Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Pause When Considering Choices

"The right thing isn't always real obvious.  Sometimes 
the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for
someone else.  So ... good luck figuring that out!"
Stephenie Meyer

A child lacking life experience, stands on the edge of the cliff, pondering the sensations of falling without any credence to smacking into the solid earth below.  The parent demands, "What were you thinking?"  Actually, the child was thinking, totally focused on the ecstasy of falling.

In times of stress as an adult, we feel the world closing in on us and obliterate free thinking. Time is of the essence and pressure builds, while our perspectives continue to narrow.   We are obsessed with unearthing a solution and may not necessarily be considering the fallout of our hastily made choice.

An obvious resolution is not guaranteed to be the best choice.  It may have remedied a different situation, but it may be entirely wrong for the present.  If we can take a pause, stretch out time, and distract our minds briefly, we may be surprised by the creative options that appear.  Figuring things out may be best accomplished by allowing ourselves to wander in nature, meditate, pray, or visit a place that is sacred to you.  Continue to explore until a choice resonates for both the present and the future.

Monday, July 30, 2018

In Front of Us

"We end up stumbling our way through the forest,
never seeing all the unexpected and wonderful
possibilities and potentials because we are looking
for the idea of a tree, instead of appreciating 
the actual tree in front of us."
Charles de Lint

It is sad to waste time, wishing we were somewhere else in order to be awakened, opened, and spiritual.  There are waves of movement across the world, but in our minds, we are too fearful for change and close our eyes to the adventures awaiting us.

We tend to be waiting for the next train, job, date, or advance ... when it arrives, all things will change.  Meanwhile, everything surrounding us with beauty and light is simply not seen.  Our focus has become so narrow, we miss the big picture!

What is the big picture and why do wait to be transported?  Time we waste waiting are precious moments we could be investing in our composite, detecting all of the beauty, wisdom, and gifts we behold.  If we believed in ourselves half as much as we do charlatans, the world would be a soothing landscape in shifting magical colors.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Ebb and Flow of Kindness, Compassion and Love

"What we do see depends mainly on what we look for ... "
John Lubbock

It is not that I am rewriting reality, nor am I ignoring the elephant in the room.  I have just decided to adjust my vision to see through current events and beyond all thoughts of fear.  I am going to allow my mind to wander in the realms where all things are beautiful and free.

As we are like crystals, multi-sided, I am going to imaginatively turn fellow men and women counter clock wise until I find his or her personal gift.  The gift might be in a discovery of what shakes loose in the rotation or remain hidden as the person walks away.   Outcomes accepted and respected.

I have always said that we aught not be a noun ... christian, spiritualist, atheist ... but a verb traveling in life so the Divine can best use us actively.  I want to be action not be steadfast and permanent.  I desire to be the ebb and flow of kindness, compassion and love.  Attempting to be a positive movement, not heavy concrete waiting to be destroyed.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Walk in the Rain

"Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet."
Roger Miller 

Riding bikes, roller skating, and making forts filled my childhood days.  There were numerous children to play games with whether  hopscotch or tug of war.  We made forts out of discarded refrigerator boxes and played hide and seek.  On occasion we would play dress up with discarded lace curtains. 
JoJo the ice cream man drove the Good Humor truck down our darkened street every night.  As we waited his arrival, listening for the jingle of the truck's bells, we caught fire flies in glass quart jars.   All of the kids would gather under the street light and tell stories.  
I loved when it rained.  I ran without shoes exploring trees, rocks, and the alleys of our city block. My bare feet slapped the wet side walk and the sound made me laugh.  Never an umbrella, drops of rain hit my head and washed away the sweat from hard play.  The dark lines of dirt in the creases of my elbows would gently slide away.  There was something inspiring about rain.  Maybe it was the sense of connection to all of God's creatures or a gentle blessing cleansing the day. 

Friday, July 27, 2018

Stepping Away from Fear

"That's how we're gonna win.  Not fighting
what we hate, saving what we love."
Rose Tico 

When we come to the conclusion that time does not own us, we begin to enjoy the flexibility of it.  Time is precious so we begin to quit squandering it upon things that do not have value or nourish our experience.  To do this we must become aware of the time we waste and how that decreases our energies and flow.  

