Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Sense the Spirit

"When you are present you can sense the spirit ...
the one consciousness in every creature...
and love it as yourself.'
Eckhart Tolle

Plopped down, sitting like a lump, and totally disconnected is not being present.  One must be aware, not zoned out.  While being present we are sensing spirit in all things and blending into the combined energy.  We have the feeling that we a part of all energy, and not separate.

As a Christian, the instant we judge, we fall out of definition.  As a spiritualist, as soon as we criticize an individual for anything, we are no longer in oneness.  We cannot help notice darkness, but we can begin to quietly emit light and compassion.  By nature, we  forget to honor and respect. It takes deliberate thought to remain aligned with all people, things, and places.

We can obviously choose not to agree, but we do not need to persecute either. When we place our lovely self 'above' another, our descent has already started.  Rather than creating expectations of others, we can await to see what they unfold.  It's okay not to understand and simply remain in oneness observing and not extending our energy.


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Voice Within

"... the voice of beauty speaks softly; it creeps only
into the most fully awakened souls."

The deep understanding of our voice becomes vibrant when we hear it with our spiritual ear.  One removes all of the mind chatter from our early years.  Then we become aware of ego pontificating.  Eventually, we take notice of what we are saying to others and become aware of the layers of voice beneath our stories.

It is when we can be be still and listen to the depth of information streaming into our heart, mind, and soul, that we can truly internalize  the voice within.  As we activate the power of our own voice, we then become silent in order to comprehend the incoming language of spirit.

Think for a moment how much time we use in prayers or meditation with words extended to God.  Now, recognize how little time is allowed for return communication.  Are we doing all of the talking and not waiting for wisdom to flow back?  Can we not be still to embrace the silent guidance which can then pass back out into our world?  The voice speaks numerous languages and our spiritual ear resonates with each and every one.

***Excellent resource:
      writing down your soul
      Janet Conner, author


Monday, March 29, 2021

Give and Receive



When our schedules provide time to whisper prayers or ask for blessings, we are adding protection for when we leave our comfort zone or home or place of business.  If we carve out a few daily moments for a heartfelt meditation for connection with God/Universe/Spirit, we are balancing our bodies, minds, and spirits to better embrace the world.

When we are mindful to recognize the light within us, we can be impacting the world around us.  By extending our light energy, we are silently connecting with others.  We are sharing love, light, and energy simply by reflecting our inner spirit.

As we kindle our inner flame, we cannot help but extend love and kindness.  By choice we can pass goodness on to others.  We can utilize our breath, our eyes or the essence of our light to project a brightness out into the world, a busy store or a simple stranger passing us by.  When we so generously give, we feel glowing growth within.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Repetition Knocking

"Repetition is like a knock on the door ...
it stops when you open the door and
greet what is on the other side."
Deepak Chopra 

We are encouraged not to avoid emotion, but to step into it.  Allow the essence to be felt to determine what message is trying to attract us.  As we open our hearts while over coming fear, we are able to process what is trying to reach our attention.

We can ask our lovely selves what we are experiencing .... fear, loss, rejection ... and be curious as to why we are not facing our feelings.  We can determine how to address issues when we understand where they are originating.

As we process our emotions, we can create tools to help us recognize, address, and release our discomfort.  Who impacts us in a negative way?  Where do I feel unsafe?  What is creating havoc within me?  As we begin to give voice to these scenarios, we will better understand and be more fluent in our responses.


Saturday, March 27, 2021

Grievously Missed

" Honest friends are doorways to our souls,
and loving friends are the grasses that soften the world."
Mark Nepo

Friendship has been held in high regard throughout life.  Even though books were excellent resources for me, I found observing people to be just as valuable.  As I became familiar with the patterns of behavior, it was easier to determine friend from foe, but not entirely.

Over the last few years, I have lost to death:  a gentleman who read my words and encouraged me; my college roommate who frequently fanned of my embers; a wise woman who stood by my side whether she agreed or not; and a soul sister who also traveled the spiritual path. They are gone, but I try to keep a connection alive in my heart.

The door to my soul is difficult to push open and there is less grass under my feet to soften my steps.  My dreams have become highly potent and illustrated to the greatest height and depth; whereas, the real world has lost punctuation and detail.  The comfort of friendship, living or deceased, is grievously missed.  


Friday, March 26, 2021

Where I Desire To Be

"To awaken, sit calmly, letting each breath
clear your mind and open your heart."
Jack Kornfield

In an attempt to escape anger, I sat with a book, but I could not focus.  Removing my journal from the desk, I began to write about how I felt.  This didn't work either as my emotions were all jumbled and my pen would not move fast enough.

