Thursday, November 30, 2023

Bend, Do Not Break

"A bend in the road is not the end of the road ...
Unless you fail to make the turn"
Helen Keller

As change occurs, we must avoid rigidity and thoughts of clinging to what no longer serves our highest desire. Unfortunately, there is comfort in what we know, even if it is toxic. Unnecessary fear builds up resistance, preventing us from the natural flow. There needs to be a willingness to change.

Releasing attachment to what is no longer available, we can apply flexibility to what now surfaces. It is with curiosity, we greet new opportunities and relationships. When in tune with reality, we are able to shift both internally and externally. We can bend with anticipation rather than remaining stuck eliminating the sense of a broken spirit.

Physical exercise stretches our bodies and increases our ability to move fluently. Stretching our minds enhances our capabilities to stretch and grow. Positive outcome does not require physical, mental or spiritual breaking. As we re-engage with a hopeful heart, new beginnings appear and right action prevails. 


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

No Longer Waiting

"A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an
appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more."
Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Sit back and imagine what could bring joy into this ordinary day. Hold a vision in the mind's eye of what might contribute to activating personal wisdom. Expand the images of these thoughts by blending them with sensations from the heart. Foster original insights as possible opportunities to be unfolded now, rather than limited to future opportunities. 

The deeper we invest in our visions, the more creative our perspectives become. When we are precise rather than singularly lofty, our vision begins to take accurate form. Combining the mind with the heart, the visionary embellishes through the use of music, nature, and poetic inspirations. 

Once our creativity is unleashed without critical restraints, day dreams begin to take form in our ordinary lives. Future aspirations become present day occurrences. We are no longer waiting for futuristic bliss. Day time occurrences are accented by nighttime revelations and we are no longer stuck waiting for future expectations.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Light In The Darkness

  • "Hope is being able to see that there is light
    despite all of the darkness."
    Desmond Tutu

    Hope is the ability to dream into the future where we can create visions of the best yet to come. It is being able to bring light into the darkness, to kindle the inner flame no matter what presents before us.

    Hope brings fresh energy into stagnant spaces. It encourages us to begin again in spite of all odds. By following the light which hope creates, we wander out of our darkness and into the vast land of brilliant possibilities.

    From the inside of our body, we can experience the warmth of hope even when we are surrounded by chaos or despair. Our spiritual connection thrives on hope activating our desire to unfold and heighten our earthly presence.

Monday, November 27, 2023

The Pace of Life

"Being still does not mean don't move.
It means move in peace."
E'yen A. Gardner

Discarding the emotional debris of Thanksgiving, we begin to feel the pull of the forth coming holidays. As calendars become heavily scheduled and tasks of preparation increase, there is very little time for the self. It is ironic that this is when we most need nurturing, and yet what little time there is shrinks increasingly.

Intentionally anchoring our hearts in stillness, we are less less likely to become disoriented. At a slower pace, we can catch glimpses of things we value. Our inner self stirs when we engage with heart felt conversations or soak up the beauty surrounding us. As we take pause, we can realign and then proceed with gratitude.

Our dreams, aspirations, and insights require time to heighten and unfold. If we are moving too fast, we will overlook the exact gifts we are looking for.  When driven to exhaustion, everything appears to be out of reach. We grow depressed, lacking energy to fulfill our very own desires. It is when we create peace that we can fully embrace the life before us.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Blocked Vision

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see
when you take your eyes off your goal."
Henry Ford

As we follow our paths, we cannot necessarily see far into the distance. There may be shadows, twists or turns blocking our vision. It is during this uncertainty that we can lift our eyes upwards, pulling down positive thoughts from the Divine above. As our heart fills, an inner flame increases, seemingly to light our way.

When a veil of doubt falls down upon us, it is imperative to continue to place one foot in front of the other. Even when confronted by blockages, believe that we will find creative possibilities to learn and proceed. As we continue to seek solutions, we can overcome any challenges presenting before us.

It is in remembering that the Universe wants to see us succeed and that the Divine is waiting to assist us, if we just remember our goals.  In face of the unknown, with faith, we can be amazed by new perceptions as obstacles fall away. We can open our hearts to the beauty surrounding and thrive with joy stirring within us. 