A few months ago I wrote about not hating the haters.  Rather brilliant I thought, until I realized i was still wasting time being careful to not hate.  Enough of these distractions!  If I come across either positive or negative political information, I simply move on. By  maintaining a focus of how I want to experience this world, I tend to be attracting what I need.  

My concerns of appearing like a pollyanna have been placed on the pile with my other fears ... danger of destruction of our beautiful world taking all of God's children with it.   My eyes seek the light in the eyes of others; my mouth speaks kindness; my heart extends compassion; and my steps lead me towards love.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

In Spite of Fear


"... to use the world well, to be able to stop wasting it
and our time in it, we need to relearn our being in it."
Ursula K. Le Guin

If we establish a connection to the world, we begin to see our purpose and the necessity to be an active member.  We each carry a light to be joined with others to illuminate the world.  We have purpose and intention for this breath and body.

Whether religious, spiritual, or universal, the realization of purpose gives us direction and contributes to the health of our world.  The concept of  living aspects contributing an ingredient to sacred ground, we tread more gently upon this earth.

Man's brilliance has led to advancement, but at what cost?  Abused power leads to annihilation of body, mind and soul.  In spite of fear, continue to find compassion for each other, set aside judgement, and shine our lights brightly for illumination is near.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Streams of Light Leading to my Wings

"Think that the reasons that elude you will one day catch up,
that the lessons that have stumped you will one day bring joy
and that the sorrows that have crippled you will soon give you wings."

There are many options for survival, but they all take a toll:  addictions to people, places or things; repression leading to depression and isolation; or avoidance by total disregard.  As we slowly move through the discord of life, we learn to wear masks or body suits of armor.  The intention is to let no one see our brokenness.  

For years the unresolved damage is like a thief in the night, robbing any prospects of joy and breaking the brittle confidence saved for a raining day.  Desperation finally leads us out of the  darkness, seeking the light.  "....the sorrows that have crippled you will soon give you wings," the Universe.

In my book of life experiences, the dark chapters always ended with the same thought:  "I know I would have not returned for this ... there must be something better waiting for me."  This mantra propelled me forward with the slightest wisp of hope.  In time and with patience, hindsight began to illuminate the turning points, lessons, and small streams of light that led to my wings.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Pulsing in the Soul

"You've got to tell the world how to treat you."
James Baldwin

We often take our willingness to the negative extreme.  Endeavoring to be kind, we enable others to use us.  Stretching to be helpful, the entire project can land in our laps.  Making efforts to be the perfect listener, we may become a dumping ground for problems.  

It comes down to personal boundaries which cannot be enforced until we are clear about our own needs, wants, and desires.  When we are able to respect and honor ourselves, we learn responses such as yes or no are equal in value.  The compassion we extend to others, needs to be fluid so it can be applied inward as well as outward.

Our voice is a powerful tool women often silence.  When we do not speak nor reflect our preferences, others will insert their own. We wonder why we are unhappy when we are clueless as to what would actually make us happy.  We may feel used or stepped upon.  Stand up and begin to navigate life in the direction highlighting the gifts and talents pulsing in the soul.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Words Appear and Take Flight

"Our discomfort and our grappling is not a sign of failure.
It's a sign that we're living at the edge of our imaginations."
America Ferrera

A wooden recipe box was the keeper of my imagination.  Each time I noticed a random form of creativity floating through my head, I would grab a recipe card and try to capture the jest of my streaming.  Once recorded, I would place the note card behind one of the tabs.  The tabs were labeled: Childhood; Family of Origin; Education; Marriage; Motherhood; Parenting; Religion; Mentors; Spirituality; Death; Visions; Dreams; Fragments and Books.  

Once set up, the box made it extremely easy to track sparks of inspiration.  When I would get stuck writing, I would use the little box for additional resources.  It would help me expand my testimony based on my personal experience or remind me of forgotten fragments.  The wooden keepsake could have been a book in itself.

I have accepted my writing as not having an intentional ending or words written within a story or the lamenting of a memoir.  My words simply appear and take flight.  They bring life to me and hopefully I am a conduit for the words to reach the hearts of others.  I write day to day without consideration for a last chapter.  The ending will unfold by itself.  Namaste

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Life, Joyous Occasion

"Just as we consciously create an environment within our homes, we can consciously 
choose to decorate life itself with our particular energy.  Ideally, in doing so, we express 
our deeper selves, so that the adornments we add to the world, make it more meaningful, 
more beautiful, and as welcoming as a beloved home.
Madisyn Taylor

When our lives feel like they are boring or lack luster, do something about it!  We create our lives, so we might as well be a fulfilled and excited participant rather than a whining victim.  If your life is not supporting dreams, then begin to gradually make changes. 

