Friday, April 30, 2021

Turning into Nightmares

"Often we go through life rundown, but the body's 
natural state is one of energy, clarity, and balance."
Daily Om

Exhaustion, pushing our selves to the limit and expecting more describes a certain life style.  For some, there is never enough and therefore, no time to stop.  Whether we are meeting the needs of others or pushing for unreachable perfection, we continue moving until our physical bodies crash.

Dis-ease often erupts to allow our body a chance to rest.  If we won't offer self-care,  a reaction arises in our system. Anxiety, heartburn, indigestion, irregular bowels, and even to the extent of breaking our arm or leg.  The body is screaming for us to stop.

When our body, spirit, and mind are not aligned, we are not balanced.  If we do not face our challenges with clarity,  our worst fears begin to enter our dreams, turning into fearsome nightmares.  It is ironic ... if we take time to replenish, we will do greater work than continuing non-stop.  The best of our lovely selves shine when it is polished and cared for.  Restore energy, balance parts of life, and begin to see with clarity.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Impacting Outcome


and thoughts that create experiences."
Louise Hay

If we cling to negative projections, we will more than likely have exactly that ... limitations. If we open our arms to welcome what comes our way, without expectation, it is more likely that a positive experience will unfold.  Our personal energy, whether negative or positive, impacts and adjusts outcome.

When we are fear based, we are not grounded or balanced, making it easy to spiral downwards.  Our bodies listen to everything we say.  From one point, we can constantly repeat that we are getting sick, and get sick.  On the other hand, our body tries to alert us when we are impaired, and if we ignore it pushing forward, we can deepen the illness. Fear shuts us down, limits us.  

Opening to life with positive mindsets, we can heighten our experiences. We feel better, think more positively, and witness insightful situations.  We avoid the whiplash of being yanked from positive to negative by daily grounding our bodies, minds, and spirits.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021


"They can simply be teaching moments, 
experiences that put us on a journey of
further understanding and awareness."
Rosie Molinary

Extraordinaire delight and excruciating pain have a beginning and an end.  Neither are meant to last a lifetime.  The tighter we hold on or the mightier we resist, we miss the opportunity to shift our direction. By clasping too tightly to a positive or negative experience, we become stuck.

We can day dream, visualize and pray for certain events, and in doing so, we may lose the lesson at hand.  The repetitive cycles of life return the same lessons, disguised differently, until we finally pay attention and understand.  This of course, may take years ... or life times.

Our life is a scrapbook of collected incidents and how we reacted.  It reflects how much we understood and to what end did we made application.  Our scrapbook can reflect numerous individuals entering and exiting our lives, leaving wisdom.  The final pages will reflect how we applied this wisdom to ourselves and to the world.


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Check and Balance

"When we weigh our decisions using the combination of
heart, mind, and spirit, the result with be wisdom."
Daily Om

We are faced with making decisions throughout life.  It was easier deciding between a banana or cherry popsicle than a condo or home.   When the impact of impulsive choices become lingering, we begin to consider a 'check and balance' system to guide us more appropriately.

Marriage, parenting, and careers all make demands upon us to choose best actions for healthiest results. The pressure and anxiety weakens our ability to decide.  And remember, not making a decision at all really is a decision.

As we have been leading more solitary lives, perhaps our judgments have been honed down, but just as demanding.  The difference is the opportunity to turn inward rather than outward to gauge actions.  What does our heart want?  Is this realistic?  Can this be spirit drawing me in a new direction or helping me to focus?  These three areas offer us information that better defines tunes of our lives.


Monday, April 26, 2021

Relinquish Hatred

"Hatred was an addictive emotion, and
it thrived best with frequent injections."
Glendy Vanderah

When we are at our lowest, our ego ironically thrives, but in a negative way.  It is delighted to have gained more control over our being and continues to throw fuel upon the existing flames.  One thought about a weakness innocently encountered, and the ego is prepared to cast numerous situations from the past reflecting our errors.  Negativity piles upon us.

The accumulating darkness attracts additional heaviness which can propel us into depression.  We forget to lift our head upwards to the light above the clouds.  We sink deeper into the darkness losing faith and no longer hearing the goodness which attracts us.

This may seem dismal, but the point is being aware.  We once may have had to be constantly aware of our children, responsibilities, diet, etc... Now we must be consistently aware of our emotions to maintain a balance.  If we check in daily, we are less likely to slip into darkness. If we are conscious of the steps we take, we will be better prepared to face all emotions as they towards us.  We are strong enough to embrace and let go, relinquishing the experience of hatred.


