Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Jump Into The Current!

"Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise."

Boldness in women is often seen as being a bitch, while boldness in men is respected as a skill.  We have the right to use our voice and to address any topic of our choosing.  Our stated opinion may not change the nation, but it may change the world of one.  Speaking out strengthens our confidence and esteem.

Boldness is to be used to venture into learning.  It is not meant to be a means for sarcasm, insult, or degrading.  It is a tool to better our understanding of all things.  We thirst to learn more and boldness helps us to experience the unknown and revisit lessons still unresolved.

Do not be harsh or abrasive.  Be courageous and daring to leave a comfort zone to expand and create.  Be dauntless and fearless in moving into new areas of life.  Persevere and be resolute until dreams are manifested.   Jump onto the current of change and ride the energy towards adventure!


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