The process to change our life is the same as the approach to redecorating.  There is research to be done to determine what exactly will heighten life experience.   Explore the community to develop a visual of what needs to be.  List options for consideration to trigger a brand start.  Discuss with people in designated areas of interest to get a feel of how it might unfold.  Network, spreading a lusty design for transition.

If we are clear in our minds and perpetually play our dream scenario in our head, we will attract opportunities as catalysts to where we want to land.   With determination and an open mind our life will begin to be the joyous occasion it has always meant to be.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Radiant Color of Desire

"Imagine in vibrant, wonderful detail your heart's desire ...
a reality only you can envision, and adventure only you 
can direct.  Then cradle your creation. Caress it.  Mold it.
Coddle it until it comes to life."
Richelle E. Goodrich

The definitions for a heart's desire are extremely diversified.  For some it may be a family heirloom and for other's a mystical journey.  As individuals, we are the designer, artist and creator of all that we can imagine.  Desires, therefore, will come in many shapes and forms.  Never lose hope, and keep the desire crystal clear.

In my old cupboard there are china pieces I have coveted for years.  They are all random, but each one brings me joy, especially when I can use them to entertain friends ... teapot, vases, china plates, vintage linen napkins, and delicate non matching wine glasses. This is not to say that my desires are located in one area as many are sprawled across numerous diaries from life stretching over the years.  

The most in depth desire of my heart  arrived very late in life.  Unexpected blessings poured upon me  when I somewhat believed my life was nearing end ... friendship, a sense of finally being home, unconditional love and acceptance of who I am.  I have traveled the spectrum and bask in the radiant color of desire.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Memories of the Natural World

"The natural world is not separate from us, it is a part of us.
It is as much a part of us as our capacity for language; we
are bonded to it still, however hard it may be to perceive the
union in the tumult of modern urban life."
Michael McCarthy

The natural world provides us with food, beauty, knowledge, and shelter.  In the midst of our busy lives, we often fail to reap the benefits from this generous source.  Perhaps we are even cloistered away from any viewing of the outside world; but alas, we can close our eyes and remember.

Respect and honor needs to accompany our thanksgiving for such a magnificent place to be living. We are guests here, not the owners.  Picking up trash; refrain from random dumping; no actions to desecrate the earth which includes water, air, fire and ground.

When I close my eyes, I  am flooded with memories of nature:  learning how to swim and ice skate on Lake Michigan; snow drifts over my head in the country; riding a horse through a peach orchard; collecting rocks; preferring clouds in the sky over television; and canoe trips portaging in Canada.   Nature has taught me to bend and survive as it has been my life long friend. 

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Get Out of the Way

"To be nobody-but-yourself ... in a world which
is doing its best, night and day, to make you 
everybody else ... means to fight the hardest
battle which any human being can fight."
E.E. Cummings

Unfortunately, there are times on our journey, we fall to our knees exclaiming, "It isn't easy being me!" Years of challenge bulge in our memories as every ounce of strength seems to dissipate.  We find ourselves wondering if and when we will ever move forward again.  

With each baby step forward, segments of endurance return pushing the weight of the past away from the present.  We begin to recall our accomplishments, and encouragement begins to bubble and cleanse.  As we heal, we move towards the light, again.

When we focus on reaching the standards projected upon us, we  indeed will  stumble.  Only when we acknowledge our strengths will we successfully navigate our authentic path.  It may not be easy, but being committed to our true nature, stepping out of our own way, life unfolds more gracefully. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Startling Intensity

"There can be occasions when we suddenly and
involuntarily find ourselves loving the natural
world  with a  startling intensity,   in a burst of 
 which we may not fully understand, 
and the only word that seem to me to be 
appropriate for this feeling is joy."
Michael McCarthy

Spontaneous gifts surround us, but the chaos of life propels us forward as though we were capsulized in a speeding bullet.  If we would slow down, lift our attention, by passing our immediate surroundings, we may catch a glimpse of wonderment.  It can be anywhere from a mother hugging a small child, a hawk gracefully gliding in the sky, or a glimpse into another dimension.

