Thursday, August 31, 2017

Distance from Beginning to End

"It's all a matter of paying attention,  being awake in present moment, 
and not expecting a huge payoff.  The magic in this world seems to 
work in whispers and small kindnesses."   
Charles de Lint

Bring to mind a project that grandly gave personal recognition at the end.  Recapture the high of success, how it made you feel or act.  Then with more detailed inspection, recall what you learned about yourself, both limitations and expansions.  By observing the entire process, we discover a multitude of emotions entangled within the distance from beginning to end.

Within the assignment, we may have experienced the insecurity of others or disappointment from those whom promised unending support.  We may have been impacted by the necessity of networking or the requirement to downsize while you still needed more.

Remember the magical moments, when there was synchronicity that brought the unlikely into unison. There may have been an anonymous donor just when you needed a gift.  Maybe there were times where contracts fell through, followed by an amazing offer more lucrative than the first.  With these memories, be deeply grateful for all who were never recognized.  With prayers or notes, give thanks for all of the whispers and kindnesses so generously extended.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Important in Itself

"Have patience with everything that remains unresolved in your heart ...
live in the question."
Rainer Maria Rilke

The search for self includes living within the question.  All of our focus does not singularly go to the end result.  We must live in the uncertainty of not having the answers.  It is in the midst of interrogation small nuggets of inspiration appear.

With constant awareness, nuances lead us through our journey cultivating an easiness with the unknown. Challenges are meant to be explored and conquered, resulting in broader connections and deeper understanding.  

If we do not take time for each thread to be woven into the tapestry, there will be holes and muted hues.    Embrace the vibrancy of each color, combining it without sorting or rearranging. Sense the significance of each strand as it contributes to the question.  In the midst of disarray, discern how each moment is important in itself and also connecting to the whole.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Back to Life

"Slowly, with many lost days,
I come back to life."
Suzanne Collins

Life is a continuous spiral, weaving us through challenge, glory and despair.  When life seems bad, we discover it can become even worse.  If we are feeling joy, we forget it does not last a lifetime.  There are days where we truly believe we are living, until our body vibrates with all of life finding new adventure.

I have lived a life with deep meaning and developed skills to thrive.  With a spiritual foundation, my life has taken on a broader sense of life and a deeper respect for the lives of others.  If asked, I readily would respond my life was filled with rich friendships and abundance of wisdom.

I have entered the last chapters of my story and they are filled with the greatest sense of being awake, alive, and aware.  I am loved, honored and respected by a person whom I love, honor and respect.  With so many lost days behind me, I have come back alive!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Fount of Wisdom

"Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless,
and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful."
Samuel Johnson

Experience enters the life of the living.  Challenges and gifts are mingled side by side or distorted by the passing of time.  If we live in the heart of a large city or on a small private island, our simple awareness can discover abundance as our inner voice leads the way.

If isolated on an island, an aware person captures the essence of nature.  A respect for the unsung rhythms will assist in remaining safe.   Buried in the midst of a large city, awareness is equally important.  Our senses can be alarm systems and our understanding of the city will create respect. The gathering of knowledge extends our ability to cope and survive.

Knowledge reduces in value if we cannot share it with integrity.  If we compile numerous facts without relating to them, we are expelling insignificant pander.  With a sense of integrity, knowledge becomes a foundation, a fount of wisdom, and a call to the future.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

To Be A Strong Woman

"It's not always necessary to be strong,
but to feel strong."
Jon Krakauer

To be a strong woman requires boundaries, awareness and determination; however, it does not always involve physical endurance.  The power of a male tends to be physical, whereas a woman's strength can be more of a presence through intention.

Boundaries need to be in place, but they also need to be flexible.  It requires strength to both expand and contract.  If our awareness is too small, we are not able to yield our power in a normal flow.  The commitment we make to empowerment of the self must be just as important as experiencing the power of others.

Power can be a negative when held over another person.  It can also be a positive when used to serve one in need.  So power is not an absolute.  There is no need to be exhausted while maintaining personal power as it certainly is not about physical strength.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Know Thy Self and Be True

"Other people's perception of you is a reflection
of them; your response to them in an awareness of you."
Roy T. Bennett

Erma Bombeck once said, "What you think of me is none of my business," as it is difficult enough to manage our own inner critics.  We waste our energy if we try to convince a foe of our goodness.    We can improve our relationships, however, through awareness and holding ourselves accountable.

