Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Green for Everything!


"Green is the prime color of the world, and that
from which its loveliness arises."
Pedro Caldron de la Barca

The color green is woven into all of life.  It is either in the fore ground or back ground, but it is forever present.  The most obvious connection with green, for me, is of course trees, but if we broaden our lenses while in the woods, we will find the color poking out of the ground, earth coverings, and green moss floating on water.  

There is more to the color green, however, than nature.  The association with paper money might rank high, but what about fruits or vegetables?  Then there are various shades of green in artistic masterpieces, murals, and apparel.    The tone of skin when there is illness can reflect shades of green.

There are seven chakras and the the fourth is the Heart Chakra.  In visualization or meditation the color green is often used for healing throughout the body.  The color green and the energy it emits can assist us in altering our moods.  We may want to enhance our thoughts, bringing more depth to our color schemes with the simplicity of lovely green.

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