One night, as a young child riding in the back seat of a car, I was watching the world fly by through the window.  The car slowed down, so I noticed a small window up in a peak of the roof line of a bungalow.   There was light streaming out and I could see a gray haired woman with her hair up in a bun.  She appeared to be rocking in a chair, but the movement too fast as though the rocker was motorized. My mind could not adjust to what I saw.  

When we see things out of the ordinary, our mind does not always process what appears to be abnormal.  We try to impose the oddity onto patterns of our reality, to make sense of it  and put us at ease. There are times, however, that a moment is experienced and stays contained like a caption hovering over a cartoon character.  

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Let Your Fairy Out!

"Funny how women are ashamed of their inner fairy
whereas men are forever proudly displaying their
inner cowboy or fireman."
Dawn French

Human beings are very complex with both hidden and displayed mischief laced throughout life experience.  As a child, we may have been high energy or imaginary and as adults, we continue to have these aspects.  Life offers many opportunities to be impish or a trickster, so why do we not act on this impulse?

As a mother or older sibling, we allow ourselves to indulge in play without feeling ridiculous.  Maybe around Halloween we become more playful or on rainy days we will get creative and make an indoor tent to entertain the kids.  Impulsively we may hide our son's favorite hat or daughter's backpack.  Did you know jumping into a mud puddle with only one foot splashes everyone else but you?

Basically, we are talking about play that is enhanced by personal creativity.  Whether it is decorating a cake, painting a room or planting a garden, we are using our playful parts.  I knew a 76 year old woman who skateboarded with her grandson, daily.  There is another friend who sets up a tent in the backyard for an overnight just to indulge her granddaughter.  Yet another elder swims with her little grandkids to teach them not to be afraid of water.  Come on, be a trickster ... let your inner fairy out to play!

Monday, July 16, 2018

Looking Up

"We are born to kiss the stars 
and dance with the Moon."
Avijeet Das

Born in the month of June, I became a Moon Child.  For as long as I can remember, I have deeply loved the moon and all of the stars.  Growing up in one of the largest cities, tall skyscrapers and nestled buildings narrowed my vision.  On a small patch of common yard by the apartment building, you had to be on your back looking straight up for sought after views.

Imagine my delight when I saw the small out of state college I attended was located on a large hilltop overlooking a river.  I felt blessed to see the expansive unblemished view of the sky as well as the indulgence of water near by.  The river would never replace my love for the lake, but it offered so many new delights.

As a child, a young adult, and a mother, I welcomed the moon into aspects of life.  Then as an evolving soul, I was called to dance under spell of the moon and welcome falling stars into my heart.  It is pure heaven to watch the moon gently float across the sky.   The moon shines its light of hope, love, and joy to all earth children. All you need to do is look up!

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Women Have the Ability to Heal

"Any woman can weep without tears," she answered over her shoulder,
"and most can heal with their hands.  It depends upon the wound.  She
is a woman, Your Highness, and that's riddle enough."
Peter S. Beagle 

Women tend to be more responsive than men and they usually reach out with body, mind, and soul.  Perhaps this originates when we are children, free to show affection and kindness without being judged.  We display an immediate reaction, not one minimized by fear.

As a women comforts, she is using her eyes to hold attention, and touches the person with her  hands to calm.  There is a tendency to lean in to emphasize the act of listening intently.  A woman rarely hesitates to wrap her arms around a person creating a hug ... a safe place to lay down a burden.

Many years ago, Capacitar (now an International Healing Technique) was initiated in a poor village not having medicine nor any First Aid supplies.  As the village suffered from a spreading disease and poverty, the women began reaching out with their hands to touch or comfort the other.  In time, they would come to realize this was a healing technique which is now used internationally.  Women have the strength to weep without tears and to heal with their hands.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Windows to the Soul

"A woman's eyes cut deeper than a knife."
Robert Jordan

The first thing I notice about a person is their eyes. Do I hold their attention or do they waver away from my stare?  In body language, the eyes can be most revealing.  If the person's eyes stray to their left, they are trying to remember or reminisce.  If they move to their right, they are being more creative as a diversion or in creating a version of what is being discussed.  

