Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Powerful Means to Impact

"Learn to light a candle in the darkest moments 
of someone's life. Be the light that helps others see;  
it is what gives life its deepest
Roy T.  Bennett

As humans, we face challenges and often they are daunting.  If we become trapped in the emotions of the situation, we become ensnared in unnecessary drama which increases pain into suffering.  We restrict our presence in the life of one other by being fearful of not having the right things to say or do.

If we would just be present without saying a word, just listening; if we take no other action but giving a hug,; if we would drop a lovely card into the mail with uplifting comments; and if we would cover the other in prayer, we would be making the difference we want to be.

The power of prayer or the use of long distance energy work can be deeply effective without exposing our intentions.    We do not have to be physically present to assist in the uplifting of others.  We do  not have to attend church to hold a candle vigil.  Each one of us have powerful means of impacting our personal life, the lives of others and the world at large with anonymity by being a continuous light.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Healthy Within My Heart

In my early years, I much preferred the presence of boys who  would hang out at the parks rather than with the girls interested in shopping for clothes or current hair styles.  Truth be told, I never felt as though I could trust a female so my emotions remained bottled up inside.

A huge shift occurred later in life.  I was to find my self surrounded by women friends who supported me, encouraged me, and advanced my spiritual beliefs.  Never having a trusted female role model, these women I soon labeled  "sisters of my heart".  We have remained connected throughout the years with unbreakable bonds.  

Sisters of my heart are women who advance others without looking for individual glory.  They have sincere interest in helping both young and old achieve significant roles.  Without animosity towards the masculine spirit, women utilize personal creativity and wisdom for the betterment of raising the importance of female equality.  The currents of time may cause my sisters to physically drift apart, but these women remain healthy within my heart.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Consciousness Streaming through the Heart

"I was deeply inspired by these amazing women 
who are dedicating their lives to help other women
step into their power and make a difference in the lives
of others and create a better world for us all."
Jean Houston
Empowering Women

View the world as family without burdened by heavy thoughts of responsibility.  Allow our focus to stream through our heart enabling all responses to be pure and poignant.  Place bird feed into the feeder; pour fresh water into the neighbors dog bowl; collect stacking newspapers to save for neighbors return; and walk around the block being thankful for every living thing.

If we train our lovely selves to be mindful of surrounding elements, our habits  will eventually spill over to the work place leaving a prime parking space for someone else and be happy with one a little farther down the row.  Offer to assist a co-worker without domineering her or his space.  Instead of being angry the coffee pot is empty, rinse it out and make a fresh one happy to get the first cup.

We are not all called to do great things like astronauts landing on the moon.  We are called to be connected with kindness right where we are.  We are not intended to wait for one magnificent moment to make history.  If everyone would brighten his or her immediate surroundings, our world would shine showing all peoples the way out of darkness.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Whisper of Time

"The clearest way into the Universe is through
a forest wilderness."
John Muir

While I watched a tiny yellow finch at the bird feeder, I wondered if it yearned to be a rich red cardinal singing boldly or a handsome hawk floating across the blue cloudless sky.  Observing all of the lovely flowers in the yard, I wondered if the purple Iris with its tall stem notices the Lily of the Valley below with tiny delicate bell flowers offering a light fragrance?

As the porch swing gently swayed, my eyes closed and I envisioned myself walking through a forest filled with a multitude of living things.  Every plant and animal offered purpose to the landscape without distracting from the uniqueness of each other.

I opened my eyes realizing this is exactly how I want to live my life.  I want to be present and purposeful without harm nor threat to any one or thing.  I craved the sense of freedom and independence envisioned in my day dream forest with the sense of belonging to the whole.  Blocking out the busy world, I felt peace within my soul.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Settle Into the Self

"The worst loneliness is not to be
comfortable with yourself."
Mark Twain

Building self-esteem can feel hollow and falsely grounded.  We may not believe in the phrases we whisper to our lovely selves in hopes of feeling better about our abilities, looks, or positions in life.  A more effective approach is utilizing self-compassion.

Self-esteem tends to pump us up into who we should or could be.  It brings in thoughts of goals we are not uniquely supplied to accomplish.  When we use compassion, we are looking at our true self without urges to be someone else.  We accept and embrace who we are in preparation for life purpose.

