Saturday, September 16, 2017

Bendable Light

"She was bendable light:
she shone around every corner of my day."
Jerry Spinelli

There are sisters of my heart that are like stars, always shining through darkness.  I am not certain how they do this, but I believe it is their faith.  No, not a 'Pollyanna' with a simple smile and lots of gestures.  These starlight creatures glow with depth and endurance.

The women in my life have the ability to adjust compassion to genuinely address every wicked twist and quirky turn of life.  Never is there  judgment nor forced resolution to dilemma.  They encourage me to find resolutions aligning with my own heart and suggest patience waiting for things to unfold.  They remind me of other times when I held on to my own faith as their lights brightly shined.

Faith is not a church nor a religion for me.  It is something:  acceptance, confidence, hope, and truth in Universal Light.  I believe in a spiritual realm that is too large to be called a God or a Goddess.  I choose to symbolize all Masters, Teachers, Saints, Angels, and Heavenly Hosts as Light.  Faith is in this light who bends around the corners of the world and radiates from the hearts of my dear sisters.

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