Rapid eye movement can indicate impulsive decision making.  The more fatigued a person, the slower the eye movement.  Making moral decisions can be influenced by where the eyes are looking. While accessing visual memories, a person might glance upwards; whereas, glancing down could be accessing kinesthetic memories.  When someone gazes into our eyes, they are either feeling socially comfortable, attempting to establish intimacy or an attempt to control.  

Eye movements help us to understand others better, as well as monitoring our own reactions.  Personally, eye contact is very important to me when communicating with others.  The visual actions such as eyes enlarging in surprise, eyes squinting with suspicion or eyes shutting to hide pain.  Indeed, the eyes are the windows to the soul.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Gentle Process of Time

"Time and trouble will tame an advanced young woman,
but an advanced old woman is uncontrollable 
by any earthly force."
Dorothy L. Sayers

No matter how lovely we are, if we remain emotionally stunted, we will not experience the rich expansive life awaiting.  As long as wounds remain unrecognized or unattended, we will not reach our full potential.

We are all wounded and it is in the process of understanding and forgiving that we are propelled into an awareness of beauty and abundance.  The ability to move forward is dependent upon flexible boundaries and distance achieved with the journey inwards.

As time moves us forward, we gain a change in our focus.  Priorities shift and we gently rotate between the outer and inner world.  What once was important dictated by society or our peers, tends to fall by the way side.  We trust our inner compass and utilize our personal power to navigate towards an awakening world.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Craving For Power

"Men make the moral code and they expect women to accept it.
They have decided that it is entirely right and proper for men to
fight for their liberties and their rights, but that it is not right and
proper for women to fight for theirs."
Emmeline Pankhurst

We owe a debt to those role modeling equality between the sexes; to parents who are equating self respect and confidence as a right to all children; and to the men who are stepping forward in support of this long coming evolution of women.

Through trial and error, we learn a moral code of our own that deeply applies and impacts our core.  One could use the word standard  but I am more focused on  integrity ... who you are when no one is watching.  When we fill our core with compassion and insight, we develop an inner sense of who we are and learn to love ourselves.  It becomes obvious how we want to interact in life with respect and honor.  

Negative experiences as well as positive ones, give us the opportunity to choose our actions or how we want to be conceptualized.  It takes courage to stand aligned with our inner spirit, to remain loyal to our understanding, and also be flexible to stretch and grow.  Men and women alike, who reflect a sense of integrity tend not have a craving for power over others. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Be Better!

"I deserve better ... such a dangerous,
mad thought for a woman to entertain."
Meredith Duran

When we are raised to believe we are of no worth and do not have needs, we have a tendency to be lesser than we were intended.   We are born with a brilliance that is often snuffed out, leaving us dependent upon the expectations of others.  

Thus the challenge of life, to strive to recapture the light that once shined so brightly.  With this light, our perspectives change, our lenses are washed, and our sense of self is restored.  We realize the stories we hear belong to other travelers, not necessarily how we will journey through life.

We each have a path to follow, a cross to bare and the need to unveil our  authenticity. Our vision leads us forward while others ask, "Who do you think you are?"  We will not be deterred as we do not seek fortunes, but the equality of life itself.  It is not that I deserve better, but I can be better!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Bring Light Into the World

"I think the best role models for women are
people who are fruitfully and confidently
themselves, who bring light into the world."
Meryl Streep

We often find our lovely selves attracted to a woman who seems to have a magnetic field around her.  It isn't necessarily her physical body, nor a brilliant mind, but some aspect of her draws us near.  The power of women can be found in a natural response whether kneeling to help a child; righting a nest about to fall; feeding the stray; or solving the scientific problems of the world.  

Women tend to have a desire to bring improvement no matter what the cause.  They want to aid where ever there is need whether plant, animal or those slipping through the cracks.  It is a woman's instinct to expand with compassion dripping from her heart.

Ladies, we are not powerless.  No matter where we stand in life, we maintain an inner light to guide and assist us.  If one happens to think this is untrue, quietly sit and breathe in light and expel darkness.  Continue to  do so until a  presence fills you with light, love, and energy.  Let it shine, girl! Let it shine.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Need, Supply, Thrive ...

"So she sat on the porch and watched the moon rise.
Soon the amber fluid was drenching the earth, and
quenching the thirst of the day."
Zora Neale Hurston

The Moon shines upon the earth to reflect a basic equation ... need, supply, thrive.  The earth needs water, the rain from the skies fall, and the earth thrives.  This formula creates a simple life which we would be wise to follow.

