Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Spring Forward

"With the coming of spring, I am calm again."
Gustuv Mahler

May has arrived bringing a new excitement for life. Flowers are blooming, grass is greening, and bees are buzzing. Everything is nudging us towards new growth and expansion. Let's re-examine our intentions for moving forward in our lives. Has our life purpose changed or is it continuing to feel like an exciting journey?

Take a walk outside, slowing your pace to notice the new growth surrounding you. Breathe in the fragrance of spring and feel glad to be alive! Be curious as to how you can rekindle passion triggering curiosity and intention. What would bring you joy while benefiting those around you? The tandem of give and receive nurtures our soul.

Take time to examine your own patterns of behavior. Where do you need to slow down and how can you push up through collected  debris in order to soak up the sun? Stand barefooted in the grass imagining a connection with mother earth. When a gentle breeze whisks across your face, remember who you are and all you yearn to be. 


Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Under the Umbrella

"Too many people today know the price of everything
and the value of nothing."
Ann Landers

In college, my sorority volunteered at a nursing home. There was one woman who reached for my hand, so I sat with her for a spell. She reminisced about 'things' she had acquired and how in time they meant so little. She said we needed to choose wisely the things we held under our umbrella.

It seemed odd at the time, but as I grew older, I began to understand that the world was at our fingertips, but did we really need it all? When we choose discriminatorily, each savored item takes on greater meaning than a vast collection of 'stuff'. So the question is, 'what will I hold under my umbrella?

Now, downsizing, there seems to be an incredible amount of things that are easily given away. It would seem the fewer favorite items had greater meaning than hoarded piles of debris. I am determined to hold valuable memories, spiritual aspirations, love for the sisters of my heart and gratitude for nature under my colorful umbrella!


Monday, April 29, 2024

Widen the Scope

"Give love to all things, plants, rocks 
and mountains; for the spirit is one"
Meditation with the Hopi

God created all peoples and we are all made out of energy, so what's the problem? We all have choice whether we are deciding on a dessert, friendship or rock gardens. Selection is based upon personal preference, but with respect for others. In the Spirit of all things, isn't there room for all of us?

If indeed, we were all made like snowflakes being one of a kind, isn't it a little adolescent to strive to be all the same? How about you get to be you and I get to be me! I can learn from the perceptions of others, as they will either reinforce what I already believe or push me into additional speculation.  

If the Universe intended us all to become cookie cutter shapes, why the bother making us all unique? Could it all be as simple as learning to love the self so we will not be threatened by others? Wondering if equality is actually accepting the individuality of each other. Each of us yearns to be seen, but how about we widen the scope while viewing others? 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

In the Now

"Past and future are in the mind only - I am now."
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Change is necessary for us to propel our lovely selves forward. It can definitely be disruptive, but it is two sided as it can also offer fresh calm. If we glance back across time, we can evaluate how we have lived and what consequences appeared. We can be uncomfortable looking forward into the unknown. Then there is this present moment.

This space before us is where we need to focus. Make an inventory to assess what needs to be addressed.  It may  be mental, physical, spiritual or all three combined. Deciding upon the need, explore what action can best propel us forward. Not just a quick fix, but an upgrade to what has been attempted previously.

Be honest with the self. Do not minimize or dismiss thinking personal needs are selfish or unimportant. Invest in this day with as much gusto as one might offer to a friend. Solidifying parts of the self enable us to offer more into our world. We will boost our compassion and creative input, while being a beacon for others. 


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Annoyed by Imperfection


"There are no uninteresting things, only uninterested people."
G.K. Chesterton

In earlier life, I owned a small country gift shop, The Town Crier.  I engaged with diverse artists and the small cottage industry for third generation weavers, basket makers, and candle makers. I haunted festivals seeking original crafters to bring unique gifts to those who frequented my shop.

While unpacking a shipment of baskets, I noticed a mold looking substance on the reeds and began picking it off. I was annoyed by the imperfection, until I finally realized, the one of a kind baskets were made of pussy willows. I was horror stricken that I had been overlooking the true originality of the offering. I was carelessly tearing it apart.

And is this not like life? With closed minds and preconceived ideas, we make false assumptions. Our thoughts are inaccurate causing our actions to devalue the richness waiting right before us. Perhaps, if we simply slowed down, looked more carefully, listened more intently, our lives would be filled with more happiness and joy.

