Thursday, June 30, 2022

A Present To My Lovely Self

"As we slowly give up all notions of taking and giving,
everything becomes clear before us."
Master Taisen Deshimaru

What would happen if we stopped taking from others and modified the motivation for giving?  What if we viewed our ability to simply be present as the ultimate gift to others? Amazingly, by standing still without any sense of intention, clarity thrives.

We are meant to empower the self by enhancing and strengthening our skills, knowledge, and presence.  It is when we appreciate the fully embodied self, we become open to the existence of clarity simply awaiting awareness.

When we stop taking and no longer unnecessarily give, there is a clear vision of reality.  The intention of the moment is not shrouded in falsely applied projections.  Life stands before us with crystal clear portals for higher understanding.

'Tis my birthday today and I realize I am a present to my lovely self.





Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Cracks In the Road

"We are all broken. We all have cracks. It's not about making it
through life in one piece, it's about narrowing the gap between
the fissures so we don't shatter."
Riley Murphy

There is something off setting about walking along a newly paved road.  The bumpy not so pristine back roads can be the most inviting as well as a hidden pathway.  It doesn't matter where we walk, we will encounter uneven surfaces, bulging roots and unsuspecting twists and turns.

No matter how carefully we venture, we will come across a breach of some sort or a bridge to navigate one kind of an eruption or another.  If we choose to ignore it, we may lose a footing or come to harm's way shattering is to our core.

Divisions in nature and in our hearts are unavoidable.  They are a part of the experience as we walk upon this earth.  It is not about if and when.  It is about how we prepare, how we react, and how willing we agree to bend with the road.


Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Equation with Integrity


"There is a huge difference between letting your darkness
suck you under, and willingly making the sacred descent."
Toko-pa Turner

Will we face our challenges flaying and screaming or will we become an observer of the change within and the shift outside?  As we sink into dark thoughts, we can feel with our imagination, mud sucking on our feet or we can become sensitive to the building pressure of inner light.

When we are 'down' which is a part of the emotional cycle, do we use our insight to decipher a pattern and bide our time, or do we collapse into the drama of a previous story told? Do we articulate our feelings experiencing a healing with wisdom or do we stifle our screams deceptively smiling on the outside?

People follow our lead.  If we tell them our left arm is aching and it is really our right foot, no matter how hard they try, correction will not follow.  When we claim to be jubilant with tears streaming down our cheeks, we cultivate confusion.  It is when we value our authentic self we can address all sides of the equation with integrity.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Aching Heart


"Make time for what you need."
Lisa Eskra Summers

It is interesting how rapidly we address the needs of others, but not so much our own.  We submit out dated lists that do not reflect the necessity of now.  We are so out of touch, it is often times easier to just not begin.

Who we are today is vastly different from who we were yesterday.  Time can be harsh and caustic within nanoseconds.  We may physically look the same and stand in the same space, but our inner thoughts are rapidly moving impacting our needs.

When we responsibly address the needs of others, hold our lovely selves accountable in numerous giving ways, there may be little remaining to nurture our very soul.  If we choose to continue on this path, we will end up grinding on empty in a very dark place.  Seriously, in this moment, how can we best nurture our aching heart?

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Personal, Collective, and Global Darkness Under the Light

"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you,
they're supposed to help you discover who you are."
Bernice Johnson Reagon

It takes courage to stand in the light and truly see our misconceptions and tainted perceptions.  After cultivating the strength to be present in the light, one slowly discovers what lingers in the darkness.

The goal to fully embrace light, to be light, and to beam our light out into the world, is only the first layer.  When we have learned to be in alignment with light, then we are called to turn and truly see what lurks in the shadows both internally and externally.

As we explore the ever present darkness, we begin to realize there are numerous layers to healing. When we unearth and shed our own discoveries, we become aware of similar patterns waiting to be released collectively and globally.  

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Verbalizing With A Pen


"Writing is like talking to yourself, just in a way
that makes it look like you are not crazy."
Mary Kate

How we speak to our lovely selves impacts our physical, emotional, and spiritual levels of  positive living.  If we do not invest in our spiritual connections, our emotions lack luster and our bodies become ill at ease ... dis-ease.

It is part of the human experience to wander in to critical thinking, and we can only thrive if we have a 'dumping ground' for personal judgments.  We may be careful when criticizing our selves out loud, but brutal when we are ranting in our heads.

Writing offers a safe outlet where we can rant, praise or weep and then safely shred, burn or delete.  The action of discarding releases the hold judgment can have over us.  The importance of course is the ability to move our darkest thoughts out into the light.  