Before we judge another, we need to understand what the situation is saying about ourselves.   If a derogatory remark is made about us, we must search our heart and decide if any part of it is true.  If we can own even the slightest piece, it is a learning opportunity to adjust ourselves, not the other.

If false words have been cast our way, we still must inquire as to how they apply to us or how they reflect the other person's image of who we are to them.  Recognizing the misconception increases our ability to deepen the relationship or to let it go.  Know thy self and be true...

Friday, August 25, 2017

Beckoned to Experience

"There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends.
I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature."
Jane Austen

Friendships have been the treasures of my life and once a friend always a friend.  It is therefore difficult when life shifts the dynamics of the relationship.  As we grow into the various changes in adulthood, many of our acquaintances are left behind.

We continue to create valuable friendships, but whether it is death who takes them from us or simple parting of the ways, boundaries continue to expand and contract like the dance of life.  We are beckoned to experience a range of special souls.

It is my flaw to somehow experience the impression of his or her highest self.   All of my senses are touched by this spirit and my love flows freely over them.  Once I have made a  friend, the relationship will be held in my heart forever.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Wisdom, Deeply Layered

"Something inside her
was made of moon."
Rune Eazuli

A black sky dotted with sparkling stars respects the safe passage of the moon.  This solitude has  taught me to be strong in my visionary thoughts.  In the stillness of the night, I can feel peace in my heart  and hope filling my soul.

I am a Moon Child with my eyes consistently fixed upon the moon. I no longer seek the man in the moon, for I have discovered wisdom deeply layered within the radiance. I am open to the calm and unspoken communication floating down the moonbeams.  

I would be no one if it were not for the moon.  I would be afraid of my own shadow and overwhelmed by the insanity of the world.  Power comes through trusting there others like me, basking in the moonlight, holding space for peace.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

"We were made for these times," Clarissa Pinkola Estes

"Do not lose heart. 
We were made for these times."
Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Gather together during these confusing times.  Do not let fear freeze the body into immobility.  The violence, state of affairs and worldly matters can be overwhelming causing us to shut down or to give up hope.  We must build a positive space where we all can hold a place of calming peace.

Gather together even if just in thought, remembering Divine Spirit has a plan and we can participate by doing our part.  We can hold ourselves accountable by not weakening to the lower instincts of those who are angry, out of control and degrading to others. 

Clarissa Pinkola Estes declares, "We were made for these times," so we must not despair.  We must not lose ourselves in fear.  Maintain a focus of the goodness in life and perpetuate kindness in all places, holding hope in our hearts.

***Clarissa Pinkola Estes quote was made in 2003 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Carve Our Way in Human Form

"Mindfulness works with continuous awareness of the body posture and breath;
of the feelings, of the thoughts, intentions, images, and the mental images
that appear during the meditation."
Mindfulness Training

There are numerous ways to tap into our inner thoughts for guidance, stillness, or sense of safety.  It matters not if you use meditation, prayer, yoga, contemplation or communication with nature.  The ability to still oneself takes time and practice.

It is within this space you can release tension, stress and fear, replacing it with calm, untethered excursions, and creative restoration.  Settled in this comfort, you cleanse the body, mind, and spirit.  We regroup with what we hold to be sacred.

Within this time of sacred union, our creativity soars, our hearts swell, and we no longer feel alone.  Imperfections are noticed, but it is our strengths that are highlighted.  Refurbished entirely, we can return to this human form, prepared to carve our way.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Release by Choice

"Despite illness of body or mind,
in spite of blinding despair or habitual belief,
who you are is whole."
Danna Faulds

My fists were gnarled and my angry thoughts were beyond reason.  Ashamed for this lack of higher thinking, I became critical until I remembered to breathe.  I called to mind all emotions are capable of flowing through us, and it is up to us to get out of the way, allowing them to pass through.

This anger I have been feeling is a direct result of trying to ignore the hatred of others.  I have wandered out of my comfort zone, exposing my vulnerable heart to the cruelty of others.  Deep inside I do know I cannot change anyone except for myself.  

I sit in silence, not squashing my feelings, but releasing them ... letting them go.  I focus on my purpose in life to hold space for others, safe space where love can be rekindled.  Placing my bare feet upon Mother Earth, I reconnect with her energy and elevate these peaceful feelings up into my body.  I am once again aligned, standing in my own power, concentrating on extending light out into the world.

