Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Application of Joy and Wonderment


"The more you know who you are, and what you want,
the less you let things upset you."
Stephanie Perkins

If we are able to bring our soul self and our human self in balance, our passage through time becomes fluent. Our perspectives are elevated with acceptance and speculation. It is being able to be creative throughout the day, connecting messages as they appear. Rather than filtering everything through our mind, we share insight from the heart.

When we quietly sit with our thoughts, puzzling out meanings point us in the right direction. Replacing the role of victim with that of a creative engineer, we begin to think outside of the box. Long term patterns become altered as we focus on adventure and discovery. We are held captive by old thinking, so application of joy and wonderment paints new pictures.

Exploration of our true nature brings calm and purpose to daily living. As we realign routines, replacing rigidity with possibilities, the pieces to our puzzle slide together without force or desperation. With new eyes, connection is heightened with the self as well as with others and life purpose becomes more attainable.

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