Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Not Doing A Damn Thing

"To spend one's life being angry, and in the process doing nothing to change it,
is to me ridiculous.  I could be mad all day long, but if I'm not doing a damn
thing, what difference does it make?"
Charles Fuller

Anger was the primary language used in my home while growing up.  When I could not tolerate the harshness, I would react by closing in on my self.   The raging storms never passed, but I began to understand the damage and addiction anger could provide. 

"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel
in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured."
Baptist Beacon

Striving to be above the resentment, I promised myself to never be angry with any one.  In time, of course, it was impossible to live in the midst of people without being provoked, so I amended my promise to say I would never display my anger.

"Bitternss is like a cancer.  It eats upon the host.  But anger is
like fire.  It burns it all clean."
Maya Angelou

As a wounded adult, I discovered repressed anger created a bitterness that when not addressed, actualized dis-ease within my body.  My unattended fire morphed into debilitating migraines.  My mantra became "What is this pounding and life suppressing pain allowing me to avoid?"  Answers began to unfold and I began to express my anger in safe and healthy ways.  I promised to never again sit and not do a damn thing.

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