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Abundant Love


"Go out into the world today and
love the people you meet."
Mother Teresa

Love is endless and deeply needed in our world of today. Certain personalities do not like to gather,  while other temperaments are drawn to crowds.  Monasteries offer seclusion and cities invite   interaction.  

No matter what scenario we are living in, love can be in abundance.  If we are staggering on an unfamiliar road, we can look up and see love in the moon and stars.  If we are surrounded by beauty, but our hearts abused, we can find love in meditations envisioning future love.

The good news is we can choose to be filled with love in the face of disparity. We can stay warm inside remembering that God/Universe has a plan we simply cannot see.  Whether we are harshly washed ashore, challenged by crashing waves or simply going with the flow, love is present.  In essence, we must have faith that love is there, never ending and continuously replenishing.  Choose, and a shift  of love will begin.


Saturday, April 24, 2021

Clouds Above Us

"... believe in light when we are
covered by clouds."
Mark Nepo

There are times when we awaken and our heart is already heavy without even knowing if the sun is shining or the rain is in a downpour.  Mark Nepo states: " Some days I wake with a cloud around my heart, and it dulls everything except the weight I carry deep inside."

If we but observe Nature when the sun is hidden behind clouds, we learn the trees do not wither, the flowers do not fall apart, and the grass does not stop growing.  Like Nature, we need to have faith that the sun is above the clouds, continuing to shine.

Perhaps, it is an opportunity to strengthen our faith that light never truly disappears.  We hold a flame within us, kindling it with hope of resolving our pain and creating anew. We are drawn forward, believing in positive change and fulfilling results, even if they do not live up to our expectations or possibly exceed our original desires.  It is by embracing the clouds, knowing light is never far away. 


Friday, April 23, 2021

Get Out of Your Way!

"By accepting and loving your self,
you will be willing and able to accept 
the best that life has to offer you."
Shakti Gawain

One of the best messages I have ever received, more than once, is simply 'to get out of your own way'.  It seems as though I have been my grandest boulder, hurdle, nemesis to any sense of value.  Eventually, I was able to recall certain elements of my life and gather some granules of self-appreciation; however, it is one thing to accept the self and quite another to believe some one else will as well.

As the acceptance of self expands, profound light enters and shines upon differing definitions of love.  The one that emphasizes loving without any expectations of perfection, resonates within me.  If I can love myself just as I am, releases the pressure of being perfect.  After all, it would seem I can do this with others, why not my self?

Erasing parameters of perfection, withdrawing my energy from judgment, I was propelled forward into areas of my inner life.  Once I could embrace these unexpected parts of self, I was able to turn around and shine my light back out into our world. I now thrive on my intention of blending light out to those still lingering in darkness.


Thursday, April 22, 2021


"Take time every day to sit quietly
and listen"
Jack Kornfield

If we check in with our lovely selves on a regular basis, we are less likely to become stuck.  When we push our feelings down, when we allow our disintegrating reality be hidden, we are never prepared for the challenges moving directly towards us.

If we find our lovely selves in the middle of angst and disharmony, it is simply meant to be a time to readjust, review, and speculate upon healthier scenarios.  We may feel as though things will never change, and they won't if we do not hold better visions.  

Even when we secure a time for speculation, we often do not maintain our focus.  Our minds wander off to family obligations or fear based scenarios.  Preferably, we can ask if we are where we intended to be; what we need to do to return to our personal agenda; and if we are still interested in our previous desires.  Right now, in this moment, what do we want ... sit quietly and listen.


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Shine Sweet Soul

"Let your presence light new light
in the hearts of people."
Mother Teresa 

Connection with others takes creativity during these days of interrupted schedules.  Once we may have shared a hug or a simple hello, but we are now hidden behind our masks. It is challenging to feel united.  The amazing thing, however, is the ability to use our eyes to reflect the light within our soul.

As we walk, looking down contributes to avoidance; whereas, gazing up opens an awareness of our surroundings.  Look into the eyes of others.  Start small, with children.  Sinking into the innocent eyes, we immediately feel a common source.  Catching eyes filled with anxiety can receive our own eyes of projecting kindness to uplift and calm.

Do we truly see others in our life or are we just grazing in the field?  The nod of our head offers recognition and the deliberate intention of our eyes caring.  The light we kindle in our heart shines out into the darkness of others and assists us on our own path. Shine sweet soul, shine!


