Monday, March 15, 2021

Dreams and Extended World

"My sleep wasn't peaceful, though.  I have the sense 
of emerging from a world of dark, haunted placed
where I traveled alone."
Suzanne Collins

Dream time is just as important to me as waking time.  It is through the creativity of dreams that a lesson becomes so obvious, one can no longer ignore it.  It is important to maintain a sense of humor rather than be startled or offended.  

Currently, I had three individual dreams that were very aligned to the reality in my life.  What was interesting, to me, the characters were scrambled, interacting in the wrong time frame.   What suddenly became apparent was the tendency to make the same choices. The appearance and surrounding changed,  but the shallowness of character remained.

It is easy to distinguish between collective dreams and my own.  If I tap into the collective, the timing is faster, the elements more harsh, and the desire to disconnect stronger.  These examples of course are in tune with my waking dreams.  My tendencies have grown to be more withdrawn and the extended world more harmful.

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