Sunday, March 7, 2021

Unknown Future


 "Never be afraid to trust an unknown future
to a known God."
Corrie ten Boom

Forgiveness may take awhile to sincerely embrace, but forgetting takes even longer.  It  is extremely challenging to trust again.  It is my belief, companionship involves two people and each must hold themselves accountable.  The other person may have been 97% at fault, but it is vital to learn from the 3% we personally contributed.

If we do not admit to our minor part, we will carry it into relationships that follow.  Until we untangle our own weakness, we will continue to repeat it over again.  As long as we remain invested in the horrific action of the other, we avoid facing our lovely selves.

We are the only ones we can literally change. There needs to be a pause so we can stand back and see a broader picture while healing.  If, in our hearts, we truly believe in a higher spirit whether called God or Universe, we can prepare ourselves to be our best and trust that Spirit has a plan.

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