Friday, April 26, 2024


"The only thing in retrograde is your sense of personal accountability.
Make positive behavioral changes and watch your life improve ...
regardless of where the moon or the planets are."
Steve Maraboli

Retrograde means reverting to an earlier or inferior condition. It refers to a motion of a planet reversing its direction against the normal flow of the earth. For many humans, this type of shift impacts personal energy, emotional stability, and physical alignment. Challenges erupt on numerous levels.

Some experience this stage with extreme loss of sleep or just the opposite, hyper activity. For no apparent reason, one may feel an unexplainable emotional heaviness bordering on depression. Experiencing retrograde energy can be frustrating as we have not done anything to trigger such anxiety.

Energy is very subtle, invisible and highly dynamic. If we are able to let this disruptive energy simply flow, and choose not to over react, this time will be less turbulent. Understanding that we have not done anything to provoke this, we can use endurance for this to pass leaving us unscathed. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Love for the Littles

"People who are younger than I am 
still have valuable wisdom to share."
Tanya Carroll Richardson

Entering this world, I carried a passion for children. It would stay with me as I raised my own four, directed pre-school, directed daycare, and managed a contract working with families within the 'system'. It was for the kids that I sought out solution for those living with lack.

Now as an elder, I continue to have a love for the littles. If we choose to truly listen with an open mind, revelations stream from their innocent minds. His or her observations, memories, and wisdom surpass all time and space. They are untainted by societies restraints and regulations.

Recently there has been an increase in allowing children to visit nursing homes. I do believe these visits spark hope in the lives of the elderly. Maybe the world won't crash and burn, as these youngsters are honest, loving, and inspirational. If we can encourage them to embrace their worth, they will be able to make a significant difference in the future.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Splits and Divides

"Where is the good of your stars and trees, your sunrise
and the wind, if they do not enter into our daily lives?"
E. M. Forster

Water is a key element to my living experience, just as the moon and stars are deeply linked within me. Trees are long time friends housing the birds preparing for flight, and the wind carries messages hiding in sight. I cannot imagine moving through time without the accompaniment of nature.

Chained up dogs, hacked down trees and flower gardens left unattended, weigh heavily in my heart. Seeing fast food debris thrown out the window is unacceptable to me. Over spending while discarding useable goods does not assist the greater good. Ignoring the hungry children, the isolated neighbor or an aging elder splits and divides connection.

Healing rises when while driving we notice a flowering bush and we give it thanks for showing itself to us. Glance up to the sky and embrace sunbeams to warm the heart. Catch a glimpse of a bird in flight and be reminded of freedom. Appreciate all that you have.


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Seek Realignment

"The full moon is a time of heightened energy and intensity,
a moment to let go of what no longer serves you and
embrace new beginnings."
Adventure Yogi

There is such beauty to be found in a full moon. Sitting quietly, getting lost in the bright light, one experiences the influx of energy, a stirring difficult to identify. The moon's energy is exceptionally intense and silently impacts our thoughts and actions. There is a vibration, however, that can truly shake things up.

The full moon is a time for restructuring. When we choose to make a ritual of bringing balance back into our lives, we can experience a deep transformation. Light candles, get comfortable, and transcend from chaotic human to spiritual renewal. Enter a deep meditation or create artistic expression or journal. The mind will settle once we set the pace.

The moon is very prevalent in my life, and a full moon routinely catches me off guard. While not paying attention the lunar cycle, high energy coming in disrupts ... well, just about everything. Emotional debris surfaces bombarding me, and I am caught off kilter until I become still, seeking realignment.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Mother Earth's Energy

"Most everything begins and ends with Mother Earth
which is why taking good care of her is so essential."
Sarah Lemire

There is an increased awareness of toxic chemicals being released which damages fertile  ground, waterways, as well as our fruits and vegetables. The growing accumulation of plastic and waste is also a concern.  It can be overwhelming, but there are numerous ways to do our part and make a difference in our daily living.

Whether we plant a garden or choose to purchase produce locally, our digestive system improves with seasonal nutrients. Passing on used clothing and purchasing recycled products contributes as well. It helps to re-use glass containers for storage, vases or craft projects. Downsize personal libraries and donate to the community or schools.

The earth's natural rhythms can be respected as well. Approaching spring, monitor and adjust how much lighting or air conditioning is necessary. While outside, pick up random debris. Stand facing the moon or sun while giving thanks for the beauty surrounding us. With bare feet, stand upon Mother Earth with a grateful heart feeling an energy exchange.