Self-compassion is not feeling sorry for the self.  It is embracing our weaknesses as well as our strengths.  Without drama we accept reality and decide how we can best use our qualities, knowledge, and experiences to move forward.  When we love our selves in spite of imperfection, our foundation is stronger than being dependent upon the input of others. 

Friday, July 26, 2019

Adjust Time for Quality of the Day

"Notice how if you can make some time early in the day
for being with no agenda, it can change the quality
of the rest of your day."
Jon Kabat-Zinn

Time contracts and expands depending upon what we are doing and how much we are enjoying the activity.  With intention to get the most out of time allotted, we create agendas, make lists, and develop routines.  We race through our day expending energy to meet our self-created goals.

As we create our schedules, it is important to make space for time to step outside, meditate or stretch our body.  We may say we do not have time for this, but indeed there is time if it is scheduled.  If we respect our brief sessions for nurturing our lovely selves, we will meet our goals in better frame of mind.

When we become creative with our schedules, we discover brief pockets of time waiting to be utilized.  If we are employed outside of the home, travel time can be used to observe the nature surrounding us including interesting human beings.  At the very least, bathroom breaks can become mindfulness moments.  If you are quarantined at home, sing to the baby or read to the sick.  Folding laundry can be a perfect time for creative inspiration.  Utilize moments within the day to refresh and adjust personal well being.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Shadow Philanthropists

"The most truly generous persons are those who give silently
without hope of praise or reward."
Carol Ryrie Brink

Anderson Cooper was interviewing a man who wore sunglasses and a hat shading his face.  The man was known as J.R. and no one really knew anything about him other than he was a photographer changing perceptions in the world.

J.R. traveled to numerous countries, photographing the repressed as well as those who were  casting the stones.   Enlarging the photographs, he would paste the giant photos side by side on walls, buildings or anything available.  The point of course was to just view people as common human beings.  He had been deported on occasion, but often welcomed back once authorities understood his intent.  His thrust of course ... we are all the same when judgment and criticism are stripped away.

This was a curious and artistic approach moving me towards hope and remembering in spite of news coverage, there were numerous people in life contributing in an uniquely positive way.  The most outstanding element, however,  J.R. was financially supported by Shadow Philanthropists who wanted nothing in return ... no recognition, no favors, no attachment.  Yes, goodness is still thriving.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Strengthen Bonds Through Silence

"Be genuinely curious, don't be a jerk, and listen closely.
 David Isay
On Being

During a recent family visit, I found myself growing more and more quiet as I listened to my adult children telling stories of their childhood.  Some I had heard before, but some were new and eye opening.  I could feel myself drawing more closely to them with new insight.

Humor runs thick in our family, but as I curbed my tongue giving better momentum to the story teller,  I was drawn more deeply into the account.  It was also noticeable with less interruption the person sharing was able to express his or her self more completely.  No one was judging or making fun comments.

As each of us became less disruptive, we realized the humor was falling away and raw emotions were being revealed.  It was amazing to recall the past incident and how it impacted me originally, and to hear it through the heart of my child.  Life becomes additionally remarkable when we give value and respect to the stories of our clan.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Responsible for Direction


"In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves.
The process never ends until we die.  And the choices we
make are ultimately our own responsibility."
Eleanor Roosevelt

The effort to bring balance into the world is of major importance whether regarding the use of natural resources, diplomatic policy or human relationships.  We cannot move forward in a healthy way by stepping on the lives of others.

Listen to the stories told by soldiers who participated on the war front or to minorities who endured the killing of their ancestors.  This element of rising above at cost to others still prevails.  The bullies in schools are doing the same thing ... threats to humans to make the self feel important.

My eyes cannot avoid the abundance of waste in our country.  How is it okay to build a small mountain out of waste and then cover it with soil to be blended into the horizon?  If an industry has excess money, is it worth it to contaminate the water and just pay the fine?  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Eliminating Competition as Fuel for Learning

"It was a feeling that people were very different from each other were all
welcome together, very little judgment going on, as I recall, just a 
hootenanny of people's bolstering each other's spirits through music."
Emily Saliers and Amy Ray (Indigo Girls)
On Being

During the Renaissance, the arts were used for teaching students.  Subject matter was taught through all of the arts.  So if a child could not grasp mathematics for example, he might easily learn through the knowledge of music or the basics of art through measurement.

As each subject of the curriculum was taught through a variety of options, all children could thrive using the skills available to them.  The students were not divided into levels as the class moved forward together learning through differing examples.  