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Twisted Tree

"The twisted tree lives its life,
while the straight tree 
ends up in planks."
Chinese Proverb

While riding his bike on the greenway, my grandson (4 years old) began pointing out trees to me.  I was delighted in his interest so we slowed our pace and began closer inspections of the differences in roots, trunks and branches.  "They are so different," he said in awe.   We found the gnarly trees to be intriguing.

The same is true with people.  When we begin to see them for his or her own offering, a deeper appreciation emerges.  Life does not unfold in a straight line, but curves and spirals into unexpected directions.  The process, in which we choose to face challenges in the road, is what makes our character different from others.

As people strive for authenticity, they begin to dismantle their masks and layers of protection.  Personal irregularities are seen as unique tools for adapting to rough terrain.  Some have traveled with heavy boots and camouflage and others scantily dressed and barefoot.  As we recognize the variances of experience, we hopefully develop a deeper respect for the scars we tend to hide.


Monday, April 19, 2021

A Smidgen of Judith Corvin-Blackburn's, ACTIVATING YOUR 5D FREQUENCY

"People are coming together in a very
positive and powerful way."
Judith Corvin-Blackburn

ACTIVATING YOUR 5D FREQUENCY by Judith Corvin-Blackborn helps us to understand what is happening to our world, lives, and present existence.  She discusses how fear keeps our vibrations or energy low.  When we are weakened by this loss, we become more negative and can be activated in a fearful negative way.

When we are negatively impacted by politics, media, and collective energy, we become less motivated and judgmental.  Fear thrives on lack of confidence, so we must discern the difference between  reality and false projections. If we choose to move forward with kind action, we gather in unity.

In her impactful book, Dr.Corvin-Blackburn advises us to "keep reconnecting to our essence and calming our ego."  When we can be aligned, our frequency and vibrations lift suppressing fears to enable us to continue moving forward.

***ACTIVATING YOUR 5D FREQUENCY by Judith Corvin-Blackburn helps us to understand the process during this period of shifting and ascension.  The reader relates easily to the depth of information and the uplifting support of this valuable book. I have only referred to a 'smidgen' of this author's teachings.  


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Discover Freedom

"You not only have the ability to find yourself,
you have the ability to free yourself."
Michael A. Singer

Resources are limitless when it comes to discovering the true self.  Each of us will be drawn to a support resonating the nature of the soul.  There are wise ancestors, music, painting, physical challenge,  therapists, and writing ... all tools to unravel the inner mystery.

Over the years we find endless labels such as: mother, teacher, employee, wife, confidant or provider. These are only hats we wear and simple labels to define a particular part of the self.  We discover ourselves in entirety, when we move inward, embracing all parts of the whole.

Our identity is simple.  We find an acceptance of the nothingness at our core.  Our identity is with all things created ... earth, air, water and fire.  Replicating a tree, we sink our roots deeply to experience the energy of the earth.  The breath we inhale and the breath we exhale is compounded by the element of air.   Our bodies are filled with water carrying the pulse of the ocean.  The small flame within radiates towards the fire in each soul.  Find these beautiful parts of the self and be free.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Allow Inspiration

"To find your creative flow, 
release your grasp on the outcome."

Creativity resides in each one of us, taking on various forms, abilities and depths.  It is vitally important to remember that we are not expected to be masters of perfection, but to simply explore and release what we experience.  As we embrace the idea of flowing with what we feel or see, our energy is no longer divided between passion and criticism nor controlled by ego.

Confirmation is given to us when time passes and we come across an old sketch or sheet of music.  We are surprised by the respect we have of what we previously offered.  Again, not a masterpiece, but impressive to our hearts and souls.

It is fun to have an inexpensive sketch book or journal and randomly make entries, knowing we are allowing our selves fun, expression, and experience.  No one ever needs to see it, and in time, we will be encouraged by what we find on each page.  We allow our inspiration to flow with spirit.


Friday, April 16, 2021

Get Out of the Way!

"Once you make it clear to the Universe that you are open,
information and ideas will come through."
Janet Conner

Inspiration triggers desires for creative expression whether it is for music, painting, writing or dance.  Almost immediately, ego interrupts with despairing comments about abilities or age.  If we listen, our creative aspirations fade.  When we are smart enough to squash ego, we begin to hear steps to lead us towards engagement.

Each of us house an ability to create.  This does not mean we will necessarily excel and become famous. It does mean we need to pursue our talent as eloquently as we can.  Perhaps, we will never do more than scribble primitive designs or basic patterns, but the gift is in the joy of activating this particular space.

