Monday, April 19, 2021

A Smidgen of Judith Corvin-Blackburn's, ACTIVATING YOUR 5D FREQUENCY

"People are coming together in a very
positive and powerful way."
Judith Corvin-Blackburn

ACTIVATING YOUR 5D FREQUENCY by Judith Corvin-Blackborn helps us to understand what is happening to our world, lives, and present existence.  She discusses how fear keeps our vibrations or energy low.  When we are weakened by this loss, we become more negative and can be activated in a fearful negative way.

When we are negatively impacted by politics, media, and collective energy, we become less motivated and judgmental.  Fear thrives on lack of confidence, so we must discern the difference between  reality and false projections. If we choose to move forward with kind action, we gather in unity.

In her impactful book, Dr.Corvin-Blackburn advises us to "keep reconnecting to our essence and calming our ego."  When we can be aligned, our frequency and vibrations lift suppressing fears to enable us to continue moving forward.

***ACTIVATING YOUR 5D FREQUENCY by Judith Corvin-Blackburn helps us to understand the process during this period of shifting and ascension.  The reader relates easily to the depth of information and the uplifting support of this valuable book. I have only referred to a 'smidgen' of this author's teachings.  


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