*** Special thanks to Nancy, Amazing Yoga Teacher for sharing Danna Faulds poetry

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Do Not Hate the Haters

"Lord, lead me to the song of my heart
and help me to sing it unashamed."
Danna Faulds

Anger is a secondary emotion, arriving after we have first felt a different emotion like physical pain or emotional hurt.  Although I strive to be aware of all my emotions, some still escape into anger.  I will not enter conversations about politics nor religious rigidity as I want to be respectful.

My ability to remain neutral in reaction to our president and the outlandish archaic actions of those who consider themselves superior, has drastically failed.  My anger races through my heart for fear the world will group us all into one ...  narcissistic bigots.

I no longer listen to the news of ignorance and violence.  No, I am not burying my head in the sand, as I remain in constant prayer for Divine Spirit's greater plan to come to fruition.  On going connection with angels, runners, and anyone on the other side encouraging them to spread light so that I will not begin to hate the haters.

***Special thanks to Nancy the amazing Yoga Teacher who shared Danna Faulds

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Lighting the Sky

"Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth,
"You owe me."
Look what happens with a love like that,
It lights the whole sky. 

Teachers and mentors have impacted my life in very positive ways.  Early on I was desperate for direction and thankfully my earth angels were front and center.  Unfortunately, I was never able to appropriately extend my gratitude.

As time passed, I realized excruciatingly painful relationships were also teaching me.  I doubt I could look into the eyes of a negative interloper and spit out a 'thank you' at least in that time and space.  Perspective shifts with hindsight and with respect, I would want to at least acknowledge roles that had been played.

In present day, it is a blessing to extend a hug or be a listener.  It is a way of paying back kindness that had been so generously provided to me.  Life experiences carve us into a defining character and if we can appreciate who we have grown to be, we are most worthy of shining a light for others.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Dare the World to Applaud!

"Next step: take the veil off."
Sunday Adelaja

Imagine the adaptability of liquid changing to a solid state.  Imagine the sensation of a leaf being blown off a branch of the tree.  Imagine the resistance sand may have when pulled back out to the sea by the tide.   Imagine how a candle might feel as the flame hotly burned the wax, altering shape forever.

Envision a great veil being pulled to the side of your mind and all others could see both the light and the dark of thoughts, actions and deeds.  Envision how behavior would be adapted for the seeing eyes.  Envision communication spoken with truth, integrity, and compassion.

Conjure up how the spirit could sore if it were not afraid of judgement, punishment or consequences.  Conjure up how the voice would sing or the feet dance, if we took the  leap into the promising unknown.  Conjure up what life would look like if we escalated fully into our gifts and talents, fear unknown.  Remove the veil and dare the world to applaud!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Settle Into The Lie

"The most confused you will ever get is when you try
to convince your heart and spirit of something your
mind knows is a lie."
Shannon L. Alder

We label ourselves in various ways such as:  religious denomination, political party, social club or society.  As we evolve, however, are we adjusting our associations accordingly or do we remain bound by previous commitment?  Our emotional ties can be difficult to release.

When we stay in a place we have outgrown, we begin to feel dull, confined, and bored.  Whether it is a marriage, career or friendship, we have the option to reinvest or recreate our situation.  It may be necessary to completely withdraw, relocate or remain stagnant.

When we become aware of our shifting situation, we may try to talk our lovely selves out of the truth buried in our soul. We may silence the spiritual call or squelch the yearning for more, but the unrest will not go away.  If we numb our feelings,  we will wander away from our unique skills and settle into the lie.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Pencil In, Really?

"Writing is not a matter of time, but a matter of space.
If you don't keep space in your head for writing,
you won't write even if you have the time."
Katerina Stoykova Klemer

The mind, like a massive computer, keeps track of endless files.  It records delight just as easily as trauma and deletes information sometimes at will.  It stores myths, fantasies, and fables and when our button is triggered, accidental or not, in a flash our information can be sent prematurely.

Whatever we hold dear, be it art, sports, nature or friends, we must make room in order to savor them.   Special space must be set aside to make sure we can further cultivate what we declare as joy.  To declare special space we are called to be mindful, not forgetful.