To be taught through this system, a student was exposed to all subjects weaving in and out of the arts.  A certain balance was created with exposure to a wide variety of ways for application of information.  Each student thrived according to individual skills and passion which drew the respect of fellow learners.  Support seemed to be the fuel, not competition.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Willingness To Be Used


"Wholeness does not mean perfection;  It means embracing 
brokenness as an integral part of life."
Parker J. Palmer

Perfection was never a driving force in my life.  I tended to yearn more for acceptance and belonging.       In doing so, there was never a requirement for relationships to be perfect.  My willingness to accept each other as wounded souls, often provided lesser than outcomes.

The difference between perfection and holding out for what one truly wanted was never made clear to me.  Eager to please, I became a chameleon to blend into any situation with the desire to find love.  It should be no surprise that most relationships had one common denominator ... both of us loved him catering to his needs, desires, and dreams come true. In some ways I believed in making myself devoted to a person, I would never be cast aside.

There never was a time earlier on where I would consider what I wanted from a relationship.  I prided myself in being humble and not asking for too much.  I endured insults and betrayals by minimizing, avoidance and denial.   Eventually,  I was able to ask, "What about me?" without feeling selfish.  We are all broken in some ways, and through self-compassion and healing processes, we learn to discern a better balance to relationships with each other. 

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Survey with Fresh Perception

"Acknowledging the good that you already have
in your life is the foundation for all abundance."
Eckhart Tolle

As I traveled down south, I noticed a brokenness to nature from tornadoes and irreparable destruction to homes from flooding.  To gauge how costly repair would be to buildings was approximate, but looking at crops in fields totally destroyed and the still swollen waterways slowly receding could not have a dollar amount applied.

Perhaps I was humbled in comparison.  My perception of challenges in my life began to shrink and gratitude for safety and great health began to swell.  My thoughts turned to my children and grandchildren I would soon see and my heart overflowed.

Exposure to Amazon or Ebay encourage easy and impulsive buying habits.  Purchasing stimulates the economy and if we pass our unused products on to shelters we in small ways move forward.  The brilliant idea, however, is to take an inventory with fresh eyes and be appreciative of the abundance already surrounding us.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Holes in the Road

"A lost road will remember your footsteps because
someday you may want to return, tracing the way."
Munia Khan

Life tends to offer us free will to roam to our heart's content, but neglects to inform us we are traveling in cycles.  The scenery appears different, and the people perhaps are new, but life is running us through the same lesson.  Who knew?

The artist crocheting or knitting may drop a stitch altering the design and leaving questions of how to restore the piece.  This is how life offers patterns ... there may be a hole that we can choose to carefully step over, heal entirely or fall down into darkness.  The choice is ours based upon our perception and awareness.

As we wander through life, we find our lovely selves on a road once previously traveled.  We may have thought we would never return here again, and yet here we are.  There still may be emotional boulders blocking our view or overgrown scars distorting the way. Hooray for the times we have mastered the lesson and our vision is clear! We can navigate with joyful celebration.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Excavation of Unnecessary Darkness


"I wonder if that's how darkness wins, by convincing us 
to trap it inside ourselves, instead of emptying it out."
Jasmine Warga

It is said, in order to know light we must experience darkness.  This sounds reasonable enough, but too often the dark can overcome us with fear.  It seems to get trapped inside with no apparent way to exit.
Our hearts can be pure, filled with hope while at the same time, our body is heavily laden with an emotional heaviness.  We can be pouring love out into the world while the thoughts of being unloved drag us downward.  With awareness, we can maintain a healthy balance.
Depression is a part of our nature (not diagnosed clinical depression).  It is also a part of our nature to shine light upon that which is within.  Our compassionate perception will expedite the excavation of unnecessary darkness.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Rivet for Unique Expression

"Deep in my heart I'm concealing things that 
I am longing to say.  Scared to confess what I'm
feeling - frightened you'll slip away."

Our feminine nature is a deeply complex formation which creates a particular rivet for the unique expression of the individual.  No two people are exactly alike.  They may be similar, but upon deep examination, there are differences just as one flower differs from one other.

To the individual woman, she thinks people can see right into her so she may hide what she considers oddities and may over extend elements we all happen to share.  We spend years searching for connections that will reflect a sense of normalcy upon us.

