Thursday, April 1, 2021

Fool: One Who Is Deficient In Understanding

"Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me."
Anthony Weldon, 1651

Two business men walked out of their professional office.  There on the sidewalk was what appeared to be a homeless woman.  The first man stopped and placed a few bills upon her hand. "What are you doing? You think she'll go buy milk with that?" said the second man.  The giving man quietly replied,"What she does with that money is on her. My obligation is to offer opportunity."

A handicapped man was helped across the street by a stranger.  On the other side, someone whispered to the stranger, "He is not disabled you know!"  The person who assisted laughed saying, "Oh, I just do that to offer kindness out into the world.  I hope to set an example to pass it forward!"

Our intention is the key ... are we extending gifts to bring joy into our own existence or to create joy out into the world?  Perhaps, it is a bit of both, as we are so limited in impacting our chaotic world.  Giving a random dandelion might be a heartwarming gesture ... observing a smile spread across the unsuspecting face, followed by laughter, and freedom to feel like a child.  I am no fool, I understand my joy.


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