Monday, October 31, 2016

Calling Upon Ancestors

"When you reach the stars, boy, yes, 
and live there forever, all the fears
will go, and Death himself will die."
Ray Bradbury  

This year for Halloween, I will participate in a workshop entitled, Dia De Los Muertos which includes a fire walk.  I will gather with friends to deepen my spiritual journey and to ignite a new light upon my path.  

Instead of passing out candy, I will be doing Shamanic Breath work, learning wisdom of the Toltecs, and hearing stories through song.  Gathered with friends, I hope to release sabotaging thoughts and welcome the presence of ancestors.  

I do not fear death and believe we are all spiritual beings experiencing life as humans.  It seems there is a thread woven through the tapestry of life connecting us all on differing levels.  If we are indeed all one, how can we harm each other?

Sunday, October 30, 2016

These Bones, These Bones ...

"We are not trapped or locked up in these bones.
No, no.  We are free to change.  And love changes us.
And if we can love one another, we can break open the sky!" 
Walter Mosley
Blue Light

When we open our hearts and minds to change, opportunities and possibilities may overwhelm us.  With a dreamer's mind, we can explore without investment all that appears before us.  If we wander away from the chaos and allow a notion to stretch in growth, we may catch a glimpse of what could be.

When our thoughts are too narrow, there is no room for fresh growth.  Fresh air doesn't awaken our senses when we remain in the dark.  Enthusiasm and joy do not tickle our funny bone to bring laughter, allowing a new light to enter.

Change can take us out of our comfort zone into unfamiliar territories, but it also may lead to new beginnings, freedom of ego. and a sense of rebirth.  With new eyes we can take in the wonders of the world.  With open hearts, we can hear the birds sing a new song.  With open arms, we can hug until our arms ache! These bones, these bones will rise again.



Saturday, October 29, 2016

Gain Appropriate Footing

"A Note From the Universe:
The one thing all best selling writers and high achievers in any field have in common
is that they began their journeys as complete unknowns." Mike Dooley

With few exceptions like Mozart, artistic skill is born undeveloped within us.  It needs to be cared for like an infant: it needs to be fed, nurtured, and protected.  The skill must be fanned by confidence and stretched by expansion, not hidden and unused.

We may use our skill as a child and then ignore it until later years in school.  A family responsibility may interrupt our training and the talent may sit dormant until elder years.  Between our ego and self-sabotage, it may be difficult to gain appropriate footing at any stage of life.

The hardest step may be the very first one, pursuing the challenge.  Everyone begins as a beginner.  To reduce stress and pressure, focus on the process which can be more important than dwelling on the outcome.  Authentic intention to share our gift can be just as lucrative and rewarding as driving ourselves to be 'known'.

Friday, October 28, 2016

The Other Place

"For as long as she could remember, she had thought that autumn air
went well with books, that the two both somehow belonged with
blankets, comfortable arm chairs, and big cups of coffee or tea."
Katarina Bivald

The warmth of the fireplace colors my face and my favorite quilt hugs my legs.  I breathe in the fragrance of hot apple cider and adjust the candles closer to my book.  Warm pumpkin muffins fill my belly, and peace calms my soul.

As I gaze out of the window into my enclosed yard,  trees are all decked out in amazing colors. The leaves display the gracefulness in falling, not to waste a moment as they ballet down to the aging earth.  No whimpering about death or forthcoming decay, they seem to express in each instant twist the joy of the given day.

Settled into my most favorite chair, I open my book.  My mind sees all that is yet unseen.  My thoughts are stirred by what is  hidden.  My heart is touched by loving kindness.  All that I am and all that I can be is magically transported to that other place in between.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

We Shine!

"The artist is nothing without the gift,
but the gift is nothing without work."
Emile Zola

We are all born with a special gift, but unfortunately, we take it for granted.  If we find a skill to be easy for us, we falsely assume it is easy for anyone.  Even if we polish our skill, we don't always have the support to encourage us to keep moving forward.  

Authors are diligent with forced focus to complete the written word.  Musicians practice for years and even then are not necessarily confident of their abilities.  There are numerous blockages to perfecting our strengths, but if we persevere, we will be fulfilling a calling.

