Saturday, October 22, 2016

Push Through Illusion

"Letting go of inner resistance 
you often find circumstances 
change for the better."
Eckhart Tolle

At the first awareness of resistance, it is best to deal with it and not let is take the shape of a barrier.  When we notice our toes curling in our shoes, our chin sharply jutting out, or tension stiffening our neck, it is imperative to decipher what is at the heart of our reaction.

When we experience these physical sensations, we associate them with fear, even though healthy stimulation may impact us in the very same way.  We must determine what is triggering the reaction of fear or stimulation, and the answer will be change.  

Even when change is welcome, the element of fear persists.  There may be too many unanswered questions, not enough security or required trust we just can't fathom.  Identifying the fear, we can push through the illusion to explore what anxiously awaits us on the other side!

CANCER [Jun 22 - Jul 22]
With Mars cruising through your opposite sign, life can tend to swing in extremes, it all depends on what your Soul is energizing. If something is feeling toxic in your life and you are not ridding yourself of its hold, the universe may very well take care of business for you. Mars also conjoins Pluto after months of cleaning and clearing up your past. You have had to circle back in spades this past year, to look deeply into yourself and your choice making. Although it would have brought up a load of history that you would have preferred not to re-visit, the recovery and the search has served you well for something immense is behind you now. Mars' merging with Pluto on Wednesday, Oct. 19 signifies, for some, a day of reckoning in your relationships, but it also energizes a powerful new beginning. We attract what we need in relationships in order to evolve. We also attract others that reflect the very dynamics that we are working on. If you have done your work and you are in a relationship that you feel has run its course, then it is time to move on. For those of you who feel as if you are right where you want and need to be, it will be a time where your commitment strengthens and deepens. For those of you who are single, a fated connection may surface, one that is instrumental in your evolution. It is a dynamic time, one where your good growth is on the line.

Do yourself proud!

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