Whether we gather beads, fabric or sheets of music, go for it!  Simply ignore self-judgment and criticism from others.  If needed, keep the creative venture private. The Universe provides us with resources, if we but pay attention.  Come on, step aside.  Get out of the way!


Thursday, April 15, 2021

Love Being the Language

"The truth of who you are does not come and go.
It is present before birth, throughout a lifetime, and after death."

THE DIAMOND IN YOUR POCKET,  written by Gangaji, is a mind opening revelation.  Previously, my readings were assisting me to identify my wants, my needs, and my desires.  In this book by Gangaji, the words lead us into an understanding of ourselves other than physical.

As we age, we let go of attachments that prevent us from understanding the whole being.  Our views are less distorted by limiting beliefs or concepts.  The more time we spend in nature or meditation, we begin to develop a stronger self of identity.

As we understand the intention of our lessons, we are more aligned to our unfolding.  Our identity aligns with the theory of all being one.  I am one with spirit.  I am one with nature.  I am one with all things, places, and spirits. When we embrace this, we begin to live in oneness with love being our language.


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Hold Fast

"If you do what you have always done,
you will get what you have always gotten."
Denise Linn

It is my understanding there are those who welcome and  embrace change.  They invite the alteration in schedule and thrive on the challenge of new.  I am not one of those people.  I have moved through remarkable change throughout my life, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but movement occurred only after extreme pressure.

To navigate around stagnant life styles, relationships or careers, one must create a different way of progressing.  The movement forward often seems like a negative omen, but with courage we arrive on the other side finding a higher level of existence.

It is not as though we must sacrifice all things, replacing every object or thought.  If one thinks about it, he or she can make a list of things continued to be held dear.  I will hold fast to the comfort of nature; to the sacredness of lighting a candle; to the connectedness with visions or dreams; and to the gentle touch of kindness felt within.  


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

I Shall Be Deliberate

"It's about freeing yourself from the past, enjoying the present,
and deliberately creating your future."
Mike Dooley

It has happened again.  My confidence has collapsed and my ego is doing a happy dance in my head.  It takes great reduction in my fear to be able to reach out and simply say, "Help!"  In this last year of isolation, I have been so far from kindred spirits, useless emotion eroded my sense of self.

It makes a difference, and not necessarily a good one, to not see ourselves reflected in the relationships of trusted friends.  We begin to forget who we are or the energy needed to create has been wasted on criticism and judgment.  We need to hear "I love you," from our loved ones.

I begin the steps to release childhood shadows and adult eruptions, chasing fear far from my consciousness.  I dust off my mantras of 'I AM ENOUGH" (Nick Ortner) and recirculate my energy to start pumping love back into my heart.  Now I am able to creatively splash my hopes and  dreams upon the blank sheets before me. I shall be deliberate!


Monday, April 12, 2021

Just In This Moment

"Where you might falter is in trying to insist on giving
to someone who is not interested in receiving or failing
to remember to take care of yourself."
Dominique Christina

We would never cast a flower bulb into a hole and then leave it unattended for the remainder of the season.  We would make certain that it received needed sun or shade, and regular moisture.  We would check for bugs or any other needed protection.

When my daughter was a toddler, she would go to church with her little purse, matching shoes, gloves and a hat.  Even her panties had ruffles under her smocked dresses.  During the sermon, I would glance down at my self and notice the dirt marks on my slacks and the snags in my sweater, wishing I had taken time to do my hair.

As women, our first thoughts go to the nurturing of our partner or family or house prior to meeting any personal needs.  Perhaps we hover too long over our school children, neglect to let go of our college kids, or invasively apply love to a relationship long gone cold.  Look at your lovely self, woman!  What do you need?  Just in this moment, begin your practice of self-love, please.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Face Exposure


"We basically protect our sensitive, vulnerable
feelings by erecting a tough outer shell."
Shakti Gawain

It is vitally important for a person, whether male or female, to be able to gently glide from the masculine side to the feminine side, depending upon what a situation calls for.  Each individual will navigate through life less scarred if they can create a level of protection, but not a thick barrier deflecting all options advancing us.

When we stay awake in the moment, remain connected to our intuition, we can call forth what tools are needed.  If we do not anticipate assault at every corner, we can relax into situations deepening our experiences.  When a shift occurs, we can shift with it.  We can be flexible rather than rigid.