Our best effort may not equal professional level, but the investment in our self is priceless.  If we can't sing, then dance.  If we cannot be a Master Chef, create a cookbook with the knowledge supplied.  If we can't write prolific poetry, then try sketching.  Beauty can be found in any activity we cherish like yoga or marathons.  When we choose to polish our talent, we shine!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Judge, And Be Judged

"We should not judge people by their peak of excellence;
but by the distance they have traveled
from the point where they started."
Henry Ward Beecher

It has been a while since I have fallen beneath my personal expectation of 'self'.  I was dining with two friends in a quaint restaurant and when the waitress approached, wreaking of cigarette smoke. My taste buds took a dive and my tolerance did, too.

The water glasses had food stuck inside of them, but I acknowledged the cleanliness comes from the kitchen not the wait staff.  This also took a cut in my appetite.  Our food was brought out, and I sheepishly say it was good, but my overall displeasure was righteously placed on the server.

Checks delivered, I pondered my dissatisfaction.  This irritated part of me wanted my server to know I was displeased, and  therefore, I left a minimal tip.  As I exited the dining room, I glanced back at the table and realized, my extraordinary friends had tipped her exceptionally well.  Immediately, I knew they had felt compassion for whatever challenge this woman was facing, and I had displayed none.  I had judged, and the judgment returned to me was swift and to the point.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Create in Solitude

"My need to be alone is balanced against my fear 
of what will happen when suddenly I enter a huge
empty silence if I cannot find support there.   
May Sarton
(1912 - 1995)
Journal of a Solitude

There is a riveting connection between creative expression and unbalanced emotions.  When written from the heart, passion surges from built up impressions or scouring the nuances of others.  The body language and the pitch of a voice assists in digging deeper into what is buried beneath the skin.  To write about discovered truth requires time alone to creatively align and disguise information.

The artist (whether painter, poet or composer) sharpens necessary skills through the events experienced in life.  Exposed to tragedy, sorrow, or cowardice, the pain is represented in harsh colors or violent words.  Embraced by success, joy, or courage, in solitude, the artist channels energy in the form of feisty music scores, comedy or canvases to uplift the audience.    

Creative expression grinds against raw truth until it is successfully presented in bold chaos or palatable soft hues.  Artistic energy sharply calculates and designs authentic responses pulled from the haunting shadows while confidence often withers. The electricity transferred from solitude into the piece of art hopefully jolts a connection with an inspired viewer. 


Monday, October 24, 2016

Moon Flower in the Dark

"Something inside her was made of moon flowers."
Rune Eazuli

A spiritual mentor was the first person to ever show me a Moon Flower.  The milky white flower is larger than a hibiscus and the heart shaped leaves are plentiful and endearing. The bud is closed during the day, but in the night, the Moon Flower widely opens to embrace the darkness.

The Moon Flower illustrates how one can grow in darkness. This unusual flower encourages to be open and to trust the silence of the night.  The delicate fragrance in the evening hours reflects the unexpected sweetness in life.

Like the lovely Moon Flower, I prosper in the darker hours and tend to shrivel in the harshness of the the bright lights.  It is in the darkness that I grow aware of what has been hidden during the day.  Stretching my heart towards the light of the moon, there is an unspoken communication that soothes my lonely soul.  

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Don't Be A No-Show

"If you show up for yourself in your life,
the universe will show up for you."
Madisyn Taylor

If we want to expand a brilliant mind, we select an educational system.  If we want to be a world-known chef, we attend a highly recognized cooking school.  If we want to be an Olympian, we spend years in training.   The most important factor, however, is the application of our personal effort.  We will not succeed through simple attendance; deliberate engagement is required.

If a great idea is not cared for, it will dissolve.  If energy is not continuously applied, no matter how exceptional the plan, all will wither.  A life changing opportunity must be cared for like a tiny seed planted in fertile soil.  It still needs sunshine and rain with the input of a knowledgable gardener. It doesn't just happen unattended.

When we choose to be consistent and have the determination to see a dream come true, we are often assisted by angels in disguise.  Synchronicity connects us with what we may need.  Coincidences introduce us to people who can impact our growth.  The Universe matches our efforts every step of the way .... we must take the steps!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Push Through Illusion

"Letting go of inner resistance 
you often find circumstances 
change for the better."
Eckhart Tolle

At the first awareness of resistance, it is best to deal with it and not let is take the shape of a barrier.  When we notice our toes curling in our shoes, our chin sharply jutting out, or tension stiffening our neck, it is imperative to decipher what is at the heart of our reaction.