Life's goal to know thyself is contrary to the wasted years of outward searching.  Time and effort was meant to be used to discover differences and unique abilities needed to be brought out into the world.  We are not all meant to be movie stars or astronauts or CEO's.  Our need is to become our authentic self remembering that Christ was but a carpenter.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

When the Elevator Doesn't Work

"Life is not what it's supposed to be.  It is
what it is.  The way you cope with it is
what makes the difference."
Virginia Satir

It is a fool's journey to seek a perfect life designed to unfold in one particular way.   Life is nothing but change, so we set our lovely selves up for failure by not allowing wiggle room for both positive and negative experiences.  If we are rigidly focused on only one outcome without allowances for improvement or set back, we will be extremely disappointed.

It is entertaining to read the biographies of people who have achieved recognition.  The consistency in a formula for success doesn't seem to require a certain education, experience, or application of knowledge.  It does seem to expect a person to be moveable from one position to another, expanding or contracting original plans, and a belief in the heart's desire.  

Life is not always what we hoped it would be, but with the right attitude and flexibility we will find life does indeed support us.  We cannot perceive ourselves as being on an elevator viewing options, and getting off on the floor appearing to have the best accommodations. It is our energetic involvement that will trigger life opportunities where we can best flow.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Hindsight About Hidden Creative Parts

"Time spent with a cat is never wasted."

My Renaissance Man brought home a black cat with golden eyes.  It will sit and stare at me and from time to time the eyes increase in a glow of bright yellow auras.  I must mention that it is ceramic and has an electric wire for the eye effect, but nevertheless, it unnerves me.

This black cat with intense eyes reminds me that my sense of self-consciousness is often self-generated.  There is no reason for this innate object to bother me, and yet it does.  This makes me question how many other areas of my life have preconceived ideas about who is judging me.  

In my profession I excelled with confidence and accepted criticism as a way to improve, but in my personal life, I wished to hide creative parts of my lovely self.  With hindsight, I feel rather certain that others would have found my creative imagination to be more entertaining than my career accomplishments.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Changing Perception of the World

"Feminism isn't about making women stronger. Women
are already strong.  It's about changing the way the world
perceives that strength."
G.D. Anderson

There is something about a woman who is so strong she makes the world shift.  She accomplishes this movement through intelligence, experience, and determination.  Most powerful women do not look anything like Wonder Woman.

Physical strength is important, but emotional strength can resolve issues to a higher degree.  The word power is not exclusive to physical strength nor should it be based upon manipulation and control. 

Women tend to be more creative in resolving problems where every person involved can sense that life has been improved.  A woman has spent her gnarly life working in and out of situations without dependency upon physical strength.  Feminism is not having power over people, but working with the people which is perceived as changing the world in a very positive way. 

Saturday, July 13, 2019

In Accordance with Personal Belief

"Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules,
and build a life you're proud to live."
Anne Sweeney

"I always thought you'd be more successful .... a president of a grand company or international diplomat," says the acquaintance who thinks he is being complimentary.  Our immediate reactions may be that of shrinking, but if we really believe we are working towards our life purpose, the words simply fall away.

The word success carries a variety of meanings for diverse situations.  A child is finally successful in putting together a building out of legos.  A teenager experiences team success when they win the swim meet.  College students are successful when they land their first job.  A person is successful when he or she can retire comfortably.

We each hold a definition of success.  We are called to live a life in accordance to our personal belief system combined with our skills and gifts.  We are all successful when our hearts are open and we are moving forward to create a better world for others and with others.  It is important to be proud of the life we live.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Lay Down the Cross

"Above all be the heroine of your life
not the victim."
Nora Ephron

We are all angels from heaven and we must lift our wings and fly.  Whether it is storming or beastly hot, we are called to take flight.  If we remain in a tight ball, grieving the injustices placed upon us, our eyes will never see the beauty of this earth.

When we take flight and glance down, our problems seem much smaller in the greater landscapes below.  We see that all people have problems and rising above them is a matter of stretching our wings to grow.

As we grow, we hold our heads up more and view a wider picture of the world.  Our position may be smaller than we intended, but if we are taking an active part we are no longer the victim.  When we lay down our cross and stretch our wings, the winds of life will encourage to be the angle we were always meant to be.  

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Needing Nature


"I don't feed the birds because they need me;
I feed the birds because I need them."
Kathi Hutton

Each of the four seasons trigger particular memories for us.  In the summer there are sounds like a yard sprinkler that transports us back to our younger days or the distant music from a merry-go-round.  In the winter, it may be the crunching of snow under our boots or the scraping sound of a shovel.