Saturday, November 25, 2023

Protecting the Flame

"We all have a beautiful light within. 
We just sometimes forget it is there."
John Holland

It is a kindness to yourself and to others to protect your inner light. Your personal flame can guide you while in darkness and lead you out into the world. Like a candle burning brightly, you can maintain brightness by aligning with personal peace. The warmth felt within is uplifting and supportive in the face of fear.

You keep your flame strong by nurturing ideas, and thoughts. You protect your light from those who do not share your inspirations and intentions by observing those who surround you. If you find that you are not thriving, it is time to go within where your light cannot be dimmed and re-evaluate. 

When overwhelmed by discord,  remember you cannot change some circumstances nor other people. You can, however, continue to rekindle your light to  illuminate truth and right passage. Focus on what is right for you while offering respect or simply walking away. Fan your flame with intentions to keep your light alive and bright.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Ask The Magician

"What the mind can conceive and believe,
and the heart desire, you can achieve."
Norman Vincent Peale

Trust in the ability to make healthy choices for the self. Identify what is needed to nurture the body, mind, and soul. Then follow through with intentions to address these needs. Be loyal to inspirations as they come into our lives laced with spiritual connection and reward.

Sitting back, viewing life as though it were a movie will not meet your needs. Living fully requires active participation based upon personal choices and design. If we do not hold our lovely selves accountable, we will find life straying towards disappointment and too often, failure.

If we choose to give as much thought to the unfolding of the day as we give to the local barista with our coffee choice, we will be on our way. Healthy possibilities surround us, just waiting to bring color, depth, and satisfaction. However, we need to ask and invite the magicians to begin.


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Gather Gratitude


"If the only prayer you said was 'thank you,' that would be enough."
Meister Eckhart

Let us stay in the moment today, not dwelling in the past nor projecting into the future. Drop down from your mind into your heart and experience all of your senses. Evaluate how much your surroundings are pushing into you from the external. Decipher what energy you are projecting outwards from your internal wealth.

Let your gaze drift upwards, releasing the pressure of any unwelcome emotional pressure. Don't listen so closely to incoming information. Simply holding space with love from the heart decreases intensity. Create a mental list of what you are thankful for especially the things we take for granted like food or housing or health.

Look at the big picture. Instead of dwelling on the present day as a still life, stretch your life into a landscape. Include background colors and hues. Visualize being a child, seeing the magic missed by adult eyes. Gather gratitude for the strength you have maintained to become the exceptional human God always intended you to be.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


"Don't bury your thoughts. Put your
vision to reality. Wake up and live!"
Bob Marley

As Thanksgiving draws near, some of us are resisting the family gathering while others are saddened by not having a family get together. Either way, emotions surface and they need to be addressed. The approach to be 'above' our feelings is harmful. Repressing how we feel contributes to dis~ease and disharmony. 

When we plan our schedules, it is helpful to build in a time-out to regroup, rebalance, and simply take in fresh air. Stepping outside helps us to remember that those who surround us contribute to our life, but it really is Diving Spirit who holds us safely in sacred space. Do not allow other people the power to determine who we truly are. 

Breathe in deeply, bringing in fresh perspective while breathing out critical thoughts based in fear. Bring to mind what we are truly thankful for and what really needs to go. When we hold positive thoughts in our minds, we grow light hearted. We are then better prepared to face the strains of the day.


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Application of Joy and Wonderment


"The more you know who you are, and what you want,
the less you let things upset you."
Stephanie Perkins

If we are able to bring our soul self and our human self in balance, our passage through time becomes fluent. Our perspectives are elevated with acceptance and speculation. It is being able to be creative throughout the day, connecting messages as they appear. Rather than filtering everything through our mind, we share insight from the heart.

When we quietly sit with our thoughts, puzzling out meanings point us in the right direction. Replacing the role of victim with that of a creative engineer, we begin to think outside of the box. Long term patterns become altered as we focus on adventure and discovery. We are held captive by old thinking, so application of joy and wonderment paints new pictures.

Exploration of our true nature brings calm and purpose to daily living. As we realign routines, replacing rigidity with possibilities, the pieces to our puzzle slide together without force or desperation. With new eyes, connection is heightened with the self as well as with others and life purpose becomes more attainable.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Recalibrating With Light and Energy

"Don't try to comprehend with your mind. Your minds
are very limited. Use your intuition."
Madeleine L'Engle

Facing Thanksgiving, stress can take on many forms. It can be felt as a pounding headache, churning belly or paralyzing fear. Feeling powerless masks your ability to take action with personal healing. Palm to palm, gently hold your hands sensing a warm light or pulsing energy being transmitted.

