Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Important in Itself

"Have patience with everything that remains unresolved in your heart ...
live in the question."
Rainer Maria Rilke

The search for self includes living within the question.  All of our focus does not singularly go to the end result.  We must live in the uncertainty of not having the answers.  It is in the midst of interrogation small nuggets of inspiration appear.

With constant awareness, nuances lead us through our journey cultivating an easiness with the unknown. Challenges are meant to be explored and conquered, resulting in broader connections and deeper understanding.  

If we do not take time for each thread to be woven into the tapestry, there will be holes and muted hues.    Embrace the vibrancy of each color, combining it without sorting or rearranging. Sense the significance of each strand as it contributes to the question.  In the midst of disarray, discern how each moment is important in itself and also connecting to the whole.

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