Sunday, October 23, 2016

Don't Be A No-Show

"If you show up for yourself in your life,
the universe will show up for you."
Madisyn Taylor

If we want to expand a brilliant mind, we select an educational system.  If we want to be a world-known chef, we attend a highly recognized cooking school.  If we want to be an Olympian, we spend years in training.   The most important factor, however, is the application of our personal effort.  We will not succeed through simple attendance; deliberate engagement is required.

If a great idea is not cared for, it will dissolve.  If energy is not continuously applied, no matter how exceptional the plan, all will wither.  A life changing opportunity must be cared for like a tiny seed planted in fertile soil.  It still needs sunshine and rain with the input of a knowledgable gardener. It doesn't just happen unattended.

When we choose to be consistent and have the determination to see a dream come true, we are often assisted by angels in disguise.  Synchronicity connects us with what we may need.  Coincidences introduce us to people who can impact our growth.  The Universe matches our efforts every step of the way .... we must take the steps!

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