Sunday, October 30, 2016

These Bones, These Bones ...

"We are not trapped or locked up in these bones.
No, no.  We are free to change.  And love changes us.
And if we can love one another, we can break open the sky!" 
Walter Mosley
Blue Light

When we open our hearts and minds to change, opportunities and possibilities may overwhelm us.  With a dreamer's mind, we can explore without investment all that appears before us.  If we wander away from the chaos and allow a notion to stretch in growth, we may catch a glimpse of what could be.

When our thoughts are too narrow, there is no room for fresh growth.  Fresh air doesn't awaken our senses when we remain in the dark.  Enthusiasm and joy do not tickle our funny bone to bring laughter, allowing a new light to enter.

Change can take us out of our comfort zone into unfamiliar territories, but it also may lead to new beginnings, freedom of ego. and a sense of rebirth.  With new eyes we can take in the wonders of the world.  With open hearts, we can hear the birds sing a new song.  With open arms, we can hug until our arms ache! These bones, these bones will rise again.



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