You are made of energy being perfectly capable of calming your own soul. Where is pain lodged in your body? Use your intuition to track it down. Place your warm hands on various parts of your body and feel pulsing energy. Gently pause as you begin to feel tension or anxiety or stress beginning to fade away.

Experience a warm light entering the top of your head. You will begin to feel a liquid warmth spreading down throughout your body. Let the light be so radiant that it extends outside of  your body, creating a healing shield. Within. you have a powerful energy perfectly capable of recalibrating your body, mind, and soul.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Pain Activated

"Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all 
living things, man will not himself find peace."
Albert Schweitzer

Families will be drawing together for Thanksgiving celebrations. As they draw near, old memories begin to surface uncovering unhealed parts of the self. Even if we have moved on, crossing barriers on our own accord, pain may still be activated within our hearts. It can be generated by loss, abuse, judgment or inability to change.

Knowing that we cannot change others nor alter the past, we can bring our dark shadows to the light. Without criticism, we can honor how we feel without the need to gain anyone's approval. Often, we cannot help how we feel, but we certainly can wisely choose how we react, especially if we move forward with peace.

Whether gathering with friends or family, let love fill the body, mind, and soul. Simply be present without feeling the need to comment. Do not stress about appropriate responses, as all one needs to do is maintain eye contact with a gentle smile. If we cannot generate peace in our own space, how in the world will be stimulate world peace!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Pivotal for Ascension

"Time and space is not a place you go to be taught,
as much as it is a place you go to teach."
The Universe

Life on earth is filled with discord as it promotes change which needs to be understood. It is helpful to view the dedication to self unfolding as a necessity to fulfillment. When we shift focus from personal gain to achievement for the greater good, determination to be the best version of self follows.

When faced with darkness, we can choose to hide in the shadows or remember the power of our inner light. While facing barriers, we can adapt visions of hope rather than seeing failure. Keeping eyes on the goal of helping others through our own challenges, we readily step through fear.

We are spiritual beings experiencing human reality with the intention of heightening growth physically, emotionally and spiritually. As we remember our connection with the Divine, support the self by nurturing the soul, and persevere, we are creating for the greater good. Every role is pivotal for the ascension personally, collectively and globally. 


Friday, November 17, 2023

When Love Approaches

"The light of love is always in us, no matter how cold
the flame. It is always present, waiting for the spark to ignite,
waiting for the heart to awaken."
Bell Hook

Once we learn to love the 'self', it is more plausible that someone else may love us. Recognizing personal strengths becomes the fuel for allowing the heart to take a risk of letting others see us. Hiding behind our fears, prevents the flow of authentic exchange which could be the basis for a love relationship.

Allowing ourselves to open freely, the opportunity for a loved one to communicate increases. The more we can connect, the stronger the bonds of intimacy. Acknowledging our own flaws and speaking honestly about them, builds bridges that otherwise could be destroyed. The truth as a foundation will endure conflict on a greater scale.

With trust, we are capable of finding middle ground rather than fault. When we endeavor to understand, judgment decreases. Individual healing tools move us closer together increasing ability to lower our guard and lean in. Become flexible in the art of strengthening bonds that will hold loved ones together.


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Opening Hearts and Hands

"As you grow older, you will discover that you have
two hands ... one for helping yourself, 
the other for helping others."
Audrey Hepburn

Hands are a tool for extending the self whether holding them in prayer or extending light out towards others. Our actions are muted by our past traumas and unidentified issues. Our personal fears may limit our ability to give which alters deep connections. Ironic in that we all have deep seated needs to be touched by human hands.

All relationships are in need of harmony on some level. In order to develop an atmosphere to thrive, ego must not impede our natural response of kindness. The compulsion to control must be released so that individual growth can unfold. Partnerships are enhanced as we open our hearts to understanding the goals and pathways chosen by others.

We will prosper when we utilize one hand to work on our own issues and extend the other with compassion for those whom we are engaged. Connections are enhanced when we accept our own mistakes and apologize with the intention to do better. By releasing past issues, our hands become free to love each other.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Feeding Cravings

"I am repeatedly struck by how long we linger 
in places that leave us starved."
Mitch Davidowitz 

It is when our needs go unmet that we begin to take ownership of the lack of investment from others. We falsely assume that others are not investing in us because we are lacking. Somehow we come to  believe there must be things to be accomplished or provided in order to receive the affection, acceptance, and security we crave.