If it looks like rain, carry an umbrella rather than wearing a heavy raincoat.  Life does not necessarily intend for us to be overly protected. Growth expands by facing exposure  Besides, a few raindrops can be very cleansing

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Inner Balance Assists Choices


"Spiritual intent:  how to stay open to what 
others feel and not to what they think."
Mark Nepo

Supposedly, we know our selves better than anyone, and yet what others think of us can leave us needing repair.  Isolation is not the answer as it is important to understand what others are feeling.  It is through relationship we grow.  

To be human, we want to be liked, desired, and to be heard, but these influences aught not overplay our inner voice.  We can be led astray by allowing it to happen.  We can fade from our principles if we make poor choices.  When we understand the part we play, to be accountable, the outlook becomes brighter.

We can hear truth being stated, but is it our truth?  We can watch a scenario play out, but do we want to take an active role?  If we are balanced in the moment, we can hear the inner voice to temper what we hear and what we choose.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Heart and Mind, Jack Hanna

"You have to touch the heart
to teach the mind."
Jack Hanna

Jack Hanna has been a wildly acclaimed zoo keeper for numerous years.  He appeared on many television shows, but was worldly recognized as a link between humans and animals.  In his outgoing personality, he displayed and spoke about animals in a way that encouraged friendship and love.  His family has just now disclosed his entry into early stages of dementia.

Jack Hanna believed "You have to touch the heart to teach the mind."  He demonstrated this by introducing animals to celebrities, building a bridge between the two.  Once in place, he would then share information about this particular animal.

Jack Hanna's approach of touching the heart and then sharing information has been used over the years. When we are approached by a new way of doing things, we often have our 'dander' up, preparing our defenses.  Our attention is upon thickening our boundaries, not hearing half of what is being said.  If we begin, however, with an open heart, truly listening to what is being said, we can calmly agree or disagree in a grounded response.

***With prayers for Jack Hanna and his family.


Thursday, April 8, 2021

Not A Day Later


"How often were you aware, while it happened, 
that you were living an hour that would change
the course of your life forever?"
Robert Galbraith

Reality appears blatant when we recall a scene that was an indicator of life about to change.  Some how we glanced over what was before us, never feeling the depth or importance of what was unfolding. It would seem as though our minds took a snapshot of an incident, and held it in a freeze frame.

We may find ourselves cherishing the moment or it may cause us to ponder how naïveté we had been.  The clues were all before us, painting a message for all to see.  Were we simply not paying attention or were our minds altering what was before us?  We tend to protect ourselves from overwhelm by avoidance.

There are situations where a person may think they are called in to be promoted, when actually the meeting is for a dismissal.  A person may hear a lover predicting a change, and think commitment when the result is an ending. If we desire to live in reality, we must pay attention to every passing moment. We need to process what is before us, now, not a day later.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Align Thoughts

"Even though the sainted ones from almost every spiritual tradition
teach that the divine is within and the kingdom at hand, our language
still clings to the ancient idea of the divine and kingdom are up there."
Janet Conner

The book, WRITING DOWN YOUR SOUL by Janet Conner reviews old thoughts with the effort to align them with our current thinking.  This author does not preach, teach, nor discern what it is we are to believe, but she assists in updating our data.

I no longer hold the theory that heaven is somehow suspended up above nor do I believe hell is a destination below us. God  resides within us, not just above.  The church is a man made building, whereas, the sacred space where I pray is not physical.

The act of writing down our current beliefs, assists us in making them actively integrated with our daily life.  Depending upon  how aware we are, the integration can be present in each moment of our day.  WRITING DOWN YOUR SOUL stimulates multiple levels of our belief system.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Creating Harmony

"Dance is the hidden language of the soul."
Martha Graham

 It is in our best interest to be able to balance between our two sides, using the masculine or the feminine as particular issues arise.  This movement between the physical and emotional enables to react with choice rather than impulse, creating harmony.

To survive life, I chose to develop my masculine side, the projection of strength which hid my frightened feminine side.  It was good to be strong and driven which enabled me to be driven in my work and sense of placement.  Unfortunately, my feminine side was not equally addressed.

There came a day when I was tapped on my shoulder with expectations of moving fluently in an integrated emotional way.  I was awkward and clumsy, but the soul kept speaking to me, welcoming me to flow.  The hidden language of the soul teaches us to dance ... coordinating appropriate movement between the left and the right ... for life to be just so.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Making Amends


"This is known as making amends, a simply yet enormous
act of integrity that restores trust."
Mark Nepo

If we remain awake, we can catch the first nudge of change.  We can see things shifting and choose to begin to move as well.  Interruption ensues when either we do not acknowledge a bulge in the easement nor do we make allowances for differences.

