Thursday, July 19, 2018

Get Out of the Way

"To be nobody-but-yourself ... in a world which
is doing its best, night and day, to make you 
everybody else ... means to fight the hardest
battle which any human being can fight."
E.E. Cummings

Unfortunately, there are times on our journey, we fall to our knees exclaiming, "It isn't easy being me!" Years of challenge bulge in our memories as every ounce of strength seems to dissipate.  We find ourselves wondering if and when we will ever move forward again.  

With each baby step forward, segments of endurance return pushing the weight of the past away from the present.  We begin to recall our accomplishments, and encouragement begins to bubble and cleanse.  As we heal, we move towards the light, again.

When we focus on reaching the standards projected upon us, we  indeed will  stumble.  Only when we acknowledge our strengths will we successfully navigate our authentic path.  It may not be easy, but being committed to our true nature, stepping out of our own way, life unfolds more gracefully. 

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