Friday, June 24, 2022

Small Slight


"Take charge of your life by taking charge of your
thoughts.  Change your life by changing your thoughts.
Carol Tuttle

Life happens to us, but we do have choice as to how we respond.  Through the thinking process, we can maintain alignment rather than reacting with a knee-jerk movement.  Pause to take in the big picture, not the small slight.

We can think of our mind as a resourceful library offering numerous scenarios that have failed us or supported us.  Our personal creativity can expand the positive to navigate through life as it presents itself.

Positive reactions are often more difficult than negative ones, but in the long run, they bring us to a healthier outcome.  Good choices support our self-image and allow us to shine brightly upon our chosen path of life.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Exceptional Student

"On the transformational path we need to recognize
that our relationships can be powerful mirrors, 
reflecting back to us what we need to learn."
Shakti Gawain

Our senses are stimulated by reflections we see in mirrors, sunsets or pools of water.  We catch a glimpse of imagery and our triggers are activated, anticipating a forthcoming unfolding.  It can be a simple 'knowing' or a segment of unearthed feelings or a strengthening of connection.

Relationships continuously challenge us with lessons reflecting levels of trust, integrity, compassion and perspectives.  They offer us experiences with forgiveness, loss, and healing.  Our responses range from thoughts of ' I don't want to be like that' to ' I want to be just like that.'

We may see our lovely selves in the depths of one other's darkness or the rising spirit of joy. Out dated dreams can be released into the setting sun while new creations are beamed from the moon above.  There are so many lessons and we must strive to be an exceptional student.


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

With Learning, We Proceed

"With time the pain eases, the body recovers
and the brain figures out new ways to go on."
Federico Chini

Words can be like a physical slap across the face.  At first we are stunned, but as reality sinks in, the pain can become more emotional.  In time, we are distanced enough to perceive the lesson.

We do not have absolute control over life circumstances, but we have choice as to how we react.  Found within our responses, direction impacts results.  These choices direct the outcomes either in a positive or negative way.

When enough time has passed, we can turn around and view our pain from a different perspective.  We know we have made progress when we experience calm understanding rather than a need for angry revenge.  It is in learning that we can proceed.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Summer Solstice Creativity


"Besides being fun, creativity offers a path out of
stagnation, unhappiness, self-judgment, and the kind
of robotic living that leaves us feeling unfulfilled."
Jacob Nordby

To express creativity, one does not have to be an artist, just as one who communicates does not have to be published.  There are numerous ways to express our inner passions that release stagnation and ignite joy. 

Summer Solstice is a time to walk away from the past in search of new beginnings.  With new found freedom, we find ourselves celebrating life through dance, song, and imagery.  There is no right nor wrong.  The simple movement of leaping forward creates a spark.

Feel the spark deep inside and allow it to shine outward in whatever form it desires.  Whether we take paint to canvas or scientific equations to theory, the most important factor is expression.  Allow the smallest spark of passion implode into joy and liberation.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Mountain of Fire

"In expressing her anger more directly, she 
would not only feel more authentic, but perhaps 
help her move her relationship out of stagnation 
into a more genuine intimacy."
Toko-pa Turner

The actions of others can trigger our emotions and if we choose to repress them, anger builds.  We may tell our lovely selves that we must be respectful and repress the resentment building within us. This may not be the best choice nor is it healthy.

If we are out of harmony, we can still speak with kindness without being argumentative.  As we air our opinion, we may irritate the listener, but isn't that more tolerable than building a mountain of fire?

If we acquiesce, does this not indicate approval and misdirect the speaker?  We will not be seen nor understood in our entirety if we do not show where we stand.  When we simply state our truth, we contribute to a healthy rapport supporting authentic relationships.


Sunday, June 19, 2022

Process Memories

"Memories warm you up from the inside.
But they also tear you apart."
Haruki Murakami

Celebrations for some can be painful, depending upon personal experiences, memories, and emotional aftermath.  Memories can be bittersweet and some are better off left buried in the past.  When recalling thoughts that become positive, cherish them.

Perhaps it is best to celebrate the masculine spirit that is supporting, respectful and inquisitive about varying perspectives.  If we can conjure up images of those who have touched our lives, not repressing nor minimizing, we will not get stuck in remorse.

As humans, we squint our eyes, distorting what we see.  We have the tendency to partially listen, adjusting words to our favor.  This allows us to love largely which sets a positive image for others.  It is when we turn this love inward, we begin to truly shine.