Retreating to the back deck, I secured my favorite rocker and breathed in the fresh air while watching the birds at the feeder.  Slowly, I could feel my angst draining away while the sun warmed my face and shoeless, my feet felt free.

In this space, I found compassion and calm which is where I desire to be. Facing life from my heart, all things settle into place.  I find it easier to let go while things eventually pass, as I endeavor to remain just me.


Thursday, March 25, 2021

Take the Time to Listen

"Don't try to comprehend with your mind.  Your minds are
very limited.  Use your intuition."
Madeleine L'Engel

The word intuition was never really prevalent in my vocabulary while growing up, but I sure knew what a 'gut feeling' was ... I had them regularly and remained aware.  As a super sensitive child, emotions were always spinning and deeply felt in my third chakra ... the solar plexus. This remained true through much of my life.

My gut feelings never felt psychic nor did I believe they were a kind of power; but, I often felt as though I were receiving suggestions from Jesus, then God, then the Universe, and now the spirit of oneness.  I deeply believe that our instincts are nudges from the higher realm for encouragement or awareness, no matter what we choose to name them.

I am happy to report that I no longer operate primarily from my solar plexus, as I have moved up to the heart chakra, the fourth.  I strive to respond to life through my heart with the assistance of certain 'knowings'.  God or the Unknown continues to speak to all of us, if we but take the time to listen.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Clarity in Forwared Movement

"What you do makes a difference, and you have to
decide what kind of difference you want to make."
Jane Goodall

When we make a decision that is best for our self, but keep it private in an effort to not hurt anyone, are we honestly doing the right thing?  If our carefully thought out decision will ultimately hurt a person in the long run, what is the value in postponing it?

Over the years, it has been much easier for me to hurt my own feelings to protect the feelings of others.  This approach never did work very well for anyone involved,  Eventually, the advancement of standing in my own power, strengthened and better defined who I wanted to be.

Once I began being truthful in situations with myself and others, life became easier and so did building self-esteem.  There isn't a way to avoid pain and sadness as they are a part of life just like happiness and joy.  To be honest in given moments clears the air, removes debris, and clarifies our forward movement.  This is the kind of difference I have chosen to make.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

From A Distance

"My only advice is to stay aware, listen carefully,
and yell for help if you need it."
Judy Blume

At my computer, I glanced out my open window and did a double take! From a distance, I could see a tall, gray haired lady walking up the hill, and she was the spitting image of my dear friend, Brenda. She had the same graceful movement like my friend's, and I just knew she would have the same welcoming smile with sparkling eyes ... except Brenda lives in Texas.

From a distance, I watched her "fast walk" away, leaving me to feel left behind.  In my mind, I imagined what it would have been like to run up to this woman, throw my arms around her exclaiming, "I have missed you!"  In my imagination, she hugged me back and with laughter invited me to be her friend.

Isolation is causing me to be delusional.  This tiny quirk in time made me once again aware of just how badly I am missing hugs, laughter, and tears.  I long to gather at a table with my wise sisters of the heart, sharing their scars and how they have healed their hearts.  Judy Blume suggests, "... yell out for help if you need it."  I doubt anyone would hear me through my mask!

Monday, March 22, 2021

Stepping Aside

"The beginning is always today."
Mary Shelley

In my career, I was highly organized with lists, calendars, and due dates; however, in my private life I was definitely a procrastinator.  The oxymoron ... organized procrastinator ... provided situations when my boundaries were overrun by unanticipated events.   I would become stressed, overwhelmed, and would take days to quit beating my lovely self up.

In time, I learned to exercise the concept of each day being a new beginning.  The flexibility of readjusting allowed me to get back on track much faster and at far less cost to my self respect.  Deep breaths and revamping time spans, allowed me to move forward anew.

Whether we are meeting with the CEO or the head of the PTO, intrusions can throw us off our intended plans. Apologize and request another time ... no excuses or backstories.  Worry and criticism does nothing but cause stress, deepening our anxiety.  When we allow a new beginning, life unfolds sometimes with an exceptional plan. When we come upon a detour, simply step aside and begin again.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Cultivating Authenticity


"You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you
select your clothes every day.  This is a power you can cultivate."
Elizabeth Gilbert

It is curious to be an exceptionally strong woman, but minimized by the thoughts running through the brain.  It is as though ego has an eternal tape player, recording every negative nuance streaming near us and then replayed for the remainder of our life.