When we do not feel supported in a relationship, it is imperative to understand the quality of the connection. If we use our energy to disengage and seek new options, rather than investing in what no longer works, life begins to flow once again. Including inspirational resources as we shift, helps to restore a sense of self-worth.

When we trust and have faith in our own abilities, the temptation to remain in negative or stagnant unions lessens. Believing once again that we are lovable and equipped with quality gifts, power returns and adventures begin. No longer will we settle for those who can never meet our needs while believing the best is yet to come.


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Moving Forward Together

"Compassion becomes real when we 
recognize our shared humanity."
Pema Chodron

We distance ourselves when we judge others by pulling up barriers. The separation increases discord creating a greater sense of separation. When we allow ourselves to view others as equal humans facing challenges without feeling as though they are a personal threat, we can strengthen relationships.

When we trust that we are in the right place, we begin to understand the need to be present for others without feeling pressure to rescue or solve his or her dilemma. Even if mishaps are being projected onto us, we can simply observe without action. If we impose our opinions on others, we are just enabling them to avoid their lesson.

It is when we become curious as to what we can learn from the presenting situation of others, we can create a greater sense of kinship. We are all traveling on this earth with the option of togetherness rather than competitiveness. As we move forward side by side, positive energy streams brightly upon our paths. 


Monday, November 13, 2023

Intuitive Messaging

"Sharpening intuition is like tuning a radio to the 
clearest frequency, revealing the wisdom that
has always been within you."
Reiki Scoop

Our physical bodies resonate with universal energy in attempts to get our attention. Whether the energy is held captive in a holding pattern or ramped up with excitement, we have the ability to unlock it or direct it towards prosperous outcome. Intuition rides on the currents of vibrations, waiting for us to recognize and utilize wisdom.

Divine Spirit consistently offers insight through both our conscious and  subconscious mind. Information can be transmitted from ancestors, historians, or other worldly transmissions. Whether we are reading, communicating, or simply listening, messages abound. Enhancement depends upon our ability to listen, respect, and apply.

When insights make themselves present, there is a need to pay attention. Remain open even when there are feelings of doubt. If we do not understand the prompting, time is required to sort out intended application. Search within inner landscapes to decipher true meaning. When messages are unclear, engage in meditation, prayer or nature for further clarification. 


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Altered Images

"It's my mental trick - I create these reminders as a 
way to summon the old love again."
Thao Thai

A loved one stands before you, filled with antics he or she has never displayed before. Who is this person and how can you reconcile this foreign behavior? You do not want to judge, as this person has been instrumental in your life, so you fall back into old memories. Instead of viewing this person where they are now, you pull up images of how they were before.

Whether a child, lover, mentor or elder, you feel resistant to this change in personality and shifting behavior. In your inability to accept the present moment, vision becomes intwined with avoidance and denial. The insecurity triggered by the situation,  may cause you to become despondent and absent.

It is with compassion that you learn to embrace others wherever they happen to be. This is true for yourself as well.  Life purpose calls you to stretch and to grow facilitating constant  change. Your ability to simply be present removes any need to retreat into passages that need to remain closed. Sometimes, you need to just let go.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Human Decency

"The tragedy of war is that it uses man's best
to do man's worst."
Henry Fosdick

There is sorrow in my heart for all of the soldiers who survived or were sacrificed in the act of war. I shall honor them for the courage of their service and pray for their mental health to become stabilized as they re-enter civilian life.  There are no words to address the  physical damages that impact the body, mind, and soul.

Soldiers who served in any capacity with the military aught to receive abundant support. Efforts for peace need to be directed to our government for change. As long as there is profit in war, those in power will be resistant to change. Whatever happened to 'for the people, by the people'?

I mourn the loss of those who died in battle, committed suicide or suffered from emotional dysfunctions. I admire those who have persevered to leave the past destruction behind them while making current efforts towards peace. When peace is rekindled through acts of human decency, barbaric wars will cease and our best will no longer pay the price of greedy men. 