When we experience these physical sensations, we associate them with fear, even though healthy stimulation may impact us in the very same way.  We must determine what is triggering the reaction of fear or stimulation, and the answer will be change.  

Even when change is welcome, the element of fear persists.  There may be too many unanswered questions, not enough security or required trust we just can't fathom.  Identifying the fear, we can push through the illusion to explore what anxiously awaits us on the other side!

CANCER [Jun 22 - Jul 22]
With Mars cruising through your opposite sign, life can tend to swing in extremes, it all depends on what your Soul is energizing. If something is feeling toxic in your life and you are not ridding yourself of its hold, the universe may very well take care of business for you. Mars also conjoins Pluto after months of cleaning and clearing up your past. You have had to circle back in spades this past year, to look deeply into yourself and your choice making. Although it would have brought up a load of history that you would have preferred not to re-visit, the recovery and the search has served you well for something immense is behind you now. Mars' merging with Pluto on Wednesday, Oct. 19 signifies, for some, a day of reckoning in your relationships, but it also energizes a powerful new beginning. We attract what we need in relationships in order to evolve. We also attract others that reflect the very dynamics that we are working on. If you have done your work and you are in a relationship that you feel has run its course, then it is time to move on. For those of you who feel as if you are right where you want and need to be, it will be a time where your commitment strengthens and deepens. For those of you who are single, a fated connection may surface, one that is instrumental in your evolution. It is a dynamic time, one where your good growth is on the line.

Do yourself proud!

Friday, October 21, 2016

The Descent to Freedom

"You shall have no other gods before me."
Exodus 20:3

In Richard Rohr's Daily Meditation, reflects upon  "You shall have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20:3)  He broadens this familiar passage to include not only false images of God, but also the images we hold of ourselves.  When we become self-less and faith based we find a place of abundance.

Spiritual consumerism can duplicate the search for materialism.  Meister Eckhart, German Dominican mystic claimed spirituality has more to do with subtraction than addition.  When our focus is totally upon ourselves, there is no room for the Divine or fellow earth travelers.

C. G. Jung described his journey as constantly descending until he could truly connect with the earth. To be free we must release our need for ego, image, success, and control.  Rohr would say, God created us as a very slight part of creation and as a small particle, we reflect God's glory.

***Richard Rohr Daily Meditation
      Path of Descent 



Thursday, October 20, 2016

Unrecognized Strength Within

"The most intriguing people you will encounter in this life
are the people who had insights about you,
that you didn't know about yourself."
Shannon L. Alder

Women who have a strong sense of self are eager to share the goodness they observe in others.  They do not feel threatened by the talents of others; rather, there is a  desire is to recognize and celebrate them.  When we feel safe with a person, we shine more of our authentic light.

It is human nature to take our God given gifts and falsely assume everyone has the same.  The author who writes with cadence and beauty; the artist who paints with majestic colors; the leader who instills integrity in others ... they often do not recognize the strength within themselves.

When a trusted acquaintance points out our unusual knack for ______,  and sites examples of it through their own eyes, we begin to realize the quality of our unique gift.  The words resonate within us as we recognize them as truth.  Perhaps we begin to honor and respect ourselves more and hopefully offer gratitude and thanksgiving.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Unfolding Curiosity

"The best spiritual instruction is when you wake up in the morning 
and say,'I wonder what's going to happen today.' 
And then carry that kind of curiosity through your life."
Pema Chodron

We do not use our full imagination nor do we trust the Universe to lavishly apply miraculous touches.   If we wanted a beautiful mural on our wall, we would not tell the artist to use only primary colors.  We would allow the person to follow their instinct and insight.  He or she would consider the lighting, angles, designs and apply tricks of the trade.

So why do we place so many limitations upon the Divine?  What makes us pigeonhole our desires?  How long does it take when we demand rigid expectations rather than simple trust in being delighted?  How easily do we forget that the Universe is willing to provide? Spirit maintains a higher understanding of what would serve us best.

A wise soul once encouraged me to add the phrase, "This or something better," to the end of all my requests.  The mentor believed that we restrict the Universe when we are too rigid.  It is important to allow God to work full miracles beyond what is requested.  In our unfolding days, it is important to be curious about what might unfold!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Reflection of Insecurity

"The truest form of love is how you 
behave toward someone,
not how you feel about them."
Steve Hall  

Ego loves to judge others so we feel better about ourselves.  While we silence ego, we can fill ourselves with love which makes us strong and confident.  The need to criticize others is reduced and we can view all peoples through the eyes of love.