Agreed, there are times we become aware of this brainwashing and regain control to turn our ego down or off.  We enjoy peace and quiet with this authentic sense of self until ego over powers us again.  We  again listen to the droning of overused, out dated, and inaccurate verbiage!

Millions of words run rampant though our brain so we may as well move more slowly, choosing uplifting and supportive personal commentaries.  Duplication, otherwise, leads us further from authentication ... who we really are.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Fierce Wind

"Stay very open and the way to connect will become clear."
Tarot of the Spirit

Flat on my back, meditating, a vision of disturbing red color (anger) flooded through my mind.  As I pondered about what this could mean, a dark marbled substance was lifted from across my body.  The layer  floated upwards and then disappeared.

Totally relaxed, I wondered what had just happened.  I had never experienced a release to be so deeply complete with so little effort. I felt as though I were feather light as I retreated to the back deck to experience the sunshine and 70 degree weather.

Bubbling up within me were numerous questions, but I immediately dismissed them, choosing an attitude of gratitude.  On this day, I am filled with unaccountable joy to be alive, to be present, and to hold my light steady against any fierce wind blowing my way.


Friday, March 19, 2021

Cycles ...

"Humans like to consider everything as linear,
when in reality everything is cyclic."
Robert Black

My first cycle was a tricycle colored a dusty blue similar to my favorite blue sky.  I loved how old it was and the smoothness of the black flattened pedals.  My next cycle was a Shwinn bicycle, both blue and cream, reflecting the clouds and the sky.  The next cycle was a periodical feminine one that propelled me into places I wasn't prepared to go.

As a super sensitive human, I was consciously aware of my cycle spinning emotions inward and outward, sometimes rigid and other times out of control.  I faithfully observed the passing of the moon in its cycle wondering when I would be so predictable and smooth. I longed to gently float across the star studded sky.

My life was not linear as my vibrations could abruptly change paths inflating or deflating.  Nature never aligned  my cycles even when my bleeding stopped.  My 'do over' lessons continuously destroyed and recreated patterns of death and rebirth.  And only in my later years did I learn how the cycle ends.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Sadly Missing


"I have witnessed the softening of the hardest of hearts
by a simple smile."
Goldie Hawn

It has been well over one year since I have had the privilege of gathering at a table with kindred spirits, lifting a glass to bring cheer everywhere.  One could arrive in the worst of moods, but as the chair was  scooted up to the table, everything but happiness fell away.

To sit in the presence of wise woman was a glorious departure from the doldrums of any ordinary day.  Laughter would spill out of our mouths as we simply enjoyed the sense of endless acceptance and love. Yes, near by tables might initially stare, but would end up laughing with us or begging to take our picture or know our story.

The depths of friendship have more value than any prescribed medicine, mind altering herbs, or millions of dollars hidden.  There is indescribable comfort in being present with others who already know our stories, challenges, and loss, but long to hug us any way.  Laughter, tears, touch, and an endless sense of love is sadly missing from my life.


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Green for Everything!


"Green is the prime color of the world, and that
from which its loveliness arises."
Pedro Caldron de la Barca

The color green is woven into all of life.  It is either in the fore ground or back ground, but it is forever present.  The most obvious connection with green, for me, is of course trees, but if we broaden our lenses while in the woods, we will find the color poking out of the ground, earth coverings, and green moss floating on water.  

There is more to the color green, however, than nature.  The association with paper money might rank high, but what about fruits or vegetables?  Then there are various shades of green in artistic masterpieces, murals, and apparel.    The tone of skin when there is illness can reflect shades of green.

There are seven chakras and the the fourth is the Heart Chakra.  In visualization or meditation the color green is often used for healing throughout the body.  The color green and the energy it emits can assist us in altering our moods.  We may want to enhance our thoughts, bringing more depth to our color schemes with the simplicity of lovely green.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


"Can miles truly separate you from friends?
If you want to be with someone you love,
aren't you already there?"

My friend Mary Jo left life as we know it last year.  I was aware of her birthday approaching, and then I watched it pass.  I could not find a celebration for this "sister of my heart" nor could I stop random tears.  I did manage, however, to cleanse her space in my heart where she will endlessly be loved.

There are numerous people who surprisingly enter our life.  Some of these acquaintances burrow into our consciousness staying forever while others slowly fade away.  Ironically, some of the most abbreviated exchanges can alter the course of unfolding life.  These are all reasons to respect the light of all who pass by.

