Wednesday, April 28, 2021


"They can simply be teaching moments, 
experiences that put us on a journey of
further understanding and awareness."
Rosie Molinary

Extraordinaire delight and excruciating pain have a beginning and an end.  Neither are meant to last a lifetime.  The tighter we hold on or the mightier we resist, we miss the opportunity to shift our direction. By clasping too tightly to a positive or negative experience, we become stuck.

We can day dream, visualize and pray for certain events, and in doing so, we may lose the lesson at hand.  The repetitive cycles of life return the same lessons, disguised differently, until we finally pay attention and understand.  This of course, may take years ... or life times.

Our life is a scrapbook of collected incidents and how we reacted.  It reflects how much we understood and to what end did we made application.  Our scrapbook can reflect numerous individuals entering and exiting our lives, leaving wisdom.  The final pages will reflect how we applied this wisdom to ourselves and to the world.


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