Sunday, April 21, 2024

Dead End or New Direction

 "What seems to be a dead end may be an arrow
pointing you in an unexpected direction."

Negativity has a force of its own. It pushes to the front, stepping on positive affirmations as it seeks dominance. Criticism contributes even more heaviness as does judgment. In time, these thoughts become known to us as truths, which they are not. This darkness narrows our scope and we believe we have reached a dead end.

We create an entirely different pathway when we become aware of personal defeatism but  do not feed it. It will simply shrink allowing more light for positive thinking. As we create distance and begin a new path, a sense of freedom expands. We are better prepared for adventure and exploration leading to a fulfilling life.

If we feel as though we have reached a dead end, shift perception and see it as a sign for new beginnings. Invest energy in discovery of what is desired, where destination resides, and how to arrive. Resist the tendency to shut down and open to resilience that will escort body, mind, and spirit to higher ground.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Perfection Is Abusive


"Perfectionism is not the same thing as striving to be your best."
Brene Brown

Staring at the ugly concrete wall with imperfections, the lovely flowers pushing through the cracks amazed me. They were brilliant and healthy, showing the world both beauty and resilience. They did not retreat into darkness, stunting growth. Perhaps they were trapped in the wall's darkness, but persevered to exist as they were meant to do.

If we desire the removal of our scars, we may lessen our uniqueness. Pain from judgment and shame creates wounds that carve our character. We will never be perfect, but stretching to improve our gifts to the world will enhance our happiness. It is through giving of our natural nature we become grateful and happy. 

Perfectionism is abusive as it can never be attained. It is a silent message to the self that we are not good enough, lack value, and need to be different in order to gain a successful life. When we take steps to improve who we are, take errors in stride, and believe in our own essence, life will help us shine.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Boundaries, With An Opening

"We put terrible pressure on our minds. When we tighten them or harden
our views or beliefs, we lose all the softness and flexibility that makes for
real shelter, belonging, and protection."
John O'Donohue

As we construct our boundaries, we must allow spaces for light to get in. The light helps us see when we need to get our emotional balance back or when we are physically over-reactive. Exclusion limits influences that might encourage us to stretch and grow. When tested, our belief system either becomes more substantiated or adjusted to new perspectives.

The collective is chaotic right now and just glancing at the news can trigger insecurity. So we want to keep boundaries up for protection, but not so high that we lack healthy stimulation. Let the light alert us as to when we need self-nurturing. Are we giving so much that we are depleting our own needs?

We have worked hard to get where we are, but when we continue to raise the bar, we deepen our experiences. That is not to say we are not to appreciate the present moment, but we need not be rigid. There are sincere advantages to leaving space to allow the light to get in. It will shine upon our darkness strengthening our stride. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Body As An Illusion

"For in truth, you are not a body but a soul."
Tahlia Hunter

In childhood, I had an awareness of being other than a physical body. I would notice obvious qualities in others and sadly, negative emotions. Curiosity encouraged the practice of noticing individual characteristics. The words spoken often times did not coincide with behaviors. The harsh vibrations of some instinctively alerted me to step aside.

Admittedly, my desire to understand others from a non-physical stance was an escape for me. Somehow, I was able to pick up on the radiance from within others which made me question how this person could feel so unlovable, unwanted and unworthy. I took for granted my ability to extend love out into his or her field.

Years passed and I became increasingly adept at sensing the shame hidden within a person which enabled me to highlight their gift so very needed in our chaotic world.The obsession of others to cover uniqueness confused me.  I was so keenly aware that the body was the illusion, not the soul. 


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Walk Beside Me, Please

"I'm not asking you to walk in my shoes; but, could you
walk beside me on secure ground and reach to hold my hand?"
Richelle E. Goodrich

There is a quote about walking not in front of me and not behind me, but to walk by my side. It has been a long time favorite of mine, as I do not like to lead, nor do I like to follow. My paths of solitude have been laced with insight and challenge, but now, to have a friend effortlessly walk beside me at this late date is an exceptional and extraordinary gift.

Although vastly different, my friend and I uncovered a growing calm between us that did not crowd nor push. There tends to be the ability for both of us to pursue our interests on  our own, and yet always return to center, side by side. Facing boring or challenging aspects of life seem to be more tolerable when not faced alone.

It feels as though we are each others home in that we can return  to this safe space where we both can just be. When our hands touch, vibrations of acceptance, affection, and loyalty flow strengthening us. Life offers endless possibilities and unforeseen challenges, and together, we walk side by side.  


