Friday, March 5, 2021

Necessary Stories

"Bring us the stories, woman.
Let us hold them in our hands."
Dominique Christina

In her book THIS IS WOMAN'S WORK, author Dominique Christina calls us to define our selves, identifying the many scripts we play.  She encourages us to see who our family names us, community implies identification, while schools, lovers, and spouses impose suggest other images.  The goal is to identify, choose, and integrate our authentic voices.

Who we are on the inside becomes a curiosity.  When we are no longer wearing just one hat or have discontinued the task of juggling hats,  we begin an inward journey to find parts of our selves earlier discarded or shamed.  We move through debris to make room for light to initiate new growth.

I have long loved the image of being a multi-sided crystal.  This part of me might be valid, but only in a certain set of circumstances while this other section is too personal to ever expose.  There are shards of the crystal we have long forgotten and yet might be the key to what will proceed.  Tread gently, dear one, but unleash necessary stories.


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