Saturday, June 18, 2022

Web of Skills, Integrity and Love

"Practice the power of being together."
Toko-pa Turner

In the midst of chaos, we are being called to honor people, the earth, and unknown realms.  Toko-pa Turner encourages us to love 'the standing people, the feathered people, the rock people, the water bodies, and so on."  

We are being given opportunities to help others through groups, circles, and assistance.  Look through and beyond the darkness of our times and extend a loving light in support of a much needed web of skills, integrity, and love.

When we honor all inhabitants in, above and upon our earth, we create a broader sense of family.  Our caring actions awakens a larger sense of belonging.  We increasingly thrive upon the light beaming from all things, limiting the fear growing in darkness.


Friday, June 17, 2022

Seek and Ye Shall Find

"Never make someone a priority, when all
you are to them is an option."

When we feel lesser-than in a relationship, evaluation becomes a necessity.  What are my needs and are they being met?  Do my actions resonate and thrive or  do they sink and fail?  Are the efforts for satisfaction one sided?

Relationship indicates more than one person.  Even the connection with the self involves both the inner and outer needs.  To maintain health, one learns to balance the giving and the receiving.  

If one person is damming up the flow, adjustments are critical.  The world is filled with possibilities, and life is too short to tolerate lack luster arrangements.  Whether adaptation is needed professionally or personally, seek and ye shall find.


Thursday, June 16, 2022

Unacceptable Abuse

"When a toxic person can no longer control you,
they will try to control how others see you."
Jill Blakeway

Dealing with a narcissist requires strength and clarity.  He or she will whittle away at  our confidence, value, and respect, heightening feelings of shame and unworthiness.  It does not help that a narcisstic personality can be charming and seemingly loving.

The toxic personality does not have empathy for others, requires high levels of attention, and an has an inflated sense of importance. They appear confident, but in reality can not tolerate constructive criticism.  They are hurtful by damaging our own mental health.

A person in relationship with a narcissistic uses extreme energy to withstand the toxicity.    The toxic personality can also attack our credibility with others.  It is imperative to maintain clarity of personal value, seek help, and recognize this behavior as unacceptable abuse.


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Full Moon Energy Disturbance

"Although everyone feels pain and heartbreak, 
everybody heals differently, at different rates."

Moon energy impacts us physically, often disrupting our sleep.  Less sleep can trigger emotional reactions such as irritability and lack of focus.  The presence of a full moon helps us to inventory our spiritual growth, in terms of goals, behaviors, and self-care.

Although many do not relate disruption with the full moon, turbulance is shown blatantly through the actions of others as well as our own.  Perhaps this increased impact is vying for our attention, to self-evaluate.

Global disharmony can display what we are experiencing collectively and personally.  There is a thread running through all of life.  It is up to each of us to evaluate our methods of healing and to choose how we can apply them internally as well as externally.


Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Present with Joy or Sorrow

"Sacred space is not just an external place.
It is an internal place as well."
Mat Auryn

Each of us needs a sacred space where we can just 'be' with either our joy or sorrow.  An  area where we can become aware of what we need to shed and how we want to proceed.  A niche where we can both listen and visualize.

Sacred space can be a favorite location out in the world or a shelter deep within our soul.  Either way, our experiences take on deeper meaning when we can ponder in a safe place not distracted by the outside world.

Internally or externally, voices need to be silenced and our vision broadened to encompass all that the Universe is waiting to share.  When we can be still, whispered guidance and creative inspiration bring new life to our soul.


Monday, June 13, 2022

Hidden Trails

"I love finding places off the beaten path."
Chris Harrison

It can be  beneficial to switch routines which enables us to discover new views.  Instead of walking in the neighborhood or local park, we may wander on the path of a hidden trail.  The terrain changes and we become aware of how and where we place our feet.

Disruption can be challenging, but the reaction we choose can be pivotal to new beginnings. Rather than navigating on automatic pilot, we are called to be mindful of where we trod.  With new vision, our perspectives shift.

If we do not take steps into the unknown, we can easily become bored or stagnant.  There are choices to be made and until we cultivate which best supports us, we will be lacking in deeper discoveries.


Sunday, June 12, 2022

Waiting Beyond the Bend


"You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and stars;
you have the right to be here.  And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should."
Max Ehrmann

We experience moments of insight that awaken our body, mind, and soul.  In depth understanding shake us to our core.  And then, we go back asleep, as though nothing had happened at all.