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Resist Or Assist

"Whatever you resist you become."

When I am confused, it is easy to revert back into my childhood stance of resistance only to find myself even more confused.  I avoid an emotion by bracing my lovely self against it. Even when an emotion is positive, if it is accelerated, I will resist the increase of feelings. Too easily, I can become overwhelmed by the surge of emotional energy.

Being highly sensitive can bring great joy to celebratory events, but equally, sadness can become amplified. A flood of incoming energy requires me to recalibrate, balance, and flow. Whether positive or negative, adjustments need to be made. As an energy worker, I can feel empowered just as easily as over powered. 

Pulsing energy can either be uplifting or depressing. The choice, actually, is mine. If I resist, I am caught. If I notice without attachment, it will follow its intended course. My ability to become a vessel for light with intention to help others, is rewarding. When I am able to share light with others, all is well in my world. Light is the one thing I do not resist.


Monday, April 15, 2024

Emancipation From Darkness

"Books are the plane, and the train, and the road.
They are the destination, and the journey.
They are home."
Anna Quindlen 

Granted a card to a Chicago Branch Library was emancipation from the darkness cramping my mind. Obtained in the second or third grade, exciting adventure lured me into the possibility of expansion. Introduction to amazing characters alerted me to the hope of changing, improving and surviving. 

Reading has been an escape.  The survival of fictional characters and case histories of psychological growth, encouraged my desire for emotional clarity. Books opened passage ways by offering knowledge of healing, and expansion.  Stories whether fiction or non-fiction escorted me on my twisting and turning path.

My passion for reading spilled over into prolific writing. The ability to create after reading stimulating scenarios, added to my life's journey. Eventually, self-imposed barriers were lowered allowing for artistic pleasure without censorship. My true home,  perhaps, is in the archives of books carefully stacked within my mind.


Sunday, April 14, 2024



"Something has to be incomplete in our life to make us understand life."
Avijeet Das

Perhaps it was in grade school that I attached shame to the sense of being incomplete whether it was a homework assignment or lack in abilities. For as long as I can remember, my need to seek answers prevailed. I was self-driven to dig deeper in hopes of discovering what was beneath discomfort. To be incomplete was reason to seek.
To want more was not about riches or fame, but a drive to acquire knowledge. An end of result statement caused curiosity about the layers leading to it.  Questioning seemed to be the way I navigated through life, and continue to do so. This deep dive is not about judgment, but an attempt to understand diversity, attraction, and dreams  come true.

For strong connection, I delve into the makings of life experience not for comparison, but for appreciation for the journey. The endurance of the human spirit while seeking meaning kindles passion in my soul. If I maintained an essence of completion, it is doubtful that I would experience the depth of  joy created by insight, perceptions, and awareness.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Keep In Touch


"No one has ever become poor from giving."
Anne Frank

Swing by the post office and pick up some fun stamps. Dig through your desk and unearth note cards or stationery while thinking positive thoughts about friendship and blessings in life. It requires only minutes to jot down a memory shared with an old friend. Recalling it, you may even hear the echoes of laughter and joy.

Maybe the last time you reached out was in  a dark time of sadness or loss. If so, it may be difficult to find appropriate words. It is quite easy to find a quote about friendship or a poem about happier tomorrows. Then of course there is the tried and true captions like: "I am thinking of you," or "I am missing you."

When was the last time you received a personal note through the mail? Can you recall how fun it was to randomly receive connection without it being a holiday or special occasion? Your thoughtfulness will more than likely touch the hearts of those who receive it. Come on, have a little fun and bring joy to the self and happiness to others. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Feeling Squirrelly

"In my very heart of hearts, I'm feeling squirrelly."

The squirrel outside my patio doors is scurrying around, bursting with hyper activity. Although it seems sociable enough, nervous energy abounds as food is scrounged up to be buried in a hole. As I observe, it takes time to wrestle with other squirrels. The chatter of this animal, to me, sounds very annoying. I do admire, however, its preparedness. 

As I am attempting to balance out the crazy energies of the Solar Eclipse, I am feeling really squirrelly. I am grasping at ideas regarding the future of our society and the world we live in, I tend to be creating anxiety that is unnecessary. It is the same old theory of remaining in the moment to not be overwhelmed by the future. 