I'd like to think of my self as having integrity, to be flexible to bend even just a little whether the need is my own or someone else's.  As we listen, adhering to inconsistencies, we can question whether we are out of sync or is it one other.  

If we have integrity, we can bow to another, no matter who was right or wrong, and make amends.  This doesn't mean we are in agreement or we will continue to stand in place; however, it does mean that we offer the other person space to be who he or she chooses to be.  When we authentically reflect integrity, it is easier for others to trust us and for us to trust in the self.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Creating Another Beginning

"Spring adds new life and new joy to all that is."
Jessica Harrelson 

The word light has been a constant in my life continuously expanding and contracting. The shape of light can be as small as a wick in a candle or as broad as the light of Christ.  Through my love for nature, I have experienced the variances of air, fire, water and earth, just as I have through my love of Christ.

My concept of light has grown to embrace all of the Universe whether we call it God or Spirit.  Light is in each person and every object.  On Easter, we gather to celebrate new life which is congruent with the new beginnings of spring.

It is my wish that within each of us, new little sprouts of thought are budding.  As our heart hears whispers, I hope we can sense variances of color,  and imagine individual fragrances.  May we grow gardens within for desperately needed quiet times. Perhaps we can experience all of nature as one, creating another beginning.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Human or Spiritual


"We may be spiritual beings having a human experience, 
but doesn't that make us both spiritual and human?"

Mike Dooley is quirky, funny, and up lifting.  He walks his talk and the reader has to run to keep his pace. Hysterically funny, he brightens the harshness of life and combines concepts of spiritual beings having  physical experiences.

Mike Dooley reflects upon the theory of physical self needing to engage with the outer world to learn about spiritual aspects.  Through action, we learn ancient myths, historical sagas, and information about our ancestors. There is the spiritual theory of our true inner self awakening into the human experience.  Either theory supplies the notations of lessons, learning, and challenges.

To heighten the experience on this earth, whether we define our selves as human or spiritual, action is required to attain a deep learning of reverence, wisdom, and respect.  Change is required to alter what is not working or to heighten what will.  By bringing balance into our perceptions, we begin to see deeper and broader possibilities of life, whether human or spiritual.

Friday, April 2, 2021


"Remember that wherever your heart is,
there you will find your treasure."

Instructed to envision my heart, I closed my eyes and saw an image appearing to be formed with tiny pieces of mosaic tile.  Ah, my broken heart pasted back together many times over.  Next, we were to examine what we saw inside of our heart, dividing it into three layers.

The top layer was filled with radiant rainbow colors displaying instant memories  of special moments with deeply loved people.  It was buoyant and joyful. The second layer was night time, dark with sparkling stars shining in the moon light.  Each reflection capture a relationship that had touched my heart. The darkness hovered, covering all of the nasty parts.  The bottom layer was infinitely small, centered in the tip of the heart, gently cradling my self, alone.

For years,  I had doused others individually or collectively with love, energy and light.  I was childlike feeling ecstatic sending beams anonymously from my soul.  As I gave, more returned, and so I extended indulgently. This was my joy. And yet, there I was in the tip of my heart ... all love being projected.

Like many experiences, this visualization did not turn out the way I had anticipated. 


Thursday, April 1, 2021

Fool: One Who Is Deficient In Understanding

"Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me."
Anthony Weldon, 1651

Two business men walked out of their professional office.  There on the sidewalk was what appeared to be a homeless woman.  The first man stopped and placed a few bills upon her hand. "What are you doing? You think she'll go buy milk with that?" said the second man.  The giving man quietly replied,"What she does with that money is on her. My obligation is to offer opportunity."

A handicapped man was helped across the street by a stranger.  On the other side, someone whispered to the stranger, "He is not disabled you know!"  The person who assisted laughed saying, "Oh, I just do that to offer kindness out into the world.  I hope to set an example to pass it forward!"

Our intention is the key ... are we extending gifts to bring joy into our own existence or to create joy out into the world?  Perhaps, it is a bit of both, as we are so limited in impacting our chaotic world.  Giving a random dandelion might be a heartwarming gesture ... observing a smile spread across the unsuspecting face, followed by laughter, and freedom to feel like a child.  I am no fool, I understand my joy.