannot drive out hate:
only love can do that."
Martin Luther King, Jr

Hate is one of the results of repressed anguish, frustration, and suppression.  When one does not see any options for self-development, a multitude of negative emotions build towards the element of hate.   It may feel powerful to join with other haters, and imagine a vision of conquering what has been denied; but it is simply acting in the darkness.

Through the media and the culture of fear,  hate appears to be both growing and expanding.  If we fear this, our personal power will leak away.  Instead, join with like minded people more often to build resistance from fear.  Participate in local volunteer efforts to create a stronger community of goodness.  Reduce the amount of fear and increase the strength of hands joined together.

Every day we are given options for light hearted goodness.  The stray piece of paper blowing across the street or the empty plastic bottle by the gutter give us the chance to respect our home, community, and earth.  Hold a door allowing for one other to go first, or offer a place in line for a customer with one item -vs- personal cart full.  Little sparks of small efforts ignite the holy flame of love.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Assume Nothing and Embrace Light

"Your assumptions are your windows
on the world.  Scrub them off every
once in a while or the light won't come in."
Isaac Asimov

The day can be filled with assumptions which are conjectured up and not based on fact.  These hypothetical acceptances can play havoc in our day, especially if we stick to a strict routine.  On the other hand, these detours from presumed events may unwittingly lead us to the unexpected.

One wrong turn and we happen to drive by a rental sign for a new dwelling place we have long searched for.   We are upset by the untimeliness of our lunch date, but become acquainted with a lone person at the next table who over time becomes an influential business adviser.  We have unenthusiastically attended a workshop assuming it would bore us to death, but our creative juices become stirred and we are on a new road filled with passion.

When we begin to feel disconnected or experience life as boring, let us clean assumptions from our view and begin to enjoy the world with color filled vision.  No matter where we find ourselves physically, we can always alter the experience through unfiltered light.  We will begin to see new color, depth, and perspectives.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Confrontation and Speculation

"Confrontation is better than speculations."
Sunday Adelaja

Women tend to give the benefit of the doubt especially in relationships.  We make assumptions, based on our heart's desire.  We become so hopeful, we don't want to upset the apple cart by getting into exact details.  We avoid confrontations to allow situations to continue rather than define and come to a screeching halt.

Misunderstandings come into play when two involved people are on totally different pages.  One may be thinking, "Ah, this is great.  Lots of fun and no commitment!"  The other might be thinking, "Ah this is great.  Soon he/she will make a commitment!"  Both are defining the relationship upon how compatibility is the strong suit.

When we experience our inner voice getting tangled up with our ego, we really need to define what is going on.  If we have questions or doubts, our first response needs to be to our lovely selves.  What do I want? What is the truth in this moment?  Unfortunately, our automatic response is in the realm of not wanting to push or be aggressive.  In order  to be at our best, boundaries need to be created by using our own voice.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Improve Human Existence

"The mental mist of ambiguity
and the fog of ambivalence
hamper human existence."   
Kilroy J. Oldster

To the wilting garden the need of water is apparent.  To the older homeowner, the sagging roof needs repair.  To the teacher with the rebellious child, the absence of loving care is apparent.  While observing the world around us, there is lack to be noticed.

What if we had a way to immediately address lack both big and small?  Imagine if we had a magic wand to anonymously offer good in any and all situations.  Sense the call as our eyes roam throughout our day.

Whether we call them prayer, energy, or magic, we have the tools to assist.  All we need to do is be aware of need and ask for goodness.  As we offer the prayer or energy for support, together we all contribute. The burst of miracle we may never see nor know, but when we give of ourselves, we will all prosper.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Within Your Beating Heart

"He who works with his hands is a laborer.
He who works with his hand and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands and head and his heart is an artist."  
Francis of Assisi

Define your lovely self.  Are you a laborer working with hands alone or a craftsman combining hands with head or an artist working with hand, head, and heart?  Do you pour love into your work or bitterness and resentment?  Does the work you labor over reflect any particular part of your self?

Agreed, there are times you must labor for the sake of earnings to perpetuate your art, but have you lost your passion?  Are you still connected to your dream?  Artistic flair may come out while reading your child a bed time story.  Inspiration may be triggered while watching your elder kneed dough or cut fresh noodles.  Desire may erupt by observing the devotion of one other.

If your life does not have a spin, a reflex of excitement nor room for a brief feeling of glee, you my love, are out of alignment.  What do you do my lovely, that is just for you?  Do you even know what makes your heart sing?  It is there, within your beating heart, waiting ....

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Disruptions And Altering The Course

"In these times, I don't, in a manner of speaking,
know what I want; perhaps, I don't want what I know
and want what I don't know."  
Marsilio Ficino

To think of human beings starving to death, dying in wars, and falsely imprisoned hurts my heart.  Deeply, I am bothered by children not having a bed to sleep in, not having food nor clean safe living. I am confused by states running out of money while millions are spent on personal gain or reflective glory.  

I don't understand a person or persons labeling themselves a christian while making racist comments or excluding those in need from a realm of safety.  Abuse, whether physical, emotional or spiritual falls upon innocents by the very ones frequently in charge of safety.

Negligence of integrity and a false mask of honor tend to wield power over others less fortunate.  Creative intelligent young minds discover preventive medicine and cures for current disabilities and yet they are squashed by big business.  Harmful disruptions are heart breaking, and I unable to alter the course.  

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Reaching A Peak

"The pieces all fit together.
Yet everything was falling apart."
Nicholas Sparks

The idea about reaching a peak and all would be well is definitely untrue.  Even half way to the peak, when I have been willing to settle, all was not consistently well.  Try my best to remain aligned, mercury goes retrograde or I am overwhelmed by the passing worldwide negative energy.

Peacefully walking the path in the park, I am lulled by the gentle breeze in the trees while I envision the colored leaves coming this fall.  Breathing easily and becoming inspired the most horrendous thought becomes a pellet shot through my thoughts.  Ugly, disgusting and borderline violence speeds out as fast as it had come in.

I cannot help but wonder if this black torrent was from the collective consciousness or if it had been harbored for years by my ancestors.  Repulsed by these hideous thoughts, I force myself to shake the darkness away, returning to my breath on this gorgeous God given day.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Follow Through

"The only walls that exist are those you have placed in your mind.
And whatever obstacles you conceive, exist only because you have
forgotten what you have already achieved."
Suzy Kassem

Hesitation is useful prior to taking a leap, but we must be careful not to get stuck in the pause.    After hours of investing in an idea, a moment of second guessing can wipe out the entire work. Follow through is necessary for any plan, whether brilliant or creative.

In a discussion about the Divine giving us exceptional ideas in dreams or during visualization, the participants agreed that action is the key to achievement.  The common thought was we too often dilute radiance by thinking too much.

On occasion, we may hear of an inventor or entrepreneur who just knocked the socks off the public by presenting a spectacular idea or product.  In the hollows of our mind, we may remember having such an idea ourselves, but never followed through.  We are blessed with many options and opportunities but we must have follow through!