It's nuts to hoard fear. Burying everything underneath the surface contributes to this squirrelly behavior. I cannot climb a tree and make a nest, but I can sit upon a meditative perch to view life from a higher perspective. I will give thoughtful observance to the balance between work and play while eliminating the annoying chatter!


Thursday, April 11, 2024

Rough Sailing

"When you come out of the storm, you won't be
the same person who walked in."
Haruki Murakami

The Solar Eclipse churned the waves for many of us. Choppy waters (emotions) and undercurrents (issues) triggered shifts on numerous levels. Two resolutions were offered: 1. react with fear or 2. embrace unknown with curiosity. Either way, shifts were felt altering our courses.

Many of us were surrounded by friends to assist us in returning to the safety of equilibrium.  Those alone turned to resources such as mentors, meditations, and prayers. The artists amongst us  created intriguing works of art reflecting turbulance and new resolve. 

Hopefully, we were all able to greet the Solar Eclipse with a willingness to learn and a gentleness to adapt. Each of us receive messages in differing ways which help us to stretch and grow. Change is uncomfortable, but necessary in order for us to reach our full potential.  This has been an opportunity to change who we were yesterday!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Distance From Misunderstanding


"The greatest distance between two people is misunderstanding."

When words are spoken, they often lose intentional meaning. The person listening is apt to translate each word based on his or her own emotional makeup. What is said may be taken out of context and misconstrued. When offense is taken, a divide is created forming a negative consequence to the relationship.

When left unaddressed, this division grows wider. Energy is used to defend the self rather than finding common ground. It is human nature for emotional reaction to hamper  elements of healing. When ignored, a deeper infestation occurs. There comes the time when evaluation is necessary to determine closure or new growth.

If we can stand back from an emotionally triggered situation, and determine if we are more interested in winning an argument or salvaging a relationship, the path becomes clear. Do we want to let go or begin anew? Either way, it is best to address the issue with respect for the other as well as respect for the self. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

In The Midst Of Giants

"For me, trees have always been the most penetrating teachers."
Herman Hesse 

As a child, trees were my mentors. They showed me how to endure the bitter cold, tolerate extreme heat, and sway with the breeze. Even when a bough was broken, they exhibited the strength to carry on. Leaves sprouted, changed colors, and then fell gently to the ground. Following the exposed roots, I understood the connection between these trees.

Leaning against a tree, perhaps for hours, I felt the exchange of energy creating a sense of belonging. I could travel neighborhoods with friendly trees aligning city streets. If alone in a park, there would be the comfort of trees just waiting for me. Even as I was aging, I could travel anywhere and discover encouragement and solitude in the midst of trees.

When I feel especially alone, I take myself to the park with the diverse selection of trees.  In the midst of these giants, I feel safe to drum or write or sketch until I am able to return to what is termed reality. Oh, the trees I have both loved and mourned! They created an enduring knowing of who I yearned to be.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Found It!

"My good fortune lies in having found my life."
Elyn R. Saks

There isn't anyone I know of who professes that family members early on encouraged them as a child to openly share his or her wounds or dreams or observations. To be a truth teller was never encouraged. The message seemed to be: 'Present how we want you to be, not as you truly are.' And how did that work out for us?

Early on, we learned to hide our true colors and not stray outside of the lines. We became confused by what we saw as reality later described with an entirely different story line. Uncertain as to who was entirely safe, fear began to spread deeply within our experiences. Even when we had a sense of self, it was overwhelmingly challenged.

As an adult, we spend endless hours unpacking the debris hidden beneath our soul. We unravel stories discovering the spoon fed fiction. As we breathe in new perceptions, we reawaken our dormant self.  We then become empowered to embrace our authentic life. With  joy and freedom, hope then abounds.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

The Stars That Shine

"Not only do we live among the stars, the stars live within us."
Neil Degrass Tyson

Each one of us is a host to a light like a twinkling star that can shine brightly for the betterment of the self as well as others. When our inner glow expands there is a sense of warmth in our heart. As this generates outside of our body, we can shine on the lives of others bringing both comfort and joy.

The best example of this, perhaps, is the exchange between a vulnerable elder and an innocent child. The connection emanates joy. It is very common to catch the reflection of someone's star  beam when they lovingly accept us without reservation. The exchange of our light with others unites us as we have always meant to be.

