Monday, April 12, 2021

Just In This Moment

"Where you might falter is in trying to insist on giving
to someone who is not interested in receiving or failing
to remember to take care of yourself."
Dominique Christina

We would never cast a flower bulb into a hole and then leave it unattended for the remainder of the season.  We would make certain that it received needed sun or shade, and regular moisture.  We would check for bugs or any other needed protection.

When my daughter was a toddler, she would go to church with her little purse, matching shoes, gloves and a hat.  Even her panties had ruffles under her smocked dresses.  During the sermon, I would glance down at my self and notice the dirt marks on my slacks and the snags in my sweater, wishing I had taken time to do my hair.

As women, our first thoughts go to the nurturing of our partner or family or house prior to meeting any personal needs.  Perhaps we hover too long over our school children, neglect to let go of our college kids, or invasively apply love to a relationship long gone cold.  Look at your lovely self, woman!  What do you need?  Just in this moment, begin your practice of self-love, please.

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