That is, until humans interfere with the environment from forests, oceans, air and health.  We know this to be true, and yet as a culture we continue to destroy and contaminate.  We breathe in chemicals, digest contaminated fish, eat injected poultry or meats, and consume vegetables either planted in faulty soil or sprayed with poison.

The tobacco companies used to be the most powerful lobbyists, and it has taken years for it to be dismantled due to the addictive substances and cancer causing elements of their product.  Lots of time for the prime players to adjust finances to survive.  Now it is the NRA in power.  How many deaths will it take to dismantle these powerful lobbyists?  But I digress, so I will return to my porch swing and watch the moon dance across the deep blue sky with stars reflected in my eyes. Sigh ...

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Where Two or More Gather

"Women are going to form a chain,
a greater sisterhood
than the world has ever known."
Nellie L. McClung

Women in diverse cultures have been forming circles since the beginning of time.  The reasons for joining may be for a common purpose or a complex shift.  Even though there is not a remarkable written history of the forces of women gathered together, the intensity of these circles exist today.

Did you know there are circles of women who do not know each other personally, but gather in city parks dividing into two's?  Each pair is destined for a specific corner which ultimately forms a star.  There actions are selfless, as they hold light for the entire world.

Where two or more gather, power intensifies.  As women across the world gather physically, mentally or spiritually at designated times, healing energy penetrates Mother Earth.  Some may offer the gathered energies for singular intention like healing or specifically for starving/abused/abandoned children.  Gather burning inner light to a circle near you:  knitting, painting, reading, writing, prayer, quilting, etc... Let the light shine and it will got where it is needed.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Somebody Scream, "ENOUGH'!


"Most people living in the world 
are confused about life."
Sunday Adelaja

The article was about the last of the dairy farms, followed by a piece concerning the existence of hog farmers.  Both seemed to be tied to the bigger man squashing the smaller man ... a motivation for control.  Then my mind wandered to the changing of imports and exports.  What is happening to our food chain?  Community Gardens may be growing in importance and we may need to consider raising chickens.  

I watched the emotionless face of a child who had been in captive for 55 days.  Upon seeing her mother, her facial expression did not budge.  She did not cling to her mother, but merely patted her back.  Obviously traumatized, and only one of 3,000 captive children, why are we not outraged?   

We are totally in debt to countries we are royally pissing off.  There is hate as thick as green slime dripping from the fingertips of those in power who have greedy and inhumane intentions. I am not a worldly genius nor am I well versed in politics or government regulations, so maybe I am just paranoid about what is happening to our country or are we each waiting for someone else to scream, "ENOUGH!"  

Friday, July 6, 2018

Feminine Magic

  "Unseen University had never admitted women, muttering something about problems with plumbing, but the real reason was an unspoken dread that if women were allowed to mess around with magic they would probably be embarrassingly good at it ..."  Terry Pratchett

Magic can be defined in numerous ways ... some definitions are laughable while others are outdated.  Magic is said to be:  allurement, astrology, fascination, foreboding, hocus-pocus, illusion, prediction, sorcery, superstition, trickery, voodoo, witchcraft and wizardry.   The same holds true for the word magical:  charismatic, clairvoyant,  conjure, enchanted, entranced, extraordinary, fascinating, imaginary, marvelous, mysterious, parapsychological,  spellbinding, trance, unusual, weird, witch, wizard, or wonderful.  Now that is broad speculation.  It really covers numerous bases.

Most of these words in relation to magic or magical could be challenged in today's world.  The meaning of a few have lost power over people.  Some no longer strike fear.  Numerous words spark an interest while others tend to be boring.  Women today are familiar with their own personal magic and use it at will.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

A Silent Answer

"There is the silence of emptiness,
the silence of fear,
the silence of doubt."
Beryl Markham

Silence can be a blessing or a curse depending upon our perception of the given moment.  It can be an inflammable tool for inspiration or a drowning pool of depression.  A welcomed silence arrives as a new born settles into sleep. A crack of lightning is followed by a silence filled with foreboding.

Silence can be heard in the depth of the forest or individualized in the midst of a crowd.  It can be heard before and after the creak of grandfather's old rocking chair.  Holding great grandmother's family bible may cover you with a blanket of comforting silence.  

