Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Nudged Forward Again

"No matter what it is that you are going through 
at this very moment, I encourage you 
to choose perseverance over discouragement."
Edmond Mbiaka

The best thing to do when discouraged is to pause and regroup.   Instead of making a forced decision, reconsider what is really at play.  Broaden perception and notice points that had been earlier overlooked.   No matter how impractical options may at first appear, think again. 

Discouragement is simply a sign of fatigue, and an indication the next step will bring us closer to a better outcome.  Regain courage by remembering how other obstacles have been overcome by enduring until the  path made itself clear.

Mistakes, when thought of as stepping stones instead of failure, curiously prompt forward movement.  The idea we envision becomes more brilliant as we gain access to more appropriate process.  Hang in there!  Don't give up ... reassess, redesign, re-source ... keep moving in place until nudged forward again!

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