A special light enters our life offering a warmth we have somehow known before.  The light shines on imperfections that are lessons to help us together grow.  Celebrations draw us close deepening the connection and joy of being physically present together.  Mary Jo and I sensed a union that had endured other life times and we deeply responded to our unspoken eternal connection.  Our lights will continue to shine brightly until we sense each other again.


Monday, March 15, 2021

Dreams and Extended World

"My sleep wasn't peaceful, though.  I have the sense 
of emerging from a world of dark, haunted placed
where I traveled alone."
Suzanne Collins

Dream time is just as important to me as waking time.  It is through the creativity of dreams that a lesson becomes so obvious, one can no longer ignore it.  It is important to maintain a sense of humor rather than be startled or offended.  

Currently, I had three individual dreams that were very aligned to the reality in my life.  What was interesting, to me, the characters were scrambled, interacting in the wrong time frame.   What suddenly became apparent was the tendency to make the same choices. The appearance and surrounding changed,  but the shallowness of character remained.

It is easy to distinguish between collective dreams and my own.  If I tap into the collective, the timing is faster, the elements more harsh, and the desire to disconnect stronger.  These examples of course are in tune with my waking dreams.  My tendencies have grown to be more withdrawn and the extended world more harmful.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Sign or Dream?


"By March, the worst of the winter would be over.
The snow would thaw, the rivers begin to run, and
the world would wake into itself again."  Neil Gaiman

It has been in the high 60's for several days which lifts my spirits considerably. I have kept my window open by my computer, enjoying the sound of the gentle rain as well as the soft breezes during the day.  The happy songs of the birds contribute to my growing hope of normalcy for our world.

Reclaiming my rocker on the back deck, I can hardly believe I am outside and free.  Breathing deep cleansing breaths in and out, escalates the joy in me.  Children chasing balls, playing with the new   Golden Doodle pup, and screaming with glee support the promise of things yet to be.

Today's walk, I follow the sound of trickling water and as the path winds around the trees, I can hear the tiny feet of small animals playing in the leaves.  Discovering a boulder to sit upon, I rest while watching a little brook freely stream.  Surely these are signs of spring and not a simple dream.



Saturday, March 13, 2021

Just A Little Bit Wiser


"Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?"
Mary Oliver

There was a time when there were multiple opportunities to talk to fellow human beings.  Maybe sharing a seat on the bus or train, sharing a table in a crowded cafe or waiting in a long line preparing to board a cruise ship or plane.

Unexpected conversations unfolded during these brief encounters and some how the shared stories impacted our hearts indefinitely.  There is documentation that it is easier to unveil our most difficult experiences to total strangers.  Perhaps it is that we know we will not be held accountable nor will we ever see this person again.

These brief interludes were like reading CLIFF NOTES referencing a very long history.  One was able to voice simple highlights skipping across years or unearth a dark secret never revealed.  These shared times would enhance both lives, making each one just a little bit wiser..

Friday, March 12, 2021


"There is no better way to feel happier
than to be content with who you are."
Dina Al-Hidiq Zebib

It is when we are content with our lovely selves that the first hiccup comes planting a tiny small seed of unrest.  It sucks energy from our roots and grows in defiance.  Unknowingly, any tears we shed increase the growth and it is now accompanied by an ever so slight whisper.

Niggling thoughts float just outside of our consciousness, and they annoy like gnats in the air. There is something 'there' pestering to be invited in.  As we turn our eyes in avoidance, the repressed growth is formulating a suitable drama for our dreamscape.

We cannot hush unspoken words nor can we pull the deeply rooted growth, but we can stand in the warmth of the sun upon our face as it seeps down to our knees and toes.  By extending our arms, we experience the air that flows beneath the birds and angels wings.  I am neither here nor there.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Understanding the Story

"If you are willing to not label that suffering is bad, 
then you can be willing to simply see what the story is."

Even when we place our best foot forward, it does not mean we will avoid suffering and pain as both are laced throughout our lives.  When we live spiritually focused, we still stumble across challenges and dead ends.  Our story continues to unfold no matter how hard we try to excel.

The importance is learning from the story, not suppressing it, but opening our minds to translations.  We become side tracked when we attempt to separate the bad from the good.  We simply benefit by understanding the story being told.  We advance when we can determine the lesson.

Our minds like to think we have control over our story and our emotions create fear that we are our stories.  Reality offers us choices and benefits from multiple pauses to step back and experience the flow.  Perhaps, paying attention can advance us further than gesturing with random acts of doing.  

