Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Clarity in Forwared Movement

"What you do makes a difference, and you have to
decide what kind of difference you want to make."
Jane Goodall

When we make a decision that is best for our self, but keep it private in an effort to not hurt anyone, are we honestly doing the right thing?  If our carefully thought out decision will ultimately hurt a person in the long run, what is the value in postponing it?

Over the years, it has been much easier for me to hurt my own feelings to protect the feelings of others.  This approach never did work very well for anyone involved,  Eventually, the advancement of standing in my own power, strengthened and better defined who I wanted to be.

Once I began being truthful in situations with myself and others, life became easier and so did building self-esteem.  There isn't a way to avoid pain and sadness as they are a part of life just like happiness and joy.  To be honest in given moments clears the air, removes debris, and clarifies our forward movement.  This is the kind of difference I have chosen to make.

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