Sunday, March 28, 2021

Repetition Knocking

"Repetition is like a knock on the door ...
it stops when you open the door and
greet what is on the other side."
Deepak Chopra 

We are encouraged not to avoid emotion, but to step into it.  Allow the essence to be felt to determine what message is trying to attract us.  As we open our hearts while over coming fear, we are able to process what is trying to reach our attention.

We can ask our lovely selves what we are experiencing .... fear, loss, rejection ... and be curious as to why we are not facing our feelings.  We can determine how to address issues when we understand where they are originating.

As we process our emotions, we can create tools to help us recognize, address, and release our discomfort.  Who impacts us in a negative way?  Where do I feel unsafe?  What is creating havoc within me?  As we begin to give voice to these scenarios, we will better understand and be more fluent in our responses.


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