Monday, April 8, 2024

Found It!

"My good fortune lies in having found my life."
Elyn R. Saks

There isn't anyone I know of who professes that family members early on encouraged them as a child to openly share his or her wounds or dreams or observations. To be a truth teller was never encouraged. The message seemed to be: 'Present how we want you to be, not as you truly are.' And how did that work out for us?

Early on, we learned to hide our true colors and not stray outside of the lines. We became confused by what we saw as reality later described with an entirely different story line. Uncertain as to who was entirely safe, fear began to spread deeply within our experiences. Even when we had a sense of self, it was overwhelmingly challenged.

As an adult, we spend endless hours unpacking the debris hidden beneath our soul. We unravel stories discovering the spoon fed fiction. As we breathe in new perceptions, we reawaken our dormant self.  We then become empowered to embrace our authentic life. With  joy and freedom, hope then abounds.

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