Bolts of lightning strike our hearts, and we find our lovely selves wondering how we will ever be the same.  (But is that not the point ... to never truly be the same?)  Our bones rattle and we stumble forward, not certain of which way to go.

And so we begin to build again, resetting boundaries and perhaps allowing a calculated sense of flexibility.  We cannot see clearly what lies ahead, but in time our momentum increases, forging us ahead.  We become excited as to what waits beyond the bend.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Wisdom Through Example and Reflection


"I stand in the fullness of my power.
I stand in the softness of my heart."
Moon Sisters 

The energy is amazing when we stop pushing or pulling, and just be still.  The peace is comforting when we release the anxiety of whether or not we are in the right place.  Emotions continue to surface, but we don't let them become stuck by simply letting them go.

The agenda is truly quite simple: stand in personal space, reflect what is sacred, and respond only in love.  We may dance in this human place, but we are never meant to stay.  This of course, emphasizes the importance of each fleeting moment.

Darkness is a great teacher and we are called towards the light.  We are not meant to hoard our lessons, but to apply the wisdom through example and reflection.  We can experience power through our own spiritual growth and the opening of our softening heart.    

Friday, June 10, 2022

Outside Forces


"He was swimming in a sea of other people's expectations.
Men have drowned in seas like that."
Robert Jordan

Men have been burned, not by heat, but by uncontrolled anger.  Men have drowned, not by water, but by overwhelming emotions.  Men have been buried, not by earth, but by falling into a non-physical hole.  Men have been swept away, not by air, but by being ungrounded.

Maintaining healthy boundaries will assist in disallowing outside forces to overly impact our  intended destinations.  It is important to reach out for an extended hand, but it is equally important to remember to let go.

When we are able to bring balance between our inner and outer worlds, we will discover a personal navigation system which will best meet our needs.  In order to discern healthy passageways, it is imperative to establish which direction one chooses to follow. 

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Significance of Encounter

"If only you could see how important you are to the lives of those you meet.  
How important you can be to people you may never dream of.  
There is something of your self that you leave at every
meeting with another person."
Fred Rogers 

Traipsing through a high traffic mall, I glanced across to the shoppers heading the opposite way.  My eyes settled upon a gentleman who had startling blue eyes. He was dressed in business attire, and never broke stride as his sweet eyes rested upon my face and immediately broke into a smile.  Between us, there was a swift recognition of an unexplainable and deep connection.

It has been over forty years since this took place, and I continue to have the certainty that after life, in a different realm,  I will come to understand the significance of this encounter.  I am convinced that on some level, none of us are truly strangers. 

The underlying importance, as I understand it, is the necessity of kindness to everyone crossing our path. The simple smile is an exchange of energy that could possibly tip the scales for an individual feeling like a 'lost' soul.  Uplift someone with a smile and do not be surprised when it is returned!  

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Scar Lingers

"The truly scary thing about undiscovered lies is that they have
a greater capacity to diminish us than exposed ones. They erode 
our strength, our self-esteem, our very foundations."
Cheryl Hughes

It is the nature of my character to forgive a betrayal or hidden truth, if it is voiced now with  the opportunity to be honest.  If the choice is to remain silent and I later give witness to the lack of  integrity, trust is broken and I will distance myself.

It would seem I have the tendency to try to understand the scenario that caused a person's lack of judgment.  There is a willingness for me to stand in his or her shoes to better understand what prompted said action.  

Ultimately, I focus on the ability to be truthful, rather than the information being shared. I am disheartened by the trivial misdirections and hidden agendas when there has been no reason to do so.  Forgiveness comes easily, but the scar on my heart lingers, indefinitely.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Pure Essence

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge
is limited, whereas, imagination embraces the entire world,
stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."
Albert Einstein

How differently we would evolve if we were encouraged to express knowledge through our unique perceptions.  The focus would not be on perfected skill, but rather upon insightful interpretation and application.

Imagine combining dream images with formations of learning; capturing the sounds of nature and blending them with music; and placing favorite words upon watercolor pages.  We would feel the heart swell with recognition of intended enhancement.

We all have a creative flow within us, but it is stifled by stress, rigidity, and overwhelm.  When we unpack unnecessary debris, we begin to feel an inner rhythm. Our heightened creativity is reflected in our pure essence.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Secure Connections


"It is time to deepen that inner connection 
with yourself and follow your heart."
Bethany Webster

Our connection with our inner self contributes to our level of feeling safe.  If we can maintain communication with our higher self (the wise being within all of us) we can increase our sense of security.  