Not judging someone is a reflection of respect and honor as we never truly know the journey others are traveling.  What appears to us as unacceptable, may be the very best that person can do.  Unless we are going to offer encouragement or support, our eyes have no need to focus on others.

There is an overload of negativity in our world right now, and there is no reason to add to it.  If we catch ourselves criticizing, remember that it is a reflection of our own insecurity.  If we do not understand the actions of others, at minimum, slip into neutral.  It is not necessary for us to have a comment for every situation that occurs.   

Monday, October 17, 2016

Symbolic Memories

"First came songs, clay pots, drawings on cave walls.  Then tablets and scrolls, paintings and books ...
Then came repositories for the preservation of these items:  libraries, monasteries, museums; also theater troupes and orchestras.  They may consider their mission to be entertainment or spiritual practice or the celebration of beauty, but meanwhile they transmit our symbolic memory across the generations."  Jack Geick

Symbols come to us through what we see and what we hear.  We could be anywhere and hear a favorite 'oldie but goodie' and we are immediately transported back in time.  We can be in busy city department store when a baby cries and the sound, a symbol of all babies, alerts us.  When in a distance we hear a police car siren or a fire engine siren, it registers within us as the sirens symbolize emotional memory.

As we close our eyes to the world for meditation, our hearing is heightened to either silence or to calming music.  They are symbols alerting our body to slow down.  The same is true for speeding our systems up by listening to rock and roll or hip hop.

We are filled with symbolic memories and the visual ones are usually obvious and the symbols we hear are not necessarily registered. The memories triggered by fragrances are often experienced but not consciously recognized.  The smell of a pipe might remind us of an elder from our life, just as freshly baked bread.  Colognes may trigger memories of parents,  and sadly, the stench of a rapist never goes away.  We are emotionally triggered every day as our memories are filled with symbols. 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Prisoner Within

"Perhaps, I myself am the enemy 
who needs to be loved."
 Carl Jung

If we feel broken, our emotions distort our perceptions.  We create filters which shadows truth.  We project our feelings onto others.  If we feel wounded, we make the judgment that others see us as wounded as well.  

As our discomfort percolates within, our sense of safety is minimized.  With distorted perceptions we fear others are out to get us.   Our anger accumulates until it begins to spew onto others.  As we force others away by our behavior, we become isolated.

Friends may reach out to us, but we must reach in towards our pain.  Discern what is hurting us.  Pinpoint when the hurt originated.  Recall the story around the incident and then detach.  While examining the information, begin to write a new story replacing the harm with love.  When we free  the prisoner within, we begin to see life through a broader lens of love and acceptance. 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Giving From The Heart

"What I want in my life is compassion,
a flow between myself and others
based on a mutual giving from the heart."
Marshall B. Rosenberg

As children, we made friends easily.  We trusted our instincts and met each other half way.  We still have those skills within us.  It is a matter of respecting ourselves enough to respect others. When we engage with strangers, gaze into a face,  looking for similarities rather than differences.

It is only when we honestly love ourselves, we feel safe enough to be open non-judgmentally.  Without changing our personal belief, we can simply respect a different voice.  We do not feel a compulsion to join a cause, but with an open heart, we have compassion for a person's journey.

When we feel secure we are more open minded.  We no longer cling to rigid ideas to feel safe, so we can expose ourselves to different points of view. We do not have to falsely agree with a diverse approach, nor do we need to show disdain.  With compassion, we offer the attention of a kind human giving from the heart.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Radiance of the Moon

"I want to resemble a sort of liquid light 
which stretches beyond visibility or invisibility.  
Tonight I wish to have the valor and daring
to belong to the moon."  
Virginia Woolf,  A Writer's Diary

The moon has been whispering into my ears ever since my eyes became bold enough to search the expanding black sky.    Sparkling stars instilled hope, stretched imagination, and offered promise of existence  beyond my vision.  Upon first sight of the full moon, my heart began leaping,  as it felt an instant connection with this grand source of light.

As it floated across the sky, my childhood dreams intensified and desires to grasp what was out of reach disciplined my attentiveness.  The moon absorbed me sweeping aside all sense of time.  Although I was neither here nor there, my presence streamed into the vastness of both sky and moon.

