Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Nightmares Express Denied Fears

"Nightmares are seldom a foreshadowing of real events,
but always a showing of real fears."
Criss Jami

If we dream of death, it may be reflecting the end of something, just as birth reflects the entering of something new.  If we look at the elements of air, fire, water, and earth, dreams often use one of them for a point of reference.

A tornado may be reflective of life being out of control or an earthquake showing our life coming apart.  Fire can insinuate our passion is amped up or there it is a time of transition.  If a dream implies drowning, we might be overwhelmed with emotions.  Abundance as a  status of foundation or nurturing are referenced in elements of the earth.

A harsh nightmare does not necessarily predict forthcoming horror, but it does reflect emotions that are being ignored and repressed.  When we do not face our fears during our waking hours, they will be sure to push through into our dream time, simply wanting to be recognized.

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