Thursday, September 28, 2017

Legacy When You Are Gone ...

"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone,
but the things you do for others remain as a legacy."
Kalu Ndukwe Kalu

When my Reiki Master enters my thoughts, my heart fills with a warm light.  Although he has been deceased for several years, his essence remains.  The same is true for my high school home room teacher.  He has transitioned, but his spoken words continue to guide me.  I cannot help but wonder if those important to me, now deceased, know when I think of them. 

In prayer, we are beckoning to a spirit who is not alive.  The spirit, we believe, hears us and may respond.  At times we may be aware of the presence of a deceased loved one as though he or she were amongst us.  When I recall those who have left this earthly plain, I'd like for them to know that a part of them remains with me.

There are dear hearts who assisted me in my youth and as life guided me forward, I left them behind without a proper thank you.  I am disheartened to think they will never know of my appreciation for the goodness they so easily bestowed.  It is my creative hope that every single time I bring a loved one to mind, a small light will ignite wherever they are and they will know their legacy of kindness lives on.

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