On earth, I was taught to minimize and to be small.  I practiced being invisible and hidden by the trees so tall.   I waited for the night to return so I could flee shapeless into the sky where I was free to indulge in the radiance of the moon.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Stimulating Forward Movement

"Compromise is what binds people together.
Compromise is sharing and conciliatory,
it is loving and kind and unselfish."
Ali Harris

Open the heart, the mind, and the spirit and our relationship with others deepens.  There is no need to pretend we support a different philosophy or circumstance, but it is vitally important to be a nonjudgmental witness for ourselves and companions.  We constantly learn from the experiences from others and with others.  A compromise can be that of a silent listener.  

Individually we expand, so outgrowing some relationships happen.  There is no need to end exchanges, but to adjust the structure of the companionship.  If we do feel supported or do not resonate with certain people, we have the option to place our energy into developing exposure to new situations and friends.  

Relationships infer two people investing into a bond.  It is not a one sided commitment; however, we find ourselves evaluating the other person more than we observe ourselves.  Does the friendship encourage our journey or does it hold us back?  What kind of friend are we being?  Do we need to shift the dynamics?  When we gently alter a relationship, we may be stimulating forward movement to excite both involved.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Space Between

"Let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you."
                                                                    Kahlil Girbran  

"Let there be spaces in your togetherness," writes Kahlil Gibran (Lebanese-American artist, poet, and philosopher). "And let the winds of the heavens dance between you." Author of THE PROPHET encourages us to not be connected at the hip and cloistered.  He suggests we create our personal life, but join in celebration of each others growth.  

Gibran (January 1883-April 1931) advocates, "Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone."  Too much of a lover, friend or family can smother our individuality and curtail our inspirations of how to use our blessings or gifts.

"And stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart and the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow," states this favorite poet of mine.  In any relationship, if we choose to be an equal or remain grounded in our confidence there is no reason to stand in someone else's shadow.  


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Gnarled Memories

"We create memories or our memories create themselves.
Consulting a memory converts it into a memory of a memory.
The memories of memories, the thoughts of thoughts, blend into
one another until we cannot tease them apart. Memory is recursive
and self-referential.  Mirrors.  Mazes.  
Jack Geick

Memories of happiness are but slits in time, but when I recall them, they grow greater in length and expand in importance.  What once was a paragraph of joy becomes a full chapter in my book of life.  Memories of hardship are never-ending  becoming increasingly painful when revisited. The length of time stretches from a piece of reality into volumes of darkness.  

Memories can be dressed in various attire depending upon my mood or level of confidence.  My insecurities filter positive experiences as I expect the worst in a certain state of my mind.  Where I hold myself mentally or emotionally, filters the unfolding scenario before me, regardless of truth.

Memories fade in time and become entangled with other memories.  Holiday gatherings mesh, friendships blend, and specific dates elude me.  The sequence of reality gets rearranged which at times leaves me confused.  Memories are fleeting along with the truth, so all the more reason to live in each moment creating and imagining the best of the best.  

Monday, October 10, 2016

Inner Spirit and Spiritual Flow

"Life is a balance
between holding and letting go."

Life is frequently compared to the flow of water.  It can float calmly or draw itself up into harsh waves. The flow of water can be felt in a small fountain or the trickle from a faucet.  We can experience life drowning or being washed ashore.  Rain streaming down upon our head can feel like a cleansing or shrinking of life itself.

Rumi tells us there is a time to cling to the shore and time to shoot the rapids.  We can grow stagnant standing in shallow water or be exhausted from paddling in water over our head. We must discern a combination of what will establish balance.

Water is a symbol for emotion and our inner spirit is like the water's current.  It needs to be fresh and unencumbered.  Motion is imperative to position ourselves to experience the ebb and flow of life.  We dig in to situations no longer healthy for us.  We are so focused on our tight grip, we neglect to see other opportunities within reach.  The act of letting go can be an inspiration, a lease on a new life or the expansion we have been yearning.  The inner spirit strives to maintain a balanced current within our spiritual flow. 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Silence Is An Answer

"Remember, all the answers you need are inside of you;you only have to become quiet enough to hear them!"
Debbie Ford

When we ask adults if their lives had lead them to where they had dreamed to be, very few would admit the path intended was ever followed.  Majors pursued in college are not necessarily the area of business the student ends up.   Passion kindled fires interrupt the original path and we may deviate into unexpected arenas.