Silence can restore the soul or fill us with fear.  If we over think, we will definitely attract fear or if we clear our minds of all things, lean in so to speak, we will be comforted and renewed.  Silence carries unspeakable words.  Silence can be an answer in itself.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Stars Light Up The Sky

"Woman is the light of God."

Throughout history, women have been a conduit for messages, errands, and missions for the Divine.  They have not always been able to be recognized, receive awards, nor complimented, but this seems to be the beauty of being able to work unnoticed and anonymous.  

Virginia Woolf's quote reflects the suspicion that women hid their identities in order to accomplish work:  "I would venture to guess that ANON, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman." Women have stayed in the back ground offering gifts and talents without seeking recognition.

We have a spark, an inner light meant to beam compassion onto others as a simple act of  kindness without reward. Illuminating discreetly, women  can help others find their way. Women who have assisted throughout time can be seen in the bright and shinning stars lighting up the sky.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Kindness Is A Distraction

"Attention is rarest and purest
kind of generosity."
Simone Weil

In public, it is heart breaking to watch a person struggle without assistance.  Isn't there someone ... anyone ... there who has a heart or the slightest degree of compassion?  In private, we are aware of  a person's suffering; and, not feeling adequate to deal with the situation, we turn our backs.  In the depths of our being, our wounds suddenly become triggered and we automatically withdraw.

The generosity of kindness is endless whether we slip the sobbing woman a kleenex or gently squeeze her hand.  The frustrated person behind the counter can be given attention with a warm smile or acknowledgment of what she wears.  Kindness is a distraction from our challenge like taking a deep breath.  Momentarily, our minds shift away from the pressure before us. 

Send a card by snail mail, drop off a flower from the garden in the mailbox, leave a copy of a favorite book or send a simple text.  Don't wait for the negative to happen, either.  Leave a cold bottle of water for the mail man, help an elder with groceries, freeze small batches of cookies to grab for the delivery man or the child next door.  Come on, get generous!  It will lift our own spirits, as well.  

Monday, July 2, 2018

Awareness and Namaste

"Eckhart Tolle considers the inherent  Presence in all beings, 
including plants and animals.  This deeper 'I' is sometimes 
referred to as Buddha nature or Christ consciousness."
Eckhart Tolle

With the transition of altering our image from being a sinner to that of being a spec of Divine, it isn't much of a stretch to include plants and animals within our connected existence.  Documentation about trees feeding other tress through the root system, and research confirming animals communicating between themselves, it does seem as though there would be a deeper inner connection amongst all things.

Buddha Nature suggests that the essence of Buddha is enfolded within each living thing.  It refers to what is essential in human beings.  Christ Consciousness refers to everyone having a higher self that can receive spiritual information.   Human beings open their minds to higher way of thinking, like Jesus the Christ.  The term namaste refers to this higher awareness.

There seems to be more initiative to evolve when labeled as a part of the Divine rather than a sinner.  Confidence and drive thrives when an individual regards his or her self as a sliver of sacred.  When we make the connection to our higher selves, we find deeper spiritual meaning in our existence and Mother Nature.  

***Namaste:  One places hands together with fingers upwards, as if in prayer.  Holding the hands close to the body, one slightly bows saying"Namaste" which honors the part of Divine in you and the part of the Divine in me.  To bow is to respect and be thankful for the other's kindness.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

The Good Ole' Boy Syndrome


"To force a female to do things in male fashion
is not equal opportunity, it is a distorted idealism."
Gregory Hartley

Emphasis is best placed upon the strength of the individual with gender not being an implication.  To force any person to perform in a deliberately restrictive action reduces the opportunity for skillful production.   When qualifications do not align choice is obvious.  The focus, however, needs to be on the best qualified regardless of gender.

Early in my career, I applied for a significant job offering an attractive salary.  I was confident as I was completely qualified for the job and offered excellent experience.  I was notified that I did not get the position.  I inquired as to who was hired.  I was told a man was hired as they felt he would be a better fit even though our credentials were comparable.  I was disappointed. Later, they called  offering me the job.  Apparently the man declined the position.  They had admittedly reduced the salary now by several thousands of dollars in offering it to a woman.

I don't want men to rule the world, nor do I want women to conquer men.  I want both men and women to work together, blending strengths to heal our earth.  The human ability needs to rank higher than gender, eliminating the good ole' boy  syndrome.  Human beings need respect and honesty propelled by integrity and compassion.