Birds are a presence throughout all seasons.  It is joyful to watch a hawk soaring through the sky and even more exciting to spot an Eagle's nest.  The birds need food year around and are thankful for the creative bird houses strategically placed in the yard.

There is something ritualistic about feeding birds.  It is a way of honoring and respecting their presence in nature.  Birds have a pecking order and individual characteristics.  They are interesting to watch, a peaceful task.  Their antics in the bird bath makes one smile.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Barefoot in the Rain

"Falling asleep while the rain is clashing down on the 
window is nature's best lullaby."
Kim Pape

When it rains day after day, the absence of light can become depressing.  The constant pouring can make us feel trapped inside with a thousand reasons why we need to go out.  There are days, however, that a gentle rain can lull us into a perfect state of relaxation.  The gentle sound is background music for meditation, reading, stretching, or napping.

Whether we are on a screened in porch or an enclosed room, we can close our eyes and be mesmerized by the sound of the rain.  It can feel like all of our sorrows are being washed away while the gentle fragrance cleanses our hearts and minds.

The growing flowers welcome the rain as an encouragement for growth.  Gardens respond as though each drop were a blessing.  Birdbaths are replenished while the birds sing.  What joy there is to be like a child, barefoot in the puddles of rain.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Looking Through the Pane


"Your desire to be near to a window is your
desire to be close to life."
Mehmet Murat ildan

Early memories of me standing by our back door of the apartment, gazing outside never really seeing the actual view are plentiful.  In the apartment there were no spaces to allow private space.  So I would stand in the kitchen projecting my cluttered mind out through the glass in the window.

Over the years, looking out a window became a habit for me especially when I was feeling isolated or overwhelmed.  I never really explored this method of coping, but I was aware how much better I could feel by slipping through the window pane.

This morning I came across a quote by Mehment Murat idan:  "Your desire to be near a window is your desire to be close to life."  It was the first time insight connected me to this life long habit.   I never lost the desire to understand my life and when I could not find answers, I would mentally escape through the window seeking answers to my pain.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Imprint Upon Others

"Treat everyone with politeness and kindness,
not because they are nice, but because you are."
Roy T. Bennett

There is endless kindness within everyone.  Unfortunately, we forget and override our good thoughts with fear based hatred, prejudice and injustice.  We have the option to remain focused upon our inner goodness, but generally we give in to a lower mentality.

If we are listening to an uplifting message, we eagerly identify with the richness of the words.  Ten minutes later, we return to our routine and forget what should be at the heart of all matters.  

Life is so fast paced we flick out words we may not even mean nor remember we have spoken.  We need to take more time, pause, and respond allowing our chosen words to positively imprint the life of one other.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Inside, Where No One Sees

"With admiration for the greatness of what
you are building when no one sees."
Nicole Johnson

As we travel, we see individuals and know absolutely nothing about them.  We might judge them by outward appearances without picking up on personal brilliance.  The mind is a magnificent place, but we simply do not know what is inside the minds of others. ...  

Life experience can cover us with layers of emotional or physical or sexual damage.  These hidden episodes become the drive behind our passion or a stumbling block.  We can use our fire to create positive inner experiences or become mesmerized by the flame and paralyzed by the pain.

To build our chambers within, we need compassion, respect, and courage.  As individuals we create an inner world that may never be seen, but offers the individual safe space.  We will have an inner castle that no one may ever see, but it was created for you, not me.                

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Elementary, My Dear

"The strongest people find the courage and caring to help others,
even if they are going through their own storm."
Roy T. Bennett

A basic need in life is caring for each other.  The baby wouldn't survive without a maternal kindness just as the elder may require a caregiver.  Churches, organizations, and individual volunteers extend themselves to help others either financially, physically, or emotionally.

It seems elementary to me, that if someone is hurting, especially helpless children, we the people extend ourselves to the needs of others. Not the intention to enable a person, but to address the basics such as food, cleanliness, and safety.