If we can hold our hearts open, reflecting our inner light like a star, we draw others to us. We experience a sense of recognizing the spirit of strangers as though they have come to us from a very long  past. The gift is in remembering to look up from our darkness to discover fellow stars. There is a need for all of us to shine like the stars! 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

"Run" or "Rise"

"F-E-A-R has two meanings"
'Forget Everything And Run' or
'Face Everything And Rise."
The choice is ours."

The emotional development of a human being can be extremely perplexing and inconsistent. What is appropriate in one situation is not necessarily acceptable in the next. When a human is driven by pleasing others, all focus is on meeting the emotional needs of others, while personal emotional health becomes dysfunctional.

Humans are capable of recognizing an inner spirit and may even be able to hear the cheering of the Divine. Human nature, however, experiences numerous levels of fear and our inner voice tends to scream ' run'.  Discerning between danger and challenge helps us to choose to rise above presenting obstacles.

The ability to reach inside of oneself with the ability to recall past experiences, human beings can progress more peacefully. Application of what has been learned, paves the way to accelerating positive experiences. Life strides are best attained when human beings strive to  overcome cognitive impairment.


Friday, April 5, 2024

Fragrance Clinging To The Hand

"A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses."
Chinese Proverb

Without ulterior motive for giving something away, both the bestower and the beneficiary are blessed. The value of the gesture is a reward to both participants. It doesn't matter if it is money or a gesture, the act itself is reward. It is somewhat ridiculous that we are not giving to each other on some level every day.

The proud mother smiles when a wave is given to her child. The aging grandmother is delighted to be respectfully assisted. Some will carry bottles of water in the car to be offered to those on the corner asking for money. Whatever our strength may be, could it be volunteered for free? 

There are those who offer prayers or healing light out into the world. Avid readers may leave finished books in an airport to be discovered by a fellow traveler. Animal lovers who cannot house a pet, volunteer to walk those detained in a shelter. The fragrance of kindness lingers on the hand that is generously extended.


Thursday, April 4, 2024

One Small Mascot

"The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."
Sylvia Plath

Whether orchestrating life or designing a piece of art, self-doubt can quickly destroy progress. No matter how great the odds are for success, if we don't stay out of our own way, momentum will be disrupted and collapse could easily follow. Too often, we give up prematurely, triggering unnecessary defeat.

Incubation of an idea is necessary, but there comes a time when a crack in the shell is needed to let a little light shine in. A  trusted sounding board allows the opportunity to hear our untamed thoughts spoken out loud. As our ideas take on a life of their own, we can evaluate the cadence of how we want things to unfold.

We may have ten faithful cheerleaders surrounding us with praise, but let one small mascot raise a questionable eyebrow, and our ego goes on a rampage. Insecurity allows the foundation to crack and brilliant inspiration tumbles underneath the debris. It is primarily when we believe in our lovely selves that manifestation of dreams comes into play.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Gathering Pieces

"Everyone is trying to accomplish something big,
not realizing that life is made up of little things."
Frank A. Clark

Too much time is wasted when we are totally invested in an outcome without gathering pieces along the way. There is a need to not be too narrow minded about the end result. Using imagination, ideas can shift and take on heightened form. Randomly collect inspiration without being too concerned about how all of the pieces will come together.

When we are filled with passion, basic ideas can be ignited into bursting fireworks. There is no need to worry about how things will line up, keep exploring and collecting. Things can be sorted out later. Hone skills to develop personal craftsmanship allowing unique signature to be established. 

Whether designing a new living space or anticipating a new garden plot, imagination will fuel excitement and advancement. One builds energy as an investment of our time and creative touch contributes to the task at hand. The creative expansion of the goal becomes a journey filled with incidental steps weaving the way.


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Become A Victor

"Our world is made of our assumptions.
Create it yourself."
Lion Goodman

We may not have control over certain events in our lives, but we certainly have choice as to how we respond. Reactions can vary from feelings of defeat to a readiness to begin a new challenge. It is a matter of allowing life to dictate how things go or replying with positive action. We do not have to be a victim of life, we can be the victor.

Lessons repeat themselves nudging us to be aware and dig deeper. When we can view the repetition as an opportunity to create a heightened result, there is no need to experience the role of a victim. There is a need to ask the self, 'what do I want' and then build upon that lead. Gather fresh ideas and be determined to follow through.

If we expect disaster and defeat, that is exactly what we will get. If we are unrealistic and base action upon fiction rather than clarity, dreams will remain untrue. It is when we believe in our own power and create a goal with room for variation, shifts by the Universe will begin to meet us halfway.