Opportunities present themselves and it takes courage to leave a place of comfort.  If we have family, we may be limited in our willingness to run risk. Beloved family may encourage us to give up our chance for dreams while our mentors refer us to the voice within.  

The voice we need to hear within is not ego.  The need to set ego in a time out chair is imperative.  Then sit quietly and allow the body, mind, and spirit to align.  Feel the feet connected to the ground below and open hearts and minds to whatever may flow.  Inspiration or questions may surface and we can pursue them in greater depth later.  There are times when we are filled with blissful silence.  It is within this silence we can clear our minds, expectations, and fear.  Silence, in itself, is an answer.  This quiet pause reflects the need for more information, further consideration, or to not make a decision at this time.  Be gentle with the thought process and return to it until decisions resonate within the heart.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Voice Heard, Soul Seen

"Every secret of a writer's soul,
every experience of his life,
every quality of his mind,
is written large in his works."
Virginia Woolf

Writing and reading have been companions of mine since early childhood.  I can recall holding a child's picture book on my lap while watching others trim the family tree.  A notebook was always near, waiting for me to unskillfully draw symbols of emotions which I could not share out loud.

The branch library card was my proudest possession.  It was a magical key into imagination and creativity.  I constantly observed others, using body language as a measuring stick of how different others were from me.  Praises from the librarians who supported my obsession guided me to enhanced authors and love for humanity.  

At the end of eighth grade, I had completed two novels and in high school I was focused on dark poetry.  College released me into vast spaces of exploration and challenge of my skill.  Then the work of Gibran, Hafiz, and Rumi healed my wounds. I reinvented myself by heavily editing material wounding my soul.  My best offerings have not been the beginning nor the ending, but the unfolding of the story in between.  It is in the middle where my voice is heard and my soul seen.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Ride To The Penthouse

"I am learning to trust the journey
even when I do not understand it."
Mila Bron

To be present in the moment is similar to being inside of an elevator.  We are alone feeling comfortable and safe, resisting the pull to push a button to go up or ride down.  Unexpectedly the door opens and strangers rush into our sacred space.  They easily push numerous buttons and the personal journey takes on a life of its own.

These unknown travelers exit our space and in this stillness we ponder the lessons gleaned from the presence of these others.  We realize they are our teachers and mentors distributing concepts and theories to be sifted through on our own.  Without the presence of others, our lives will be stunted.

As our journey continues, we ride the elevator up and down so many times that life becomes motion.  The constant dialogue or the unwelcome unions squishes us into confusion.  It is then we push the button for an elevated floor and follow a path to solitude and self-discovery.  We always return to the elevator, pushing buttons higher to the next elevation, hoping to eventually arrive at the penthouse of peace.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Miracle of Light

"Don't give up before the miracle happens."
Fannie Flagg

Miracles are interwoven within years of living.  Some arrive unannounced, sliding in on a wing or a prayer.  Then there are the tiny miracles easily overlooked, like the butterfly landing upon a toddler's  hand or a hummingbird remaining at the Hibiscus long enough to draw us in.  The birth of a healthy baby or the restoration from illness to unexplainable health are miraculous miracles.

Miracles suddenly appear when we are in the right place at the right time.  These can be smaller and are called coincidences, like bumping into a stranger who ends up being the boss's wife.  The more exciting mini-miracle is labeled as a synchronicity.   These are the fun one's where Divine Intervention orchestrates spectacular experiences out of ordinary circumstances.

The eluding miracle is the most unsatisfying.  We anticipate with patience; place trust and faith in the unfolding of life; and eventually the mind becomes vacant.  The loss of hope, the absence of goal, the lack of understanding, and the void of hope binds us in a cloak of sadness.  Emotion drains away, our footing is lost, and the eyes are crusted close with despair.  It is within this dark space the miracle of light, gently whispering, "Don't give up!"

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Jump Into The Current!

"Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise."

Boldness in women is often seen as being a bitch, while boldness in men is respected as a skill.  We have the right to use our voice and to address any topic of our choosing.  Our stated opinion may not change the nation, but it may change the world of one.  Speaking out strengthens our confidence and esteem.

Boldness is to be used to venture into learning.  It is not meant to be a means for sarcasm, insult, or degrading.  It is a tool to better our understanding of all things.  We thirst to learn more and boldness helps us to experience the unknown and revisit lessons still unresolved.

