Sunday, August 20, 2017

Do Not Hate the Haters

"Lord, lead me to the song of my heart
and help me to sing it unashamed."
Danna Faulds

Anger is a secondary emotion, arriving after we have first felt a different emotion like physical pain or emotional hurt.  Although I strive to be aware of all my emotions, some still escape into anger.  I will not enter conversations about politics nor religious rigidity as I want to be respectful.

My ability to remain neutral in reaction to our president and the outlandish archaic actions of those who consider themselves superior, has drastically failed.  My anger races through my heart for fear the world will group us all into one ...  narcissistic bigots.

I no longer listen to the news of ignorance and violence.  No, I am not burying my head in the sand, as I remain in constant prayer for Divine Spirit's greater plan to come to fruition.  On going connection with angels, runners, and anyone on the other side encouraging them to spread light so that I will not begin to hate the haters.

***Special thanks to Nancy the amazing Yoga Teacher who shared Danna Faulds

1 comment:

  1. Another poignant post! Thank you for always speaking to my heart. These are intense times and we must find ways to channel our frustration & anger in ways that nurture love, compassion, and empathy for all beings. ✨💖✨