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Mask Adds Drama

"What else have you been hiding?"
Celeste Ng

The tendency to hide things has long been with me whether it were feelings, treasures, bruises or gain.  My life has consistently impressed upon me the necessity of privacy.  Without exception, maintaining a small pocket in my human suit, protected me from embarrassment.

My heart invariably flapped open for others to share or feel protected.  I would listen so carefully as I wanted to learn how others processed darkness and shame. There was great value to be encircled in a one on one confession as it built a sense of being worthwhile and trustworthy.

Today is no different with the exception of pilfering through my mental treasure box, I spend more time evaluating my strengths, mishaps, decisions both deliberate and thoughtless.  Perhaps this habit of appreciating the good and sorting out the unnecessary assists me in the adjustment of isolation, and  quarantine.  Wearing a mask upon my face adds to the drama, don't you think? 


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Prior to the Big Splash!

"Just living is't enough, said the butterfly,
one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."
Hans Christian Anderson

As we travel on our journey through life, we collect what we think we want or need, but in time we find our selves shedding what was once a keepsake.  We strive physically or mentally towards a position we desire, only to find the reward does not satisfy the need.

Mark Nepo, author of THE BOOK OF AWAKENING, shares from his own experiences of looking forward to things, putting off trips or relationships until there is enough time or money.  Does that time really ever arrive or will we be so thoroughly exhausted that deep appreciation escapes our weary bones?

There are endless options to be enjoyed if we can adjust our mind sets.  Perhaps, right now we choose not to afford a trip to a luxurious spa, but how about candles and bath bombs with music in your own private bathroom? We may choose to not purchase a dozen roses, but an admired single rose can uplift our sense of beauty.  We can  allow affordable comforts to float upon until we can make a big splash,!

Monday, March 8, 2021

Tiniest Speck of Self

"God turns you from one feeling to another and
teaches by means of opposites so that you will 
have two wings to fly, not one."

Geese fly in a V formation with one leader.  When the leader grows tired, he falls to the back, and the next goose moves into the role of leader.  If one of the geese becomes inured and falls to the ground, at least one other goose will follow it, staying until both are ready to fly.  

This example demonstrates the importance of knowing more than one role as it better prepares us for change.  Whether the world changes around us so our mission becomes extinct or we as individuals change our focus and shift directions, it is best if we are diverse enough to adjust.

Perhaps this is where the saying, "The right hand needs to know what the left hand is doing," originated.  We are multi-gifted and the world will benefit if we can share all parts of our being. We never know when life will once again shift, calling us to utilize the tiniest speck of self, maybe so small it will never be used again; but, we were ready and accountable.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Unknown Future


 "Never be afraid to trust an unknown future
to a known God."
Corrie ten Boom

Forgiveness may take awhile to sincerely embrace, but forgetting takes even longer.  It  is extremely challenging to trust again.  It is my belief, companionship involves two people and each must hold themselves accountable.  The other person may have been 97% at fault, but it is vital to learn from the 3% we personally contributed.

If we do not admit to our minor part, we will carry it into relationships that follow.  Until we untangle our own weakness, we will continue to repeat it over again.  As long as we remain invested in the horrific action of the other, we avoid facing our lovely selves.

We are the only ones we can literally change. There needs to be a pause so we can stand back and see a broader picture while healing.  If, in our hearts, we truly believe in a higher spirit whether called God or Universe, we can prepare ourselves to be our best and trust that Spirit has a plan.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Eyes of Compassion


"There comes a time when we must unearth our feelings
to generate compassion for the self."
Virginia Carlson

As wee ones, we are instructed not to share our thoughts, so we keep them tucked inside, never knowing if they are brilliant or shameful.  Life continues to be confusing when we are crying on the inside, but we are told to slap a smile on our faces. Confidence in our gut instinct declines as adult actions become  contrary.

As we develop, we too often soak up the guilt and shortcomings of others, owning what truly is not ours.  These feelings carve grooves into our hearts, but create deep pockets of compassion.  None too soon, we discontinue extending the boundaries of others at the cost of our vey own. 

At some turning point, we finally discover the truth of our being and the need to remove every particle unnecessarily clinging to our sense of self.  We unearth joyful discovery realizing we really are good and worthy.  We begin to shine and the sense of life in all things, uplifts our spirits. We then see  ourselves and others connected through the eyes of compassion.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Necessary Stories

"Bring us the stories, woman.
Let us hold them in our hands."
Dominique Christina

In her book THIS IS WOMAN'S WORK, author Dominique Christina calls us to define our selves, identifying the many scripts we play.  She encourages us to see who our family names us, community implies identification, while schools, lovers, and spouses impose suggest other images.  The goal is to identify, choose, and integrate our authentic voices.