In the midst of a fast forward society, we find it necessary to use time management to secure an hour for meditation or yoga or music.  We pencil in what might be the most important time of our day.  How strange we must be reminded to do what is most important in our heart.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Holiness of Life, All Inclusive

"I painlessly came to realize that the reverence I felt
for the holiness of life is not ever likely to entirely be
at home in organized religion." 
Eudora Welty

I hold my heart open to things that seem peculiar to me.  I leave elasticity in my boundaries to extend my opinion or contract and protect my beliefs.   I welcome challenges to the way I perceive God's world and I offer others lenient respect while I sincerely expect the same in return.

As a baptized Lutheran, I attended a Roman Catholic Grade School, a Swedish Covenant Academy.   and a Disciples of Christ College.  Early on, when I was asked if I were a christian, I would immediately ask for their definition of christian.  It seems we have emerged from a tightly adapted dogma to a personalized interpretation which tends to be exclusive.

The reverence I feel for the holiness of  life is all inclusive.  I hold respect for all living things, objects in nature, and cultures.  This is not to say I agree or understand all peoples, places and things, but it does mean I will not judge nor harm.  

Monday, August 14, 2017

Be the Expectant Child!

"The world is full of magic things,
patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper."
W.B. Yeats

The world is full of magic, but we must be like the expectant child.  With an open mind, we may catch a glimpse of a face in a dark window of a vacated home.  We might discover a quaint shop off the beaten path or truly see the elderly woman who sits on her porch daily,  unnoticed.  

Instead of being singularly focused on a chore, become aware of our surroundings with all senses.  Notice objects and people normally taken for granted.  See the depth in colors and hear beyond the busyness of life.  Take a different route or use a new resource to gently pull oneself out of repetitive behaviors. 

We awaken fully to the warmth of the sun as we see visions floating through the cloud filled sky.  The world displays sparkle and wisdom when we open our hearts to the magic.  When did you last walk through a puddle or swing from a tree?  Do you own any bubbles to blow magically  through the air or color with crayons creating release in the mind? Allow the self to play, to once again embrace the simple magic in our world.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Mystics, Poets, and Scribes

"...words are like nets - we hope they'll cover
what we mean, but we know they can't
possibly hold that much joy or grief or wonder."
Jodi Picoult

I wish you could wander around in my head so you could experience all I visualize and create blended with truths and theory.  If you wander in my fantasies,  you would be drenched in brilliant colors and soft hues.  I would hope you could understand the blaring eclectic music that sometimes sounds just like silence.

At one time, my inner place was much like a cave ... dark with imaginary shadows flickering on the walls.  I kept building my fire, fueling it with toxic waste scraped from the crevices deep within.  As the light began to glare, my perceptions were more discerning, and I feared no more.

As in any relocation, I completely redecorated my inner world carefully choosing writings and art to soothe my soul.  I held gatherings attended by mystics, poets, and ancient scribes.  Alignment began to take shape as I developed respect for all and practiced integrity modeled by my mentors.  I find I walk in two worlds, one physical and the other spiritual.  It would be so much better if you would just come for a visit, as my words can't possibly cover it all.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

The Life of One Other

"We all take different paths in life,
but no matter where we go, we take
a little of each other everywhere."
Tim McGraw

My gypsy blood has taken me to far away places.  I have lived in various geographical zones and numerous emotional states.  As a people person, I tend to remember everyone I meet along my journey, even the ones I would rather forget.

Whether friend or foe, my heart has been touched, impacted by a caress or stricken down by the harshness of words.  Either way, the face of the experience stays with me.  I hold no grudge, but the memory of the circumstance still plays in my head.

As I cast my glance back over the vast years of experience, I sincerely hope that my face is preserved with delight in the memories of others.  Although my words and actions may have drifted away long ago, perhaps there is a simple glow where I once stood in the life of to one other.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Fueling Our Soul

"When the petals of the heart unfold
fragrance spreads across the valley."
Amit Ray

We must look towards ourselves for the change we want to see.  This requires action and movement, not sitting still waiting to be discovered. People may give us suggestions, but we must be wise enough to recognize what resonates with our soul.

If we are not living our unique dream, we will not feel whole.  We will find ourselves still yearning and aching inside from an emptiness not fueling our soul.  If we begin to feed ourselves one spoonful at a time, we will not easily be overwhelmed.  As we digest slowly, we can decipher which makes us fill full or complete.