Friday, November 10, 2023

Beauty of Pause

"My brain gets stuck on what to do next ...
Some people make it look so easy."
Julia Brake

Discord is a constant in life, triggering change. And movement is required in order to evolve into a deeper life purpose. Other than giving up on ourselves, comparison can be highly detrimental. Just as we put on our happy faces to appear out in the world, others are also hiding their pain and suffering. 

If we categorize someone as having it 'easy', we are not recognizing his or her past laced with challenge and sacrifice. A more apt perception might be their ability to learn in spite of chaos. Perhaps a recall of past struggles and enduring uncertainty, encourages a person to lean on strengths to continue in spite of all odds.

Too often, we forget the beauty of pause. Rather than jumping into the unknown or caving in  to desperate measures, we can choose to give ourselves a time out until a more positive solution appears. Securing a reasonable time for reflection. calm returns to our mind, breathing becomes balanced, and pathways gently open divine guidance.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Beneath The Chaos

"No matter how confusing life can be, beneath the chaos
there's always divine order, meaning, and love."
Mike Dooley

Wherever we place our thoughts is where our energy grows ranging from joy to fear. When we are aware, we experience shifts as our mind lands on chaos in the news or the sound of nature. So where we linger perpetuates how we feel. The choice is ours to make and there is a need to choose wisely.

There is no need to stick our heads in the sand, as there is a necessity to connect with reality. However, getting caught up in drama does not help any situation. If we experience the sensations of fear, we can turn to prayer, meditation, or journaling. There is no need to repress our feelings as we can readily make choices for alignment. 

If we orchestrate our day beginning with grounding, we bring a sense of control into play. We are less likely to be knocked off balance when challenge comes our way. Maintaining the belief that there is always a greater plan, a lesson to be learned, and resolution near by, balance, love, and hopefully peace will be restored.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Courage To Follow The Road

"Your passion is waiting for your courage to catch up."
Isabelle Lafleche

There is a crevasse within each of us where dreams are held waiting to be fulfilled. Once we had fire in our belly to bring our ambitions to light, but criticisms from others or stress related routines diminished our desires. When we rekindle our passion, our perspective on life is enhanced and energy increases.

When we reconnect with our repressed or forgotten visions, courage escorts us back down pathways where passion motivates. Intuition guides us in spite of past disillusions, failures, and preconceived judgments. Once again we are beckoned to step outside of our shadow selves and giving life to new found joy.

As our inner fire ignites, we find ways to integrate our desires with established routines. We are encouraged to make room for what is important to stimulating our aspirations. We hold ourselves accountable for turning regrets into exciting new beginnings. We value courage to dream as being more important than skills and performance. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Choose Love

"What would love do?"
Neale Donald Walsch

Wounded people hurt us and an automatic reaction often times is anger. When we remember, however, that anger is a secondary emotion, we can uncover the original feeling just prior to the anger.  It is this first emotional reaction that is unbearable, propelling us forward into anger. We lash out rather than choosing to expose our innermost feelings with love.

When we lash out in pain, we extend the distance between healing and resolve. We push down our suffering which then festers and increases intensity. The original issue at hand may get buried beneath newly existing judgment. Perhaps even competition enters the battling arena losing focus on what was initially at hand.

If we hold love as our center, we can find words to reflect torment. Speaking our truth of how we have been blind sided or emotionally impacted will keep communication flowing. It may not change the outcome, but the sense of self will remain true. Love does not hate, injure or sacrifice others. Hateful reactions pull us out of our loving center.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Know Thy Self

"How could I ever be lonely when I am with my own best self?"
Anoir Ou-Chad

Turning within, exploring personal strengths and authentic gifts does not turn us into self-absorbed people. As we invest in our lovely selves, inner happiness and confidence soars rippling out into the surrounding environment. When we honor our true nature, our light is fueled and we attract significant enhancement into our life.

We must know ourselves first in order to attract supporting knowledge, events, and actions. As we grow aware of our individualistic qualities, the strength to be whole occurs. We are  less likely to view life through the eyes of a victim when we are filled with a greater sense of power and freedom.

Within a heart-based life, we thrive on connectivity with the earth, living beings, and spiritual wisdom. Being guided by our true nature, we face discord and challenge accepting it is providing us with lessons. When personal endurance, success, and gifts are recognized, we can proudly celebrate who we are and what we have to offer out into the world.