Do not be harsh or abrasive.  Be courageous and daring to leave a comfort zone to expand and create.  Be dauntless and fearless in moving into new areas of life.  Persevere and be resolute until dreams are manifested.   Jump onto the current of change and ride the energy towards adventure!


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Eyes of Anger

"A heart filled with anger has no room for love."
Joan Lunden

Anger is actually a secondary emotion, triggered by a first emotion we could not withstand.   When we cannot tolerate the first emotion we quickly move to the secondary emotion of anger.  We bury the true pain underneath our anger.  Until we release our anger, our buried emotion floods us with no room for healing thought and promotes withdrawal.

As we look through the eyes of anger, we cannot see beauty or kindness.  We burn impulsively looking for ways to act out. It is healthy to act out anger if it harms no one or nothing.  Beating a pillow, weeding a garden, chopping wood or writing are just some positive outlets for anger.  It is imperative to release our anger in appropriate ways before it takes a toll on our health ... stress, heart attack, accidents.

It is unhealthy to ignore buried emotions.  They must be brought to the surface and dealt with through non-emotional choices.  What was the lesson?  What am I to learn?  In time, how do I benefit from this experience?  Successfully embracing the emotion we are no longer stuck and we are once again free to live life fully.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Missed Cues

"It's easy to overlook the cues for attention
that people may send us when we are focused
on attaining a goal or a result."
Daily Om

We are all on a journey experiencing lessons and giving purpose to our lives.  We open our hearts and extend compassion and yet we still miss cues offered by others.  The words of a friend may be running through our thoughts, but it is not until we hear the emotion in the voice or a shift in tone that we become aware something is wrong.  Even when we believe we are being perceptive, we do not always tune in to the needs of others.

We surround ourselves with happy people and we rarely think of these uplifting people as having dire thoughts.  We fail to look beyond the person into their heart as a check up to make sure all is well.  "Why didn't you say something," we later exclaim.  And the quivering voice responds, "I did."

When we see tears on a person's face, we wonder what is wrong when in reality, they may be tears of relief or joy!  A burst of laughter may have originated from severe anxiety, not humor.  We complicate things by saying things we don't mean which leads a conversation down a false and empty path.  When we experience our brains shutting down for a well deserved reprieve, try to leave the heart open for those in need.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Plagiarism or Infusion

"There are no original ideas.
There are only original people."
Barbara Grizzuti Harrison

Remove a few favorite old books from the shelf and notice highlighted areas.  The underlined words may resonate with us as we have merged them into our thoughts and statements.   We began our theories while reading printed material, but  how often do we unknowingly borrow information and infuse it with our own? Adopting another's original work and presenting it as our own is plagiarism.

There are discussions on whether or not there is any original thought.  Perhaps it takes a creative person to re-frame what is already known.  Maybe we hear things differently from various sources.  Our interpretation may tweak the original statement making it fresh and new.

Circumstances play into perception as do emotions.  If we are in an uncomfortable situation with fear running up our spine, we may perceive things through these filters.  If we are relaxed and filled with love, we hear information through those filters, infusing the meaning.  The words we speak today, may take on different meanings tomorrow.  The emphasis then is using words accented by our authentic feelings and insights.  When we allow words to process through us we discover new angles.  Listen, digest, and speak truth as you know it.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Cloister or Expose the Creative Spirit

"A creative life cannot be sustained by approval
any more than it can be destroyed by criticism."
Will Self

When we are building our dreams, the support of others can be empowering and supportive, but we must stay focused on our work towards our dream.  It doesn't happen alone.  Our work is required no matter what praise we may receive.  While unfolding our dreams, the negativity of others can be destructive and debilitating.  If we continue to work on our dream and remain connected to our creative spirit, our vision will continue towards reality.

Buying into the praise of others can distance us from our work.  Our ego can produce a false sense of  security while
our passion slips away.  When faced with criticism, we choose how much energy we are going to invest.   We can pause, giving consideration or we can spiral out of control into the depths of darkness.  So either approval or disapproval can pull the creative spirit off course.

Perhaps this is the reason inventors, artists, and adventurers tend to be reclusive.  Cloistering the creative spirit protects against outside influence.  Concentration on the thrust of our work without distraction deepens our thrust.  Just being still opens our imagination to possibilities and strengthens our connection with the dance of life.