As we begin small, we slowly add momentum leading us to our purpose in life.  We may not recognize it at first, but if we trust our inner knowing and strengthen our connection with the Divine, we will be well on our way to happiness.  As our delight unfolds, it touches the hearts of others and they too will begin their journey.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Awareness of the Need

"Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth
and compassion against injustice and lying and greed.  If
people all over the world ... would do this, it would change the earth."
William Faulkner

As a flower child, I was certain my generation would right the world.  I never protested nor committed any unlawful act, but my heart beat to the rhythm of change.  A bleeding heart is what I was often called as though the judgment would condemn me.  

Working within the system, the concept of success was abbreviated for change was painfully slow and often times nonexistent.  Rules and regulations were put into place by many reputable professionals who had never experienced nor understood the plight of the poor.  Bound by ineffective guidelines, generations simply replicated previous generations limited by the lack of life changing resources.  

I remain a hippie at heart, viewing the great divide between those who care and those who waste.  Children have the awareness of the need of others and begin outreaches to those in need through self-denial, engaging others, and giving however and whatever they can.  They fill my heart with the hope, they will generate the change to our earth,  I so longed to see.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Not Doing A Damn Thing

"To spend one's life being angry, and in the process doing nothing to change it,
is to me ridiculous.  I could be mad all day long, but if I'm not doing a damn
thing, what difference does it make?"
Charles Fuller

Anger was the primary language used in my home while growing up.  When I could not tolerate the harshness, I would react by closing in on my self.   The raging storms never passed, but I began to understand the damage and addiction anger could provide. 

"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel
in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured."
Baptist Beacon

Striving to be above the resentment, I promised myself to never be angry with any one.  In time, of course, it was impossible to live in the midst of people without being provoked, so I amended my promise to say I would never display my anger.

"Bitternss is like a cancer.  It eats upon the host.  But anger is
like fire.  It burns it all clean."
Maya Angelou

As a wounded adult, I discovered repressed anger created a bitterness that when not addressed, actualized dis-ease within my body.  My unattended fire morphed into debilitating migraines.  My mantra became "What is this pounding and life suppressing pain allowing me to avoid?"  Answers began to unfold and I began to express my anger in safe and healthy ways.  I promised to never again sit and not do a damn thing.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Presence of Eternal Sisters

"They have the unique ability to listen 
to one story and understand another."
Pandora Poikilos 

'Sisters of the Heart' are those wise souls who gather around us when we are like a ship lost at sea.  As the waves crash against us, these offer a safe harbor until we can be balanced once again. They know us so intimately, they can decipher between the words rushing out of our mouth and the wounds bleeding in our heart.

'Sisters of the heart' are perceptive and remain silent offering calm and safety.  They allow us to have appropriate space without abandonment.  Judgment or critical statements are never uttered by these sages.  A strong sense of knowing assists them in being our earth angel.

Throughout life, I have been blessed by numerous 'Sisters of the Heart' who are enlightened souls.  Unaware of the impact on my life, these eternal sisters enhance my human experience with sincere compassion.  My life expands through their presence and forgotten they shall never be.  

Monday, August 7, 2017

The Hourglass

"Love is like an hourglass,
with the heart filling up
as the brain empties."
Jules Renard

This hourglass is a gift to provide a sense of calm and moments for speculation.  Please, just settle in a chair and watch the sand trickle down into the globe.  At first it seems insignificant, but one becomes mesmerized by the slow motion. A foundation begins to accumulate.

So it is in difficult times.  It seems as though nothing is there for support or relief, but with patience a design of hope begins to shape.  When we are still, pulling our thoughts from the darkness of fear, light begins to gather.

If we can embrace our lost selves with love, we find our way back to our hearts.  We begin to discard dark thoughts  and begin to focus on our soul connection.  We remember our sacredness in spite of error or missteps, knowing the Divine watches over us with unconditional love.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Sense of Wonder

"Modern man has lost the sense of wonder
about the unknown and he treats it as an enemy."
Laurens van der Post

We have the tendency to let the unknown threaten us.  Gather strength and shift from fear to curiosity.  Begin to wonder with delight what awaits us around the corner.  Let us feel comfort in knowing that God has a plan for us and we need patience until it develops into our view.

Devastation occurs in a form of loss either personal or professional and we become mired down with heavy feelings. This heaviness causes us to disconnect and a vacuum of negativity sucks us in.  When we recognize this motion is a dead end, we begin our journey towards healing.