Even with multiple layers of physical protection, if we do not feel safe in our own skin, we become vulnerable.  It is through positive visualization, repetitive mantras, and compassionate action that we are able to sense security.

Follow heart thoughts and notice present abundance.  Allow the self to feel deep appreciation for life happenings that bring us closer into alignment.  Continuously check in with the lovely self to maintain secure connections.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Unfinished Dreams

"Create a daily experience of wonder and astonishment 
that reinvents your story as it happens in real-time."
Jean Houston

Tunnel vision keeps us trapped in our out grown routines and mundane tasks.  We must endeavor to think out of the box and stir possibilities in our current time. Every thing surrounding us reflects choice and we are called to follow through and make it!

If we listen beyond the chaos, we will hear gentle tones to lift our spirits.  If we see beyond the chaos, we will be rekindled by hope.  If we step out of our self-imposed confinement, we will create new experiences.

In spite of what we tell our lovely selves, we are the keeper of our own prisons.  When we gather courage, engage with our power, and take positive steps forward, we begin to deactivate negativity and pursue unfinished dreams.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Need to Retreat

"Instead of looking at a person as aggressive, resistant, distrusting, skeptical or negative, look at them as a person in pain, hurting, unworthy, isolated, disconnected, unloved."
Nicky Hamid

It is impossible to remove toxic people from our lives entirely, but by changing our perspective, we can easily distance our lovely selves with ease.  When we choose not to take negative actions personally, ownership shifts back to where it belongs, 

When we can see a person's level of pain, and recognize how emotionally lost he or she happens to be, we begin to understand the origin of aggression.  Instead of using our energy for lashing back in defense, we can be more purposeful than spewing back critical judgment.

By all means, we are not obligated to tolerate harsh behavior from anyone. We may still need to retreat; but, when we can apply empathy to the situation, we no longer contribute to the chaos.  Allow compassion to grow for those without a sense of loving connection 

Friday, June 3, 2022

Touch, A Necessary Ingredient


"The human touch is that little snippet of physical attention that brings a bit of comfort, support, and kindness. It doesn't take much from the one who gives it, 
but it can make a huge difference in the one who receives it."
Mya Robarts

Babies tended with touch and skin to skin moments thrive.  Mothers bonding with hugs can lower stages of depression.  Children assured by physical attention tend to be more confident in life.  Elders who have lost their partner or are isolated, easily decline with the absence of touch.

Our bodies produce a chemical, oxytocin, which supports against stress, anxiety, and depression.  Touch activates the brain's orbitofrontal cortex which deals with our sense of reward and compassion.  MBA basketball players receive support with their high fives!

Massage triggers feeling of safety and calm.  Holding a child stimulates a sense of connection.  Hugs amongst friends stimulate optimistic attitudes.  Petting an animal can increase the sense of joy and deep comfort.  With our hands, we can help address physical and emotional needs of our own and of others.


Thursday, June 2, 2022

Fiction Turns to Reality

"The wounding becomes sacred when we are willing to release
our old stories and to become the vehicles through which the
new story may emerge into time."
Jean Houston

We were never satisfied with just one story as a child nor should we be stuck in one story as an adult.  It is time to turn the page, start a new chapter, and to create a new script.  What we create might begin as fiction, but as we apply our lovely selves, the plot may turn to reality.

Curiosity creates excitement and enthusiasm triggers new energy to pursue imaginative scenarios.  We begin to feel an expansion of creativity and an openness to attract people, projects, and adventure.

Right now, in this very moment, feel a strong connection with God or the Universe and allow the self to swell with a sense of loving connection. Allow the new story to begin, and be patient with the unfolding progress.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Spiral Within Intricate Patterns

"You have to continue to spiral through the same emotional 
experiences until there is no energetic charge left to trigger you."
Healing Tools 

Stand back to capture the essence of the larger picture.  See how tiny intricacies meld together for connection and depth.  Observe how fragments join unfinished strands of experience.  Understand the importance of both vibrancy and shadows.

Rather than feeling discouraged, choose to consider 'do overs' as fine tuning necessary for healing.  Do not stand so closely that we no longer see our personal growth from past experiences as connecters to our present.

When we find our lovely selves triggered, we can choose what actions have supported us in the past.  Reoccurrence is simply an opportunity to use what we have gleaned through prior experiences.  As we learn to process in healthy ways, the energetic charges diminish.