Sunday, August 13, 2017

Mystics, Poets, and Scribes

"...words are like nets - we hope they'll cover
what we mean, but we know they can't
possibly hold that much joy or grief or wonder."
Jodi Picoult

I wish you could wander around in my head so you could experience all I visualize and create blended with truths and theory.  If you wander in my fantasies,  you would be drenched in brilliant colors and soft hues.  I would hope you could understand the blaring eclectic music that sometimes sounds just like silence.

At one time, my inner place was much like a cave ... dark with imaginary shadows flickering on the walls.  I kept building my fire, fueling it with toxic waste scraped from the crevices deep within.  As the light began to glare, my perceptions were more discerning, and I feared no more.

As in any relocation, I completely redecorated my inner world carefully choosing writings and art to soothe my soul.  I held gatherings attended by mystics, poets, and ancient scribes.  Alignment began to take shape as I developed respect for all and practiced integrity modeled by my mentors.  I find I walk in two worlds, one physical and the other spiritual.  It would be so much better if you would just come for a visit, as my words can't possibly cover it all.

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