Sunday, November 5, 2023

Fellow Travelers

"I have found that if you love life,
life will love you back."
Arthur Rubinstein 

Life challenges us to live from a place of love which is formatted by remaining aligned with our energies and dreams. Unpacking our emotional baggage assists in eliminating unnecessary boundaries and irregular rhythms within our intended flow.  Self-care and nurturing are ingredients to shore up our mental and emotional health producing love.

If we can sustain love within us, enough will gather to overflow into our surrounding environments. Our essence of love can impact those who surround us and it can be extended out into the world. Love not only lifts our spirits, but assists in keeping us healthy, active, and contributing to peace.

A sense of freedom develops and wisdom begins to surface. Compassion replaces judgment and acceptance dismisses the need for division. With increased harmony, love flows through all aspects of living, allowing us to maintain a higher lens of clarity. We begin to see each other as fellow travelers following the light of love. 


Saturday, November 4, 2023

Bravery Appears

"When we allow our bravery to appear, it's interesting
how we create a shift and a ripple."
Lee Harris

There are times, whether at work or in a circle of friends, we feel a tickle urging us to speak up. Too often, we swallow this feeling in an effort to avoid confrontation. What if, however, we coated our words with compassion and spoke with kindness? Maybe we unknowingly would be bringing insight or comfort to others who happen to be listening.

When we override the misconception that our thoughts are lesser than someone else's, we may experience an influx of confidence. There is an equal chance of benefit for the self as well as for others. It is when we remember that we are often a messenger for the betterment of family, friends, or community, we freely speak our truth.

When we are courageous with our voice and actions, we experience a shift in energy. Our bravery increases as we begin to navigate conversations with authentic insights and responses. If we allow our inner energies to flow into the outer world rather than being repressed, we learn from ourselves as well as others.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Darkness To Paradise

"I was in darkness, but I took three steps and found
myself in paradise. The first step was good thought;
the second, a good word; and the third a good deed."
Friedrich Nietzsche

Just for today, let us choose to focus on Spirit wanting to provide us with creative expression, fertile opportunities, and synchronistic engagement. If we choose to welcome light to shine in our dark spaces, we will begin to experience thought from differing vantage points. Energy begins to flow, stirring up new possibilities.

Shifting our focus, we begin to recognize and honor peoples efforts and intentions.. We can offer support or praise increasing the links between us, strengthening the collective energies. The sense of connection increases for all involved which enhances power for creativity, decision making, and positive outcome. 

A group effort can impact numerous lives. As everyone contributes personal strengths, good deeds become prolific. When we change our thoughts, speak kindly to others, and extend kind gestures, the world becomes a peaceful place. The point of being all that we were intended to be and using it for the good of all, is the transition from darkness into the light. 


Thursday, November 2, 2023

A Scream In The Woods

"It took me quite a long time to develop a voice,
and now that I have it, I am not going 
to be silent."
Madeleine Albright

Once again I have allowed my lovely self to feel powerless. In the desire to be accepted, I have silenced myself, hiding all of the beautiful parts I have diligently strived to unearth. The eagerness to please, the extension to share light energy, and the desire to be needed have once again created an identity of victimhood.

When I do not allow myself to stand in my own power, feelings of anxiety erupt. I begin to see life as happening to me rather than creating the life I long to live. I allow others to have power over me which pushes me into a downward spiral. It is then that I run to the woods, to the trees that know me best, and I scream.

As my voice echoes throughout the woods, vibrations are stirred within me. Once again, I become determined to return to being me.  I give myself permission to speak out, disagree, and ask questions burning in my soul. I can feel my power returning and I cannot wait to get back to being fully me!

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Out of Focus

"When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service
of my vision, then it becomes less and less important
whether I am afraid."
Audre Lorde

When we are able to flow freely, peace and calm can be experienced.  However, one must secure a concept of desired outcome. When we have a loosely defined destination, our progress will be appropriately defined. If our vision is out of focus, unnecessary delays may occur wasting both our time and efforts.

Avoid limitations, and allow the heart and mind to softly project a pathway for personal aspirations. Gently align creative insight with exploration as to how life would be best lived. Determine how our skill set can become the core of propositions. Where will our strengths enhance personal life expectations?

While navigating with our core skills, we may experience doubt and insecurity. In close relationships, we  may face discord.  Disruptions can prompt us to look within to discover where we need to strengthen our own connection to our vision. Improving communication with the self and others, creates a stronger sense of security and increased power.