Tuesday, March 16, 2021


"Can miles truly separate you from friends?
If you want to be with someone you love,
aren't you already there?"

My friend Mary Jo left life as we know it last year.  I was aware of her birthday approaching, and then I watched it pass.  I could not find a celebration for this "sister of my heart" nor could I stop random tears.  I did manage, however, to cleanse her space in my heart where she will endlessly be loved.

There are numerous people who surprisingly enter our life.  Some of these acquaintances burrow into our consciousness staying forever while others slowly fade away.  Ironically, some of the most abbreviated exchanges can alter the course of unfolding life.  These are all reasons to respect the light of all who pass by.

A special light enters our life offering a warmth we have somehow known before.  The light shines on imperfections that are lessons to help us together grow.  Celebrations draw us close deepening the connection and joy of being physically present together.  Mary Jo and I sensed a union that had endured other life times and we deeply responded to our unspoken eternal connection.  Our lights will continue to shine brightly until we sense each other again.


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