Monday, March 22, 2021

Stepping Aside

"The beginning is always today."
Mary Shelley

In my career, I was highly organized with lists, calendars, and due dates; however, in my private life I was definitely a procrastinator.  The oxymoron ... organized procrastinator ... provided situations when my boundaries were overrun by unanticipated events.   I would become stressed, overwhelmed, and would take days to quit beating my lovely self up.

In time, I learned to exercise the concept of each day being a new beginning.  The flexibility of readjusting allowed me to get back on track much faster and at far less cost to my self respect.  Deep breaths and revamping time spans, allowed me to move forward anew.

Whether we are meeting with the CEO or the head of the PTO, intrusions can throw us off our intended plans. Apologize and request another time ... no excuses or backstories.  Worry and criticism does nothing but cause stress, deepening our anxiety.  When we allow a new beginning, life unfolds sometimes with an exceptional plan. When we come upon a detour, simply step aside and begin again.

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