We repurpose our energy by getting creative.  We focus on what the next step might be rather than on what we have lost.  We can make collages or a vision board to send fresh ideas out into the unknown. Our unique skills will attract options.  Be alert to coincidence or synchronicity pondering where it might lead.  Anything is possible with a sense of wonder forming a brighter future, rather than seeing the unknown as the enemy.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

In the Middle of Boring and Chaotic

"A single event can awaken with in us a stranger
totally unknown to us.  To live is to be
slowly born."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

 Scan back over your life and be amazed by the differing roles you have played.  Notice how differently you played those roles and most importantly, how your actions molded your life.  As you use  energy, it attracts both the negative and the positive so discernment is required to choose how much you will allow in. 

If you are not paying attention, particles of numerous origins flow inside uncensored   Much later. you exclaim, "How did that get in?"  You create filters through experiences, but these screens are not successful in deciphering the good from the bad.  Permanent barriers keep out life harming particles,  and life enhancing blessings as well.  

These are all catalysts to remain aware as your life unfolds.  If you do not develop stillness and awareness, distractions clutter your path and journey causing life to be more challenging than necessary.  If your life is so boring you continuously fall asleep, don't blame others for the choices you are not making.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Moment of Hesitation ...

"Have patience with everything that 
remains unsolved in your heart.
... live in the question."
Rainer Maria Rilke

In haste, we overlook the option of pause. We falsely believe answers are limited to either yes/no, agree/disagree, or acquiesce/retreat.  This simply is not true.  When we are in our own power, there is plenty of opportunity for hesitation.

Unfortunately, in our eagerness to please or the inability to decline, we find ourselves committed to events we are not interested in, do not have the time for, nor intend to pursue.  When we practice a moment of suspension, we speak more accurately.

The same is true when trying to understand ourselves.  We may meditate seeking answers or contemplate in nature, but resolve does not immediately appear.  In all things, we are wiser to have patience, as an interlude brings clarity.  

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Let the Water Run ...

"I have to be alone very often. I'd be quite happy
if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning
alone in my apartment.  That's how I refuel."
Audrey Hepburn

Our society is accelerated even during relaxation, like hot yoga.  Yoga is a beautiful and intriguing practice that has no need for a zumba effect.  Even vacations can be filled with non stop activities, returning home more tired than when we began.

Time management encourages us to pencil in down time; but if we accomplish our day's agenda, we frequently roll a few tasks from tomorrow into our present day.  If we meet our goals, we are to use the unsuspected space for regrouping, not overload.

It is important for each of us to discern a spot in our day just for stillness.  Whether we get up fifteen minutes prior to the waking of our family or remain awake after the family's  bedtime.  Get really creative ... slip into the bathroom, lock the door, and let the water run as though it were cleansing every cell in the body!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Acts of Integrity

"You cannot control the world, the country, your town, the mood swings of those you love,
but you  can try to create around you a little bit of space that is all your own, a place where
the rules of interaction you've chosen make sense and your actions have integrity." 
Sharon Salzberg

Turn off the news and unplug from the on going drama.  Withdraw into a quiet and comforting space.  Release all negativity and fear factors, shifting from a state of overwhelm to embracing the good in life.

There are exceptionally positive actions being taken, but no one is bragging.  Numerous individuals are offering his or her part based on personal skills.  The question is:  "What is the best part of me that I can give to make a difference?"  We all have an abundance that can be shared.

Our actions can be boldly displayed within our community through leadership or they can be humbly performed without recognition.  Even the smallest of acts of integrity contribute to the good of all.  From community gardens to hand made scarves, there is a way we can express our desire to make life better.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Embrace Change

 "What worked well in the past
may not be relevant or appropriate 
in the present."  
Steven Redhead

Like a flower, we learn to open and close in conjunction with protection.  Our outer petals may stay tightly wrapped around our center until we experience the sense of safety.  Then we reluctantly lower our protection, allowing our bud to flourish.

As we grow into our strengths or a deeper sense of identity, we can give up old patterns once needed to keep us protected.  When called to do so, we can begin to dislodge our armor, allowing light to fully penetrate our soul.

No longer hovering in fear, we can fully use our energy for positive movement.  We can embrace rather than resist change.  We find it easier to face the unknown while continuously making room for higher perception, sacred living, and communication with all living things.