Raising four children, we sometimes had to forgo an expensive outing, but create a gathering with other families or friends to form a less expensive celebration.  There were times all four children could not get new shoes in the same time frame, unless they lowered their expectations of style or brand.  As a responsible adult it seemed rather elementary to use money to meet family needs rather than spend it on extravagant and superficial items.  So tell me again why the parade on the Fourth of July, costing millions of dollars, was more important than the basic need of  millions of Americans who are without homes and food.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Friends, Beyond the Limits of Time

"In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures.
For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed."
Khalil Gibran

The  joys of friendship can be found in childish games or in the depth of a revealing conversation.  There is no end to the realms friends can enter  whether it is residue from a past life experience or the   investment into an unknown adventure.  There are no bounds that cannot be broken when the assistance of a friend is needed.

Acquaintances bring color to the weaving of our lives, but a true friend is the substance that expands and contracts to match our yearnings.  He or she is the one who extends a shaking hand into the darkness of our hearts, hoping to renew us once again.

Years may slip by before we physically reunite with a friend.  Our best intentions to remain connected can fall to the way side and even life times may pass by.  It is guaranteed, however, once eye contact is exchanged between two bonded friends, recognition survives beyond the limits of time.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

A New Anthem ... Don't Be Cruel

 " A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Parent Effective Training is a program based upon a book written by Dr. Thomas Gordon, an award winning psychologist, and a three time nominee for the Nobel Prize.   His world wide book and program (referred to as P.E.T.) encouraged adults to address unacceptable behavior with a method based upon active listening, compassionate understanding, and resolution with value to everyone involved.  The basics of this book is appropriate for any crisis.  

The information taught in this class stemming from the world wide publication, needs to be hand delivered to every government official, political leader, and any one who desires to live with integrity, embrace values, and abide in peace.

Resolution supported by P.E.T. requires time for a roadblock to be appropriately identified in relationship to both sides.  Corrective action allows value and respect to be equally distributed.  The message of Franklin D. Roosevelt needs to be proclaimed throughout the world:  "A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough."                           

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Nightmares Express Denied Fears

"Nightmares are seldom a foreshadowing of real events,
but always a showing of real fears."
Criss Jami

If we dream of death, it may be reflecting the end of something, just as birth reflects the entering of something new.  If we look at the elements of air, fire, water, and earth, dreams often use one of them for a point of reference.

A tornado may be reflective of life being out of control or an earthquake showing our life coming apart.  Fire can insinuate our passion is amped up or there it is a time of transition.  If a dream implies drowning, we might be overwhelmed with emotions.  Abundance as a  status of foundation or nurturing are referenced in elements of the earth.

A harsh nightmare does not necessarily predict forthcoming horror, but it does reflect emotions that are being ignored and repressed.  When we do not face our fears during our waking hours, they will be sure to push through into our dream time, simply wanting to be recognized.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Awkward Parts of Me

"When you really look for me, you will see me instantly ...
you will find me in the tiniest house of time.

I was once told that if I kept chasing after something, I would never catch it as it would not have enough space to turn around to meet me.  I guess this made sense, but my ego could not imagine obtaining something unless I chased it.  I did not believe anything or anyone would ever choose to approach me without being beckoned.  

In years that followed, I tempered my chasing by seeking what seemed to be speaking to my heart.  I was somewhat concerned as being a seeker led me from the path most often taken.  I tried to follow what whispered to me in wisps of wonderment carrying me farther within to discover myself instead of those I once followed.

In these past years, I have stopped seeking as there is magnificence surrounding me in every flower, sunbeam, and star.  When one becomes very still, allowing a gaze to gently pass over the surrounding space, magical moments occur.  A person may shift before my very eyes or a simple glance may catch the smile on a butterfly while a silent message is reflected in images floating in the sky.  These happenings call me forward, transcending awkward parts of me into the nature of one.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Pattern of Self-Completion

"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, 
and you do not know what it will bring back,
a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country."
Anais Nin

Dreams can become stagnant as we drift away from a strong sense of self.  We begin to doubt, question, and give up hope that life will ever be in our favor.  We struggle, and try to be flexible, while our drive slowly shuts down within.  We have lost our map and we have no sense of direction.

As we are suspended in nothingness, our ego finally relents and asks for 'thy will to be done."  It is when we relinquish ego's sense of power that great strides can be taken. Instead of working against the tides of control, we begin to work with waves of creation.  We replace designs of duplication and begin to free flow with insights aligned with our purpose.

We cannot sit idle wishing for change.  We must take steps and add movement to shed stagnation. An open mind accompanied by awareness will begin to recognize new thoughts and alluring passages tempered to who we have been meant to be.  As we hold our lovely selves accountable, we begin to channel a pattern towards self completion.