Who we are on the inside becomes a curiosity.  When we are no longer wearing just one hat or have discontinued the task of juggling hats,  we begin an inward journey to find parts of our selves earlier discarded or shamed.  We move through debris to make room for light to initiate new growth.

I have long loved the image of being a multi-sided crystal.  This part of me might be valid, but only in a certain set of circumstances while this other section is too personal to ever expose.  There are shards of the crystal we have long forgotten and yet might be the key to what will proceed.  Tread gently, dear one, but unleash necessary stories.


Thursday, March 4, 2021

Edges of Life's Spiral


"Annoying to know we create our own reality.
I would so much rather blame you!"
Virginia Carlson 

Again, I found my body weaving around the edges of life's spiral.  I did not cling nor did I shrink forgetting visions and dreams. Twirling dark currents kept tugging against the charted path interrupting intended flow.  My vision became blurry and for awhile I thought there was nothing left to see.

Life, it would seem, challenges us down to the last minute.  It discards our carefully rehearsed words, and abruptly changes a scene.  Kindred Spirits follow their own dreams and supportive pathways  rarely  intervene.  Our spirit fills with light and communicates in oneness, but the human veil lags behind, snagged in the dredges of ego and fear.

Layers have been shed and heavy waste has been discarded, gently coaxing us into better beings.   There is the awkward pause, with nothing tangible to be seen; but, if we listen, we can hear the voice within... calmly coaching us forward for our light again to be seen.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

A War and Two Officers

"Both sides so blinded by their fear and hate of each other
that they couldn't see they were all fighting for the same thing."

The small town movie theater offered one movie per weekend.  Most locals went to the show never knowing what exactly was playing.  This particular night, it was a war movie about Americans and the Japanese.  The movie showed the parallel running between the officers from opposing sides.

Part of the movie was about the American Officer, reflecting his loving home life and adoring children.  He was a good neighbor and a church regular.  The other part of the movie was about the Japanese Officer, reflecting his loving home life and adoring children.  He was a good neighbor and a church regular.

The two officers who unknowingly were so similar in private life, were the same in the military ... trained to kill the enemy.  Both military officers were successful in coming face to face with their prey, resulting in violent death.  This movie,  portrayed one perception of war.  Two human beings pitted against each other, both desiring to be honest men, but fighting and killing each other for peace.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Mysteries Unfold


"Change happens not by trying to make yourself change,
but by being conscious of what's not working."
Shakti Gawain

Children are wonderful teachers.  With great creativity and sensitivity, we attempt to explain the wonders of life such as birth, aging, and dying.  Setting a theatrical stage and utilizing a voice filled with drama we spin our tails.  When it all ends and the curtain comes down, the innocent looks up to us and says, "What did you say?"

The reverse happens as well. In the presence of a child, he or she shares inner thoughts.  The child points to the beams of sunshine penetrating through the clouds while saying, "Look! God is talking to His people!" (Truth)

The point of course, is that we can learn something every minute of our waking day and every dreamscape of our night.  The human beings surrounding us and the higher guides in our midst, endless insights unfold for our enlightenment.  The key, however, is that we must be paying attention.  It is with alertness that mysteries unfold.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Waking Dream

"Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions."
Edgar Cayce

We can experience nightmares, fantasy, and fore shadowing in our dreams.  There are other kinds as well such as lucid dreaming where we are seemingly awake, observing as watching a movie.  A simple kind of dream is the waking dream which happens during our living moments, unfolding before us if we but pay attention.

WAKING DREAM This afternoon, I drove my car up to the pharmacy window, requesting my prescription.  The woman  rudely told me there wasn't one.  I insisted.  She said it was probably one that needed to be called into the doctor.  I confidently informed her that I had received an email stating that it was ready for pick up.  She dismissed this saying I probably had the wrong pharmacy.  Intentionally, I showed her my phone with the email to verify my request.  She doggedly told me it would be ready in one and one half hours.

Later in the afternoon I was going over this live situation when I thought to ask my lovely self if it were a waking dream, what would it be reflecting?  I quickly realized that it was a progress report.  Normally, I strongly believe something, yet I am firmly told that I am incorrect.  I collapse into the role of victim and figuratively beat my self up for always being wrong.  Not this time! I finally stood strong for what I believed in and didn't